Bordering on Infinity: Islands, Trains, and the Geopoetics of Space

Dr. Johannes Riquet from the University of Zurich will give a talk on his most recent research that revolves around (post-)phenomenological conceptions of space and, most importantly, spatial borders.

Riquet will discuss two spatial figures that have had a profound impact on modern views of space: the island and the train. Overall, his reflections will be guided by an awareness of what Derridean ecophilosopher Timothy Morton calls the “irreducible hidden dimension” of the environment, and what cultural geographer John Wylie refers to as the constitutive absences and distances structuring our experience of space.

Please access the attached pdf-file for a more detailed abstract.

The guest lecture has been arranged by the Border Culture research group (HSL).

Når: 08.04.15 kl 13.15–15.00
Hvor: UiT Tromsø E-2004
Sted: Tromsø
Målgruppe: Ansatte
Ansvarlig: Holger Pötzsch
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