Bilde av Sivertsen, Nina
Bilde av Sivertsen, Nina
Førsteamanuensis Samisk sykepleierutdanning i Kautokeino

Nina Sivertsen

  • Susan E. Smith, Nina Sivertsen, Lauren Lines, Anita De Bellis :
    Exploring social media influences on vaccine decision-making in parents: a netnography
    Therapeutic advances in vaccines and immunotherapy 2024 DOI
  • Lauren Elizabeth Lines, Tracy Alexis Kakyo, Helen McLaren, Megan Cooper, Nina Sivertsen, Alison Hutton m.fl.:
    Interprofessional Education in Child Protection for Preservice Health and Allied Health Professionals: A Scoping Review
    Trauma, Violence, & Abuse 2024 ARKIV / DOI
  • Lauren Elizabeth Lines, Tracy Alexis Kakyo, Helen McLaren, Megan Cooper, Nina Sivertsen, Alison Hutton m.fl.:
    Graduate qualities for preservice health and welfare professionals for collaborative prevention and early intervention for child maltreatment: A qualitative study
    Nurse Education in Practice 2024 ARKIV / DOI
  • Olivia Bellas, Monique A. Mulholland, Nina Sivertsen, Jessica Shipman :
    Staff perceptions of support for early menarche in Australian primary schools: a qualitative study
    Sex Education : Sexuality, Society and Learning 2023 ARKIV / FULLTEKST
  • Susan E. Smith, Nina Sivertsen, Lauren Elizabeth Lines, Anita De Bellis :
    Pushed to the Fringe – The Impact of Vaccine Hesitancy on Children and Families
    Comprehensive Child and Adolescent Nursing 2023 ARKIV / FULLTEKST / DOI
  • Susan E. Smith, Nina Sivertsen, Lauren Lines, Anita De Bellis :
    Netnography: A novel methodology for nursing research
    Journal of Advanced Nursing 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Nina Sivertsen :
    Shared Histories a World Apart – Norwegian Sápmi and Indigenous Australia: Colonization, policies, and consequences
    Uppsala universitet 2022 FULLTEKST
  • Nina Sivertsen, Yvonne Parry, Eileen Willis, Sally Kendall, Rhonda Marriott, Alicia Bell :
    Aboriginal children and family connections to primary health care whilst homeless and in high housing mobility: observations from a Nurse Practitioner-led service
    Primary Health Care Research and Development 2022 FULLTEKST / ARKIV
  • Nina Sivertsen, Berit Andersdatter Bongo, Grete Mehus, Janne Eirin Isaksen Engnes :
    Sámi language in Norwegian health care: ‘He speaks good enough Norwegian, I don’t see why he needs an interpreter’
    Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences 2022 ARKIV / FULLTEKST
  • Nina Sivertsen, Susan E. Smith, Lauren Elizabeth Lines, Anita De Bellis :
    Decision making in vaccine hesitant parents and pregnant women – An integrative review
    International Journal of Nursing Studies Advances (IJNS Advances) 2022 ARKIV / FULLTEKST
  • Susan E. Smith, Nina Sivertsen, Lauren Lines, Anita De Bellis :
    Weighing up the risks — Vaccine decision-making in pregnancy and parenting
    Women and Birth 2022 ARKIV / DOI
  • Nina Sivertsen, Janiene Deverix, Carolyn Gregoric, Julian Grant :
    A call for culture-centred care: exploring health workers' perspectives of positive care experiences and culturally responsive care provision to Aboriginal women and their infants in mainstream health in South Australia
    Health Research Policy and Systems 2022 ARKIV / DOI
  • Janne Isaksen Engnes, Nina Sivertsen, Berit Andersdatter Bongo, Grete Mehus :
    Sámi and Norwegian nurses’ perspectives on nursing care of Sámi patients: a focus group study on culturally safe nursing
    International Journal of Circumpolar Health 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • Nina Sivertsen, Wendy Abigail, Matthew Tieu, Maree Eastman, Christine McCloud, Wendy Thomson m.fl.:
    What women want: Women’s health in Rural and Regional Australia – Insights from an interprofessional research collaboration between academic researchers, nursing clinicians, and industry professionals
    Health and Social Care in the Community 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • Susan Timpani, Linda Sweet, Nina Sivertsen :
    A narrative inquiry of storytelling: a learning strategy for nursing students to reflect on their interactions with patients
    Reflective Practice 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • Nina Sivertsen, Julian Grant, Janiene Deverix, Alice Steeb :
    ‘It looks like a breadbox’: a pilot study investigating implementation of the Pepi-Pod® program with Aboriginal families in metropolitan South Australia
    Primary Health Care Research and Development 2021 ARKIV / FULLTEKST
  • Nina Sivertsen, Yvonne Parry, Matthew Ankers, Eileen Willis :
    Where is community during COVID-19? The experiences of families living in housing insecurity
    Health and Social Care in the Community 2021 FULLTEKST
  • Nina Sivertsen, Susan Timpani, Linda Sweet :
    Storytelling: One arts-based learning strategy to reflect on clinical placement. An integrative review
    Nurse Education in Practice 2021 FULLTEKST
  • Nina Sivertsen, Yvonne Parry :
    Social Inclusion and the Role of the Health Care System
    Springer 2021 DOI
  • Nina Sivertsen, Yvonne Parry :
    Social Inclusion and the Role of Nurses
    Springer 2021 DOI
  • Nina Sivertsen, Olga Anikeeva, Janiene Deverix, Julian Grant :
    Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander family access to continuity of health care services in the first 1000 days of life: a systematic review of the literature
    BMC Health Services Research 2020 FULLTEKST / ARKIV
  • Nina Sivertsen, Ann Harrington, Mohammad Hamiduzzaman :
    ‘Two-eyed seeing’: the integration of spiritual care in Aboriginal residential aged care in South Australia
    Journal of Religion, Spirituality and Aging 2020 FULLTEKST
  • Nina Sivertsen, Ann Harrington, Mohammad Hamiduzzaman :
    Exploring Aboriginal aged care residents’ cultural and spiritual needs in South Australia
    BMC Health Services Research 2019 ARKIV / FULLTEKST
  • Nina Sivertsen :
    Circumpolar Nursing:: Exploring Sámi Nurses' Experience of Culture in their Practice
    Lambert Academic Publishing 2010
  • Nina Sivertsen, Tahlia Johnson, Paul Cooper, David Copley, Tegan Putsey :
    Mental health, wellbeing, and support needs of nursing students – ‘Help! I’m overwhelmed, I need an extension’
    Australian Nursing and Midwifery Journal 2023 ARKIV / FULLTEKST
  • Nina Sivertsen, Tahlia Johnson, Courtney Ryder :
    First Nations people often take on the ‘cultural load’ in their workplaces. Employers need to ease this burden
    The Conversation 2023 ARKIV / FULLTEKST
  • Nina Sivertsen, Tahlia Johnson, Wilhelmine Lieberwirth, Anna Dowling, Sharon Watts, Julian Grant :
    Message Stick: Safe sleep education with Aboriginal families in SA – sharing knowledge in the community
    Australian Nursing and Midwifery Journal 2022 FULLTEKST
  • Nina Sivertsen, Susan E. Smith, Lauren Elizabeth Lines, Anita De Bellis :
    A discussion paper on how to communicate with vaccine hesitant parents: top 10 tips for effective communication
    Journal of Children and Young People's Health 2022 FULLTEKST
  • Nina Sivertsen, Yvonne Parry, Eileen Willis, Sally Kendall, Rhonda Marriott :
    Meeting the needs of marginalised children: An innovative Nurse Practitioner led health care model at Uniting Care Wesley Bowden
    Australian Nursing and Midwifery Journal 2020 FULLTEKST
  • Nina Sivertsen, Wendy Abigail :
    Improving women's health in regional areas is vital
    Australian Nursing and Midwifery Journal 2020 FULLTEKST
  • Nina Sivertsen :
    From the Arctic Circle to Outback Australia - An Indigenous Research Journey
    Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation - In Practice 2019 FULLTEKST
  • Nina Sivertsen, Ann Harrington, Mohammad Hamiduzzaman :
    Australian Nursing and Midwifery Journal 2018 FULLTEKST
  • Nina Sivertsen, Monica G. Lawrence, Dennis McDermott :
    Australian Nursing and Midwifery Journal 2017 FULLTEKST

