Research fellow Lisa Torell will defend her project Potential of the Gap. The project has been produced within the frame of the Norwegian Artistic Research Programme (NARP) at Tromsø Academy of Contemporary Art and Creative Writing at UiT - The Arctic University of Norway between 2014-2018.
Photo: Johanna Gustafsson Fürst
In Potential of the Gap, Torell has worked performatively with method, place and audience. She has used the inherent structures of places, or its specific functions both as a material to be used and as a method together with the gap. To sharpen a now, in the present and to create a “new place”.
The gap ‘works’ when it occurs as a contrast to the other, it amplifies the movement as well as the relationship to one thing and the other. It exposes something and creates a space for something else. The project has taken place in, about and alongside the public and semi-public space in Venice, Norrköping, Stockholm, Småland, Istanbul, Gdansk and Tromsø.
The Norwegian Artistic Research Programme (NARP) funds artistic research projects for the creative and performing arts at Norwegian universities and university colleges. NARP is an arena for developing an interdisciplinary and national academic environment for the creative and performing arts research and it provides a unique opportunity for researcher training.