NT-faculty lunchseminar: "Geometry and Codes"

I forbindelse med universitetets 50-års jubileum vil NT-fak sine lunsjseminarer i 2018 ha litt historisk sus. Noen av våre forskere med lang fartstid vil i tillegg til å se fremover, gi oss et tilbakeblikk på eget fagfelt og arbeidshverdag de siste tiår. Denne gang er det matematiker og tidligere instituttleder ved IMS Trygve Johnsen som forteller. Seminaret foregår på engelsk.

On the occasion of the university’s 50th anniversary, the Faculty of Science and Technology’s 2018 lunch seminars will have a historical twist. Senior researchers at the faculty will discuss developments in their respective fields while considering the history of those disciplines over the past decades. This time, mathematician Trygve Johnsen will offer his perspectives.

There will be served free  pizza, mineralwater and coffee , please sign up for the event.

Lunch is served 11.15 and the talk starts at 11.30.



"Algebraic geometry is a traditional discipline within mathematics. Most of my activity over the the last 40 years has been connected to this field, but at various locations and associated to different applications. The most important applications are the attempts to find a common explanation (string theory, with mirror symmetry)  of all forces in nature: The gravitational,   electromagnetic, and the strong and weak interactions.  Another application has been to find smart set-ups for how to encode and send messages (TV-images, sattellite photos aso) such that the receiver can obtain an absolutely correct picture, even if some errors have been made during transmission (to build a receiver "machine" that is so smart that it both can understand what/when errors have been made, and what the original message actually was). I will talk about this research activity, and in general about my experience within work life at UiT and other places."

Når: 22.03.18 kl 11.15–12.00
Hvor: Store Aud, Realfagbygget
Sted: Tromsø
Målgruppe: alle
Ansvarlig: Vibeke Os

Frist: 21.03.2018
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