In their meeting on March 9 2017, the University Board at UiT adopted Principles and guidelines for research data management at UiT, effective as of September 1 the same year. The purpose of these is to "clarify responsibility and provide guidance on how the institution and its employees shall manage, share and archive research data in line with the institution's administrative, financial, and ethical guidelines." Read more about the policy here (in Norwegian only).
In this course, you get an introduction to what open research data are, how to structure, document and preserve the data during a research project, and finally, how to archive and share them using UiT Open Research Data,
UiT Open Research Data is part of a global network for open research data, with metadata templates based on international standards. The service provides extensive online visibility, and facilitates proper citation and attribution by assigning a full reference with a persistent identifier (DOI) to each archived dataset.
For more information on UiT Open Research Data, see
The University Library offers a variety of courses on research data this fall. For a complete overview, go here.