Take control of your PhD journey: EndNote advanced

When references keep piling up, it is useful to have a system that handles large amounts of references and makes it easy to use them and share them with co-writers.

This seminar introduces reference management and how reference management tools can be used in the various phases of the research process. The seminar will go in more detail into EndNote and focus on more advanced functions of the software, such as sharing, organizing and publishing references.

This seminar is a freestanding part of the seminar series Take control of your PhD journey: From (p)reflection to publishing.

(photo: Colourbox)

Når: 11.10.17 kl 13.15–16.00
Hvor: TEO-H3 3.416
Sted: Tromsø
Målgruppe: alle
Ansvarlig: Helene N. Andreassen
Telefon: 776 45 735
E-post: helene.n.andreassen@uit.no

Frist: 10.10.2017
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