Areeg Samir Ahmed Elgazazz,
Håvard Johansen Dagenborg,
Nabil El Ioini
Misconfiguration of Cluster and IoT Systems Recovery: Extended Experiments
Areeg Samir Ahmed Elgazazz,
Håvard Johansen Dagenborg
Self-Healing Misconfiguration of Cloud-Based IoT Systems Using Markov Decision Processes
International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER) 2023
Areeg Samir Ahmed Elgazazz,
Håvard Dagenborg
A Self-Configuration Controller To Detect, Identify, and Recover Misconfiguration At IoT Edge Devices and Containerized Cluster System
Areeg Samir Ahmed Elgazazz,
Håvard D. Johansen
Technical Viewpoint of Challenges, Opportunities, and Future Directions of Policy Change and Information-Flow in Digital Healthcare Systems
International Academy, Research and Industry Association (IARIA) 2022
Areeg Samir Ahmed Elgazazz,
Håvard Johansen Dagenborg,
Dag Johansen
QMConn: A Self-Healing Controller for Microservices Using Q-Learning and Markov Decision Processes
Areeg Samir Ahmed Elgazazz,
Håvard Johansen Dagenborg
A Self-Configuration and Healing Controller To Analyze
Misconfigurations of Clusters and IoT Edge Devices
Areeg Samir Ahmed Elgazazz,
Håvard Johansen Dagenborg
Adaptive Controller to Identify Misconfigurations and Optimize the Performance of Kubernetes Clusters and IoT Edge Devices
Areeg Samir Ahmed Elgazazz,
Abdo Al-Wosabi,
Mohsin Khan,
Håvard Johansen Dagenborg
A Multi-pronged Self-adaptive Controller for Analyzing Misconfigurations for Kubernetes Clusters and IoT Edge Devices
Areeg Samir Ahmed Elgazazz,
Håvard Johansen Dagenborg
Managing Healthcare Information Flow Within Multi-Cluster System in Distributed Environment: Challenges, Opportunities and Future Directions
International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER) 2022
Håvard D. Johansen,
Dag Johansen,
Areeg Samir Ahmed Elgazazz,
Thomas Bye Nilsen,
Aakash Sharma
Datainnsamling med personvern og datasikkerhet