Ny PhD på det juridiske fakultet!

Vi gratulerer Lena Schøning, som 27. august forsvarte sin doktorgradsavhandling

Fra venstre: professor Ingvild Ulrikke Jakobsen som har vært en av Schønings veiledere, Lena Schøning og dekan Lena Bendiksen.
Fra venstre: professor Ingvild Ulrikke Jakobsen som har vært en av Schønings veiledere, Lena Schøning og dekan Lena Bendiksen. Foto: UiT
Portrettbilde av Sollid, Sondre
Sollid, Sondre sondre.sollid@uit.no Studentansatt
Publisert: 27.08.21 15:31 Oppdatert: 03.09.21 15:51
Bærekraft Hav Lov og rett

Schønings achandling hadde tittelen «A Critical Assessment of the Contribution of Integrated Ocean Management to Protection of the Marine Environment». Les et kort sammendrag av avhandlingen under (på engelsk). 

"This dissertation asks how integrated ocean management contributes to protection of the marine environment. This is analyzed through three papers that discuss three cross-cutting themes: (1) Abstract and practical variants of integrated ocean management; (2) How to approach protection of the marine environment; (3) How to assess the contribution of integrated ocean management to protection of the marine environment. The dissertation concludes that the potential of (integrated) ocean management to contribute to protection of the marine environment is limited. Integrated ocean management primarily contributes to more restricted environmental objectives. The conclusion entails that preceding a claim that ocean management or governance contributes to protection of the marine environment should be an experimental explanation, perhaps resulting from a problem analysis, of how the ocean management mandate, instrument, or concept possibly responds to the environmental problems and approaches that protecting the marine environment demands."


Kortnytt fra Det juridiske fakultet
Sollid, Sondre sondre.sollid@uit.no Studentansatt
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