ARC Day - Arctic Centre for Sustainable Energy and Greenhouse Gas Management

UiT The Arctic University of Norway has established the Arctic Centre for Sustainable Energy (ARC). This is an interdisciplinary centre focusing on Arctic challenges and conditions within renewable energy and greenhouse gas management. The centre combines expertise in physics, humanities, chemistry, social sciences, applied mathematics, marine biology, computer science and electrical engineering.

On the ARC day, the center will be presented by lectures, posters and debates.

Please sign up for free lunch and name tag on the right side: Registration - Lunch!


09:45    Registration, coffee, mingling and putting up posters

10:15    Inauguration of ARC, Anne Husebekk, Rector of UiT
             Opening words by Tobias Boström, Director of ARC until 2019
             Opening words by Matteo Chiesa, Director of ARC from 2019

10:45     Invited Lectures
              Energy Transition Outlook 2018
              Bjørn Kj. Haugland, Executive Vice President & Chief Sustainability Officer, DNV GL Group
              Carbon Capture and Utilization (CCU) for a Sustainable Future,
              Richard H. Heyn, Senior Research Scientist, SINTEF Industry
              Norwegian Renewable Energy Development and Management,
              Birger Bergesen, Head of section, energy effieciency, renewable energy and energy technologies, NVE

12:00    Posters with lunch

13:15     Key presentations of ARC:
              Renewable energy generation in Arctic, Yngve Birkelund, Dep. of Engineering and Safety
              Ethical and social science perspectives, Berit Kristoffersen, Dep. of Social Science
              Distributed production and consumption, Bjarte Hoff, Dep. of Electrical Engineering
              Bioenergy and greenhouse gas management, Hans C. Bernstein, The Norwegian College of Fishery Science
              Recycling  of CO2 at Finnfjord smelteverk, Hans-Chr. Eilertsen, The Norwegian College of Fishery Science 

14.30     Coffee

14:45     Panel debate and discussion session

15:15     End

More information about ARC on web page.
Norsk sammendrag

Fornybar energi og håndtering av klimagasser

UiT Norges arktiske universitet har etablert et tverrfaglig senter for Fornybar energi og håndtering av klimagasser. Kunnskap fra samfunnsfag, naturvitenskap og teknologi skal bidra til en grønn omstilling i samfunnet, lokalt og globalt. Sentret kombinere ekspertise innenfor fysikk, humaniora, kjemi, samfunnsfag, anvendt matematikk, marinebiologi og elektroteknikk, og har prosjekter og problemstillinger knyttet til fornybar energi og håndtering av klimagasser.

På ARC dagen skal senterets markeres ved foredrag og debatter.

Når: 02.11.18 kl 09.45–16.00
Hvor: UiT-Tromsø, MH - Aud 6, og omraadet utenfor
Sted: Tromsø
Målgruppe: Ansatte, Gjester / eksterne
Kontakt: Inger Solheim
Telefon: +4777644465

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