Shut up and write (environmental humanities)

Illustrasjons-/bannerbilde for Shut up and write (environmental humanities)

Stuck with writing? Working with or interested in the environmental humanities? Join our shut up and write session!

The environmental humanities research group is organizing a ‘shut up and write’ session, providing a caring space and community for focused writing. This is a really great way to actually get things done plus getting to know people working in the environmental humanities in Tromsø. All are welcome, no matter how much you have engaged within the environmental humanities already or on what stage of your career you are, also if you come from outside UiT!

We will begin the day with a round of short presentations and intention setting (what you are going to work on today) before starting the writing sessions, which are each followed by short breaks. To have more time for conversations, we go to lunch together to Storkantina at 12:15 (lunch is not provided). 

Please sign up, that makes it easier to plan the session.

We are looking forward to getting some focused writing done together!


8:45-9:00 presentation round

9:00-09:50 focused writing (50min)

09:50-10:00 break (10min)

10:00-10:50 focused writing (50min)

10:50-11:00 break (10min)

11:00- 11:25 focused writing (25min)

11:25-11:30 break (5 min)

11:30-11:55 focused writing (25min)

11:55-12:15 reflection round

12:15-13h lunch (Storkantina)

Når: 28.01.25 kl 08.45–12.15
Hvor: N119 Breiviklia
Sted: Tromsø
Målgruppe: Ansatte, Studenter, Gjester / eksterne, Inviterte
Kontakt: Lena Gudd
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