UngKven - NuoriKvääni: forskning om og med barn og unge med kvensk/norskfinsk bakgrunn

UngKven - NuoriKvääni: research about and with children and young people with a Kven/Norwegian-Finnish background

UngKven - NuoriKväani started in autumn 2020. The main aim of the project is to build up a knowledge base and research collaboration for research and applications for research funding for research about and with children and young people with a Kven/Norwegian-Finnish background.

UngKven - NuoriKvääni is to be an umbrella project that systematically initiates the inclusion of a focus on children and young people with a Kven/Norwegian-Finnish background in relevant projects. Norwegian Kveners' Association - Ruijan kvääniliitto and their youth organization Kvääninuoret - Kvenungdommen are among the project's central partners.

In the period 2020-2022, UngKven - NuoriKvääni carried out the pilot project UngKven - NuoriKvääni: A pilot study of knowledge needs, research priorities and recruitment for research that includes children and young people with a Kven/Norwegian-Finnish background. A report and two scientific articles based on the project are in progress.

In 2022, in collaboration with the organization Mental Health Youth and a number of partners in Kven organisations/institutions and municipalities with residents of Kven/Norwegian-Finnish background, an application has been made for research funds from Stiftelsen Dam for the post-doc project KASUTA: "Growing up".

The project "Improving mental health services with and for indigenous and ethnic minority youth (InvolveMENT) is a collaborative project led by the University of Stavanger where UngKven's project manager Anita Salamonsen as Professor II at UiS will particularly work with research on and with national minorities, including young people with Kven/Norwegian-Finnish background. The project was granted 4-year support from the Research Council in June 2022, and will start on 1 September 2023.

Ansvarlig for siden: Salamonsen, Anita
Sist oppdatert: 12.01.2024 09:19