Peace and Art - guest lecture by Cindy Horst, PRIO

Cindy Horst

Monday 20th of January, 14:30

U06, CPS  Nedre Lysthus/Lower Pavilion

How does art relate to war and peace? How do we make sense of the role of art in the continuation of armed violence and the transformation of social conflicts? And what co-learning approaches exist at the boundaries between creative practice and academic research? The seminar intends to address those questions by discussing research approaches explored for research on the role of creative inspiration in times of war. 

 Cindy Horst is Research Professor in Migration and Refugee Studies and co-director of the PRIO Centre on Culture, Conflict and Co-existence.

Her current research focuses on how individuals, including artists and academics, can challenge the status quo and effect societal change in (post-)conflict settings. In her research on (transnational) civic engagement, she researches civic support for social justice, humanitarianism and development, including diaspora engagement with regions of origin and the transnational activities of refugees. Cindy is especially interested in innovative research methodologies that foster a critical and ethically conscious engagement with the theme of study, through shared anthropology, arts-based methods and multi-sited ethnography.

Facebook invitation: here

Når: 20.01.25 kl 14.30–15.30
Hvor: CPS/Nedre Lysthus(U06) UiT
Sted: Tromsø
Målgruppe: Ansatte, Studenter, Gjester / eksterne
Kontakt: Ana Luisa Sanchez Laws
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