Disputation and trial lecture - Minh Nhat Pham

Master in Environment, Energy and Society Minh Nhat Pham at the Norwegian College of Fishery Science will Friday, March 21, 2025, hold his trial lecture and defend his thesis for the PhD degree in Social Science.

10.15-11.00: Minh Nhat Pham will give his trial lecture with the title:

“Economic policy instruments for sustainable use and conservation of ecosystem services”


12.15-15.00: Minh Nhat Pham will defend his dissertation titled:

“Bioeconomic analysis of Norwegian reindeer husbandry in the face of crowberry encroachment” 


Vice dean for innovation and PhD education at BFE, Petter Gullmark, will lead the disputation.

Evaluation Committee:

  • Professor Martin Quaas, University of Leipzig, Germany (1. opponent) 
  • Head of Department, dr. Anne Borge Johannesen, NTNU (2. opponent) 
  • Associate professor Thuy Pham, NFH (internal member and leader of the committee) 


  • Claire Armstrong, NFH, main supervisor 
  • Kari Anne Bråthen, AMB, co-supervisor 
  • Maria Tuomi, AMB, co-supervisor 

Streaming site

Both the defense and the trial lecture will be streamed and recorded from Panopto:

Trial lecture



The thesis is available in Munin

Når: 21.03.25 kl 10.15–15.00
Hvor: Store auditorium, Norges fiskerihøgskole
Sted: Digitalt, Tromsø
Målgruppe: Ansatte, Studenter, Gjester / eksterne, Inviterte, Enhet
Kontakt: Lisbeth Stina Nordøy
Telefon: 77644586
E-post: Lisbeth.Nordoy@uit.no
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