  • De 50 siste resultatene fra Cristin vises på siden. Se alle arbeider i Cristin her →

    Publikasjoner utenom Cristin

    Peer Reviewed Journal Articles

    Sivertsen N, Parry Y, Willis E, Kendall S, Marriott R. (2022). Aboriginal children and family connections to primary health care whilst homeless and in high housing mobility: Observations from a Nurse Practitioner led service. Primary Health Care Research & Development. Special Edition. October. Manuscript number PHC-D-20-00105R2. Accepted – In press.

    Sivertsen, N., Johnson, T., Lieberwirth, W., Dowling, A., Watts, S. and Grant, J. (2022). Message Stick: Safe Sleep Education with Aboriginal families in SA – sharing knowledge in the community. Australian Nursing and Midwifery Journal. January-March Education Issue. Vol 27. No 6.

    Smith, S. E., Sivertsen, N., Lines, L., & De Bellis, A. (2022). Decision making in vaccine hesitant parents and pregnant women – An integrative review. International Journal of Nursing Studies Advances, 4, 100062. 

    Timpani S, Sweet L, Sivertsen N. (2022). A narrative inquiry of storytelling: a learning strategy for nursing students to reflect on their interactions with patients. Reflective Practice. Vol 24, 2022.

    Isaksen J, Sivertsen N, Mehus G, Bongo B. (2022). Sámi language in Norwegian healthcare: “He speaks good enough Norwegian, I don't see why he needs an interpreter”. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences. Vol. 26. Pp. 275-284. Article DOI: 10.1111/scs.12986

    Sivertsen N, Abigail W, Thieu M, Eastman M, McCloud