
By the end of 2017, the project has organized two practical-scientific events. The first one, The Discipline of Societal Security in the Making - A Nordic-Russian Conference, gathering around 50 participants, was organized in Saint Petersburg State University (SPbSU), Faculty of International Relations, on 28 April 2017, preceded by Nordic guest lectures for the students of the university. The conference established the basic knowledge about the status of research and education in Societal Security in each country. The outcome was an identification of the common interests in terms of potential joint projects and programmes in research and education.

     Agenda (28 April 2017)

The second event was UiT Societal Security Workshop, gathering together around 25 participants, and it was organized at the Arctic University of Norway (UiT), Faculty of Science and Technology, on 23-24 November 2017 in Tromsø. This workshop was divided into two parts. The first day was a more general and introductory one, based on guest speakers and including a wider audience. The second day was dedicated to the project partners' papers, with the aim to receive feedback and further clarify what kind of research is done in the Nordic-North West Russian area in the field of Societal Security.  These well-prepared academic papers will be published in peer review journals in 2018.

     Agenda (23 November 2017)

     Agenda (24 November 2017)


Ansvarlig for siden: Pursiainen, Christer Henrik
Sist oppdatert: 22.01.2024 14:29