Focal Point North: Network, indigenous institutions and knowledge production.

“Indigenous peoples, extractive industries and policies. Encounters and resources in the North”

Centre for Sami-Studies are inviting to open seminar as part of the project Focal Point North.

Date and time: Friday 7 February 2014, 09.00 – 16.00
Venue: UiT The Arctic University of Tromsø, Teorifagbygget, room TEO 4.213



Welcome and opening - Professor Hans-Kristian Hernes, Project leader Focal Point North

09.15 - 11.00

Encounters based on using resources (reindeer, forest and fisheries)

- Sami reindeer husbandry and state regulations: The Lapp Codicil, border closures and forced relocations in Sweden. Adjunct professor Patrik Lantto, Centre for Sami Studies UiT and Umeå University

- Forest Sami - in between agriculture and mountain Sami? Researcher Sven-Donald Hedman, Centre for Sami Studies UiT

- Coffee break

- Culturally modified trees (CMTs) – reflecting forest use in the Pite area. Associate professor Jostein Lorås, Nesna University College

11.00 - 12.00


12.00 - 13.00

Encounters based on using resources (reindeer, forest and fisheries) (continued)

- The Sea Sami of Nordland in the commercial fisheries before 1800. Professor Alf Ragnar Nielssen, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Nordland

12.30 - 14.00

Encounters based on protecting resources

- Indigenous Rights and Resource Extraction: The Case of Mining in Sápmi. Research fellow Rebecca Lawrence, Stockholm University

- Sami space for agency in the management of the Laponia World Heritage site. Doctoral candidate Elsa Reimerson, Umeå University

- Intervention in reindeer management areas – key challenges for the reindeer herding industry. Senior advisor Anders Johansen Eira, Protect Sapmi

- Coffee and fruit

14.30 - 15.30


Ansvarlig for siden: Broderstad, Else Grete
Sist oppdatert: 22.11.2021 14:18