Globalizing Minority Rights
GMR was organized under the Pluralism, Democracy, and Justice research group at the Department of Philosophy, UiT The Arctic University of Norway, and led by Prof. Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen and Associate Prof. Annamari Vitikainen.
GMR was funded by The Research Council of Norway (NFR 259017), SAMKUL Program.
The project was divided into six working packages. For more information, click here.
For more information about the GMR project, please contact the project leaders.

Globalizing Minority Rights concluding event!
Thanks everyone for the last 4,5 years for interesting and inspiring discussions on minority rights in global context.

Photo from the GMR concluding event 9th June 2021
GMR project extension until June 2021
Norwegian Research Council has granted GMR extension until 30th June 2021. Depending on current Covid developments, most activities will be online or in hybrid formats of online and in person attendance.

New podcasts from the Indigenous Land Rights and Reconciliation conference available
For more information, click here.
GMR and SAP invite you for:
Enduring Injustices and Truth and Reconciliation Comissions for Indigenous Peoples
21.10. Venue: Krognessveien 33 (Musikkonservatoriet) A.1.002
22.10. Venue: Nedre lysthus (Centre for Peace Studies) 06
Call for Papers:
Global Structural Injustice and Minority Rights
Deadline Extended: August 1, 2019
Date: Friday, March 13 – Saturday, March 14, 2020
Location: Northeastern University, Boston, MA, USA
Keynote Speakers
Avigail Eisenberg, University of Victoria
Stephen Gardiner, University of Washington
Catherine Lu, McGill University
PDJ/GMR Workshop 01/2019
The biannual PDJ/GMR workshop will be held Wed 3rd – Thu 4th April at UiT/IFF (Innsikten).
The main themes this time around are “Populism and Democracy” (Wed), and “Immigration and Integration” (Thu).
All are welcome!
Call for Papers
Political theory of LGBTQ migrants and refugees
30 November 2018 - University of Ottawa
Submission deadline: 1 August 2018
For more information, click here
GMR reading group on the ethics of migration (Autumn 2017/Spring 2018)
On 14-15 June 2018, the GMR Research Project at the Department of Philosophy will be hosting a conference titled “Refugees and Minority Rights: Acceptable and Unacceptable Criteria for Accepting/Rejecting Refugees in a Non-ideal World.” In preparation for the conference, members of the GMR Reading Group will be meeting every other Thursday to discuss the works of the keynote speakers. Everyone is invited to join and participate in the discussions!
Call for Papers
Refugees and minority rights: Acceptable and unacceptable criteria for accepting/rejecting refugees in a non-ideal world
14-15 June 2018 - UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Campus Tromsø
Submission deadline: 15 January 2018
For more information, click here
Workshop: Democracy in Context: Contemporary Themes in Ethics and Political Philosophy
Dates: June 10-11 2017
Venue: Longyearbyen
Organized by the Civic Constellation Group, Environmental Research Group (UiT) and Globalising Minority Rights.
For more information click Here.
New Post Doc
We would like to welcome our new post doc Frank Abumere, who will be working on a project on “Minority Discrimination in the Global South and Relational and Non-relational Approaches to Global Justice”. He will be a member of the working group 4 (Minority Rights in the Developing World), as well as the WPs on conceptual, normative and implementation issues.
For more information click Here.
Forthcoming Publication:
Refugee Crisis: The Borders of Human Mobility.
Journal of Global Ethics Vol. 12, No 3.
Edited by Melina Duarte, Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen, Serena Parekh and Annamari Vitikainen.
Click here for more info.