Discussion and Newsletters
EISCAT organizes international EISCAT_3D user meetings where specialized users and scientists from other fields discuss the use of the new radar. EISCAT also organizes an annual radar school where students and researchers from other fields are trained on aspects of the radar technology that are helpful to make best use of EISCAT observations. Using EISCAT observations and atmospheric radar studies is included in space physics courses held at UiB, UiO, NTNU, UiT and UNIS. Exchange on a national level takes place during meetings in Norway, like the FRISK meeting on rocket observations and related research and the “Fysikermøtet” of Norwegian physicists in academia, industry, schools and research.
There are EISCAT 3D User Meetings occuring more frequently due to the approaching start of operations. A Slack community has also been organized for discussions between meetings regarding EISCAT 3D.
Information about EISCAT and the EISCAT 3D User Meetings is distributed via the mailing list moderated by EISCAT. To subscribe, email listmaster@eiscat.se. A Slack account is also organized for EISCAT 3D Discussions. To receive an invitation for the Slack channels, email channelmaster@eiscat.se.
Recent EISCAT_3D Norway Meeting Minutes
EISCAT_3D Norway Meeting Minutes - November 25, 2024
EISCAT_3D Norway Meeting Pt. 2 Minutes - November 23, 2023
EISCAT_3D Norway Meeting Minutes - November 10, 2023
EISCAT_3D Software Discussion - December 7, 2022
EISCAT_3D Norway Meeting Minutes - November 22, 2022
EISCAT_3D Norway Meeting Minutes - May 10, 2022
EISCAT_3D Norway Meeting Minutes - December 6, 2021