here (in Norwegian only)." /> here (in Norwegian only)." />

Searching and citing research data

In their meeting on March 9 2017, the University Board at UiT adopted Principles and guidelines for research data management at UiT, effective as of September 1 the same year. The purpose of these is to "clarify responsibility and provide guidance on how the institution and its employees shall manage, share and archive research data in line with the institution's administrative, financial, and ethical guidelines." Read more about the policy here (in Norwegian only).


Research data gradually receives increased focus, and making our data openly available becomes more and more common. This yields new possibilities for building upon existing research. However, this may also be a challenge if you do not know how to search relevant data. Similar to performing a thorough literature search at different stages of a research project, you should also explore existing research data. This way, you avoid collecting and processing the same data multiple times. At the same time, you examine the need for new data, and whether there are norms and standards that are common when it comes to structure, labelling and documentation (metadata).

In this course, you learn how to search data and find them in different archives. You also learn how to cite data when using them in your own publications.

The University Library offers a variety of courses on research data this fall. For a complete overview, go here.

Når: 09.11.17 kl 09.15–10.00
Hvor: TEO-H3 3.416 (Psychology and Law Library)
Sted: Tromsø
Målgruppe: alle
Ansvarlig: Helene N. Andreassen
Telefon: 776 45 735

Frist: 08.11.2017
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