CIRFA Annual Conference 2016

Welcome to the registration page for the first CIRFA Annual Conference, 13-14 September 2016.


The CIRFA Annual Conference will serve as an important arena for CIRFA’s partners to exchange ideas. The primary focus of the conference will be to present ongoing activities and early results in the field of integrated remote sensing and forecasting for Arctic operations and the program will cover a variety of key topics such as:

  • Research profile
  • Innovation stragegy
  • CIRFA field plan
  • Communication strategy

Click here to go back to CIRFA home page for more details about the event. 

Please click on the green button "Register here" on this page to participate.

NB! Hotel rooms can no longer be guaranteed. Please contact us,, to check availability if you require one.


Photo courtesy of Sommarøy Arctic Hotel

Starter: 13.09.16 kl 00.00
Slutter: 14.09.16 kl 00.00
Hvor: Sommarøy Arctic Hotel
Sted: Tromsø
Målgruppe: Inviterte
Lenke: Klikk her
Telefon: +47 776 44673

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