Norwegian Language Courses for international students and employees at UiT, Level A1, A2 and B1

These courses are for employees and international students at UiT - The Arctic University of Norway.

Registration deadline: Friday, January 24, 2025.

Placement test: Monday, January 27. 06.00pm-07.30pm, room E-0101 (HSL faculty). (not for beginners at Level A1).

Please read the information below before registering!

Every semester, we offer courses at Level A1 (Introductory Level, first part), Level A2 (Introductory Level, second part), and Level B1 (Intermediate Level).

Level A1: This course is for students who have no prior knowledge of Norwegian. The time commitment is 48 hours (4 hours weekly). The instructional material is chapter 1-6 of Additional material will be provided by your teacher.

Level A2: This course is for students who have some prior knowledge of Norwegian. The time commitment is 48 hours (4 hours weekly). The instructional material is chapter 7-10 of Additional material will be provided by your teacher.

Level B1: This course is for students at Intermediate Level and covers the book Ellingsen & McDonald: STEIN PÅ STEIN. The time commitment is 48 hours each semester (4 hours weekly). 

New: The B1 course now stretches over two semesters:

B1A (first part of B1 - 48 hours) and

B1B (second part of B1 - 48 hours). B1B were offered first time autumn 2023.

Level A1, A2 and B1 are exclusively for employees and registered international students at UiT Campus Tromsø. The courses are not offered to family members of students and empolyees.

Everyone who wants to take part in the courses at Level A2 or B1 must take the placement test before you can attend the course. Your level will be decided based on this test.


For registration, please click on the link on the information pane on the right and fill in the registration form.

Registration deadline: Friday, January 24, 2025.

Placement test: Monday, January 27, 6:00pm – 7:30pm, room E-0101 (HSL faculty).

If you register for Level A1, you should not take the placement test. 


As a student or employee at UiT, you are granted a place at the courses one semester at each level. If there are available seats at the courses, you might still be given a chance to do the same level over again, but you will not be given priority if:

You have been registered at the same level before. This also applies if you without further notice never showed for the course or dropped out. You registered after the deadline. You are a native speaker of Swedish or Danish.

Note that students under the Quota Scheme and some other students on international master's degree programs may not be allowed to take Norwegian courses in their first semester of study.  Please contact the study administrator for your master's program to find out if this applies to you.

Information about your group: All information about your group will be sent to you by e-mail. Therefore, be sure to fill in a valid e-mail address in the registration form. You will be able to choose which group you want to be assigned before the courses start (please wait for additional information after the registration deadline).

Classes begin: 

A1:         Monday, February 10

A2:         Monday, February 10

B1:         Monday, February 10


A1:         NOR-0010 (will be updated after the registration deadline)

A2:         NOR-0011 (will be updated after the registration deadline)

B1A:       NOR-0020 (will be updated after the registration deadline)

B1B:       NOR-0021 (will be updated after the registration deadline)


Click here for information about other Norwegian Language courses at UiT, campus Tromsø.


Starter: 08.11.24 kl 15.00
Slutter: 24.01.25 kl 15.00
Hvor: Campus Tromsø
Sted: Tromsø
Målgruppe: Ansatte, Studenter, Enhet
Kontakt: Odd Egil Johnsen

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