Gjesteforelesninger ved Mark Sandberg, UC Berkeley, 6. og 7. juni

Professor Mark Sandberg, Department of Scandinavian og Department of Film and Media, UC Berkeley, gjesteforeleser ved HSL-fakultetet mandag 6. og tirsdag 7. juni om sjangerbevissthet i Ibsen-parodier (mandag 6. juni) og om traumatisk tid i amerikanske TV-serier (tirsdag 7. juni). Han er invitert av forskningsgruppen The Hamsun/Ibsen Network. Forelesningene er åpne for alle.

Mandag 6. juni 10.15-12.00, auditorium E 0101: Genre Consciousness in Ibsen Parodies


This lecture discusses the way print and performance parodies of Ibsen’s contemporary dramas composed in his lifetime in Scandinavia and Germany register the cultural mediation of his various generic innovations. When focusing on the use of the subtitle in Ibsen’s published titles and their parodies, the  nature of Ibsen’s provocation becomes more apparent: a dismantling of a prescriptive generic classification system and a transition into more modernist models of writing, reading, and viewing.



Tirsdag 7. juni 10.15-12.00, auditorium E 0101: Spoiled!  Traumatic Time Structures in Recent American Serial Television


This lecture examines the relationship between narrative “spoilers” and the traumatic news of the real world, especially the social media environment of post-9/11 America. In period serial dramas like Mad Men, which have flourished as a genre since 2007, viewers are given a carefully measured “knowledge drama” in which traumatic information and timekeeping are tightly connected and managed for narrative pleasure. Period dramas enact the condition of not-knowing in a repetitive, serial manner that allows viewers to ask a basic question that has become infinitely more problematic in post-9/11 America: “Is it better to know, or not to know?”






Starter: 06.06.16 kl 10.15
Slutter: 07.06.16 kl 12.00
Hvor: HSL-fakultetet aud E 0101
Sted: Tromsø
Målgruppe: alle
Ansvarlig: Lisbeth Pettersen Wærp
Telefon: 77646445
E-post: lisbeth.waerp@uit.no
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