Disputas - Stein Farstadvoll

Master i arkeologi, Stein Farstadvoll, disputerer for ph.d.-graden i humaniora og samfunnsvitskap, fagområde arkeologi, og vil offentlig forsvare avhandlingen:

"A speculative archaeology of excess: Exploring the afterlife of a derelict landscape garden"

Prøveforelesinga startar kl. 10:15 same dag og på same stad. 


Kort samandrag av avhandlinga: 

This thesis studies the afterlife of Retiro, a derelict 19th-century garden located in the town of Molde. It explores the implications of seeing Retiro in its current ruinous and overgrown state, as heritage. This means extending heritage to things that would usually be omitted from conventional understandings, such as modern garbage and the non-native plants found there today. Data was gathered from repeated on-site surveys, during different seasons, and included such methods as photography and on-site description, seeking to highlight the unique aspects that emerge when things are left to their own devices. The concluding claim is made, that approaches like the one developed through this research can contribute to an environmentally concerned contemporary archaeology. That is, one that acknowledges how heritage is partly constituted by non-humans, like for example plants, fungi, and plastic, and which is concerned with how material heritage is inherited by both humans and non-humans.



Bjørnar J. Olsen (hovudrettleiar), UiT Noregs arktiske universitet

Þóra Pétursdóttir (birettleiar), UiT Noregs arktiske universitet



Professor PhD Vesa-Pekka Herva, University of Oulu (førsteopponent)

Associate Professor PhD Christina Fredengren, Stockholm University (andreopponent)

Førsteamanuensis Asgeir Svestad, UiT Noregs arktiske universitet (leiar av komiteen)



Professor Hans Peter Blankholm, Institutt for arkeologi, historie, religionsvitskap og teologi, Fakultet for humaniora, samfunnsvitskap og lærarutdanning, UiT Noregs arktiske universitet. 

Når: 14.06.19 kl 12.15–15.30
Hvor: Auditorium SVHUM B1005
Sted: Tromsø
Målgruppe: Ansatte, Studenter, Gjester / eksterne, Inviterte
Kontakt: Marie Berger Nicolaysen
E-post: marie.n.berger@uit.no
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