Game workshop "The Research Game"

Will your scientific research succeed despite the obstacles and injustices of academic life?

This game workshop is organized as part of the Munin Conference on Scholarly Publishing. Registration for the conference is closed, but it is now possible to register for this workshop specifically.

The workshop will take place in Teorifagbygget House 1. For the room, check the conference programme.

Workshop facilitators: Sabina Leonelli (Technical University of Munich) and Stefano Rimini (Pianeta)

This game needs 3–6 players (preferably over 12 years old) plus a narrator/mediator. The purpose of the game is to explore in a fun way the dynamics of academic research, including the asymmetries and injustices that permeate the way knowledge is produced around the world. The duration of the game is 15–45 minutes, depending on the players.

The Research Game was developed in 2023–2024 by PHIL_OS team in collaboration with Leonardo Durinx and with financial support from the European Research Council. More information about the game can be found at

Når: 27.11.24 kl 12.30–14.10
Hvor: Teorifagbygget house 1
Sted: Tromsø
Målgruppe: Ansatte, Studenter
Kontakt: Cornel Borit

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