Helsefaglig pedagogisk seminar, Tema: "Refleksjon på lærerrolle og utdanningsledelse"

Refleksjon er kjent som et effektivt virkemiddel i all læring og utvikling. For å fokusere ytterligere på refleksjon som virkemiddel har vi vært så heldig å få Professor Tony Ghaye som er verdensledende på området til å holde et halvdagsseminar for ansatte på Helsefak. Seminaret vil hovedsakelig fokusere på rollen som underviser og utdanningsleder, men det vil også passe for alle som er opptatt av å gjøre sitt beste. Tema for seminaret: Being the best you can be: Using Strengths, Positivity and Reflective Leadership

Professor (dr.) Tony Ghaye is regarded as the global leader in supporting individuals, teams, organizations and communities to learn from their experience and to turn this learning into better future action. He is a social entrepreneur, organisational strategist and positive psychologist who blends innovatory practices and policies with improvement processes. He has worked to improve the quality of individual, family and community action in many culturally diverse contexts across Europe (eg. Turkey, Bulgaria, Italy, Sweden, Spain) India and East Africa (eg. Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Tunisia). He was a Member of Norforsk, Tromso and has been an international guest professor, Luleå Tekniska Universitet, Sweden for many years. In a highly successful career spanning 30 years, he has built an international reputation as a world leader in improving lives and livelihoods and promoting human flourishing through strength-based reflection and action. He has worked in 8 universities in Europe, Hong Kong and Australia and has spent 40% of his working life in East Africa or India. He has experience of working ‘hands-on’ with a range of beneficiaries and stakeholders including Government Ministers, policy analysts, CEO’s, community leaders, parents, youths and children. He has published 24 academic text books, 128 research and development papers for various audiences. He has visited the University of Tromsø, several times for seminars and lectures working with Professor Tom Tiller, Dr. Odd Arne Thunberg and colleagues.


Seminaret vil holdes på Engelsk – ikke gå glipp av muligheten- meld deg på NÅ!

 The seminar will be in English - make sure you sign up today!


Hilsen HelPed v/ leder Anita Iversen

Når: 18.03.15 kl 12.15–16.00
Hvor: Helsefak MH: plan 6, Auditorium 2
Sted: Tromsø
Målgruppe: alle
Ansvarlig: Anita Iversen

Frist: 13.03.2015
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