How can technology improve teaching and learning?

The Faculty of Humanities, Social Sciences, and Education (HSL) in cooperation with The Department of Philosophy and TODOS wish you an inspiring seminar!

“Designing educational experiences around technology is a foolish chase. Technology changes very rapidly and human beings change very slowly”, says Prof. Gary Poole in his book called Effective Teaching with Technology in Higher Education. Therefore, his approach on the subject lays on the processes of teaching and learning in higher education using “technology as a tool, as a means to an end and not as an end in itself”.


This seminar will review the advantages and limitations of a technology-based teaching and learning and discuss how to address some of the key issues when designing, developing and delivering courses. One of the main challenges of using technology on teaching is the restricted time that PhD Students, Instructors and Professors find when having to combine teaching and research. Possible solutions will be discussed during the seminar.


You are most welcome to participate. The seminar is free of charge and open for all. Please, register at our web page, so we can comfortably provide gathering for all participants.


* The Event is a cooperation among the HSL, IFF/PDJ, and TODOS.


9h – Arrival and Registration


9h15 – Event Opening

Cathrine Theodorsen, Pro-Dean of HSL, UiT


9h30 – Keynote Lecture: Designing, Developing, and Delivering a Technology-based Course (30 min for open debate)

Prof. Gary Poole, University of British Columbia


11h – Coffee Break


11h30 – How is UiT using technology to improve teaching and learning today?

Lecturer Kjell Øystein Netland, Department of Physics and Technology, UiT


12h – How is the research on teaching and learning with technology going at the UiT?  How  teachers can approach the use of technology in higher education - some examples.

Associate Prof. Trine Fossland, RESULT, UiT


12h30 – Teaching with Technology: The Challenge for PhD Candidates

PhD Candidate Sandra Ronai, member of the TODOS board, UiT


13h – Acknowledgments and Final Remarks

Cathrine Theodorsen, Pro-Dean of the HSL, UiT


*13h – Lunch for all speakers at the main Cantina


*14h-15h – Advisory section for Head of Departments and Group leaders

Prof. Gary Poole, University of British Columbia


Når: 28.08.14 kl 09.00–13.00
Hvor: TEO-H1 1.343
Sted: Tromsø
Målgruppe: alle
Ansvarlig: Melina Duarte

Frist: 23.08.2014
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