Game workshop "What about Open Science?"

This is a 90-minute interactive workshop session presenting the game that is designed to create discussion around common open science concepts and ideas that everyone should understand but do not always fully grasp.

This workshop is organized as part of the Munin Conference on Scholarly Publishing. Registration for the conference is closed, but it is now possible to register for this workshop specifically.

The workshop will take place in Teorifagbygget House 1. For the room, check the conference programme.

Workshop facilitators: Aisling Coyne (Technological University Dubling) and Sarah Coombs (Saxion University of Applied Sciences)

This is a 90-minute interactive workshop session presenting the game we have been developing with our UKSG Innovation Award – "Open Science Wheel of Prosperity". This is a competitive Open Educational Resource ‘game’ designed to create discussion around common open science concepts and ideas that everyone should understand but do not always fully grasp. This workshop is suitable for all audiences with, or without previous understanding of open science. Through this game participants will be introduced to the key concepts for discussion of open science, what that means for them and their institution, and what concrete steps they can take to make a difference going forward as part of the open science movement. The aim of our workshop is not only to play the game to enhance knowledge but to facilitate playing it in institutions everywhere with implicit advocacy for Open Science built in. Participants do not need to prepare for this workshop in advance.

Når: 28.11.24 kl 10.20–12.00
Hvor: Teorifagbygget House 1
Sted: Tromsø
Målgruppe: Ansatte, Studenter
Kontakt: Cornel Borit

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