European Commissioner Karmenu Vella on blue growth: Towards better ocean governance

The seas are a new frontier. They can deliver food. They can deliver medicine. They can deliver energy. They are the destination of choice for our holidays. But there is also the “invisible side” of our oceans’ wealth: Our oceans regulate the climate. If our oceans are not healthy, our economy will be sick.

Karmenu vella
Karmenu Vella

The words belong to Karmenu Vella, European Commissioner for the Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries. Accompanied by the Norwegian Minister of Fisheries, Elisabeth Aspaker, he will discuss the issues of international ocean governance and the role of marine science in an open lecture at The Norwegian College of Fishery Science at UiT.

We welcome everybody with an interest in ocean governance, fisheries, the climate and blue growth.



  • Welcome address by Prof. Anne Husebekk, Rector at UIT

  • Towards better ocean governance
    Karmenu Vella, European Commissioner for the Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries
  • General discussion led by Prof. Michaela Aschan, Vice Dean at the Faculty of Biosciences, Fisheries and Economics.


The European Commission has launched an international public consultation on ocean governance. The consultation document is available here.

Når: 17.09.15 kl 14.00–14.45
Hvor: NFH, Store auditorium
Sted: Tromsø
Målgruppe: Studenter, Ansatte, Gjester / eksterne
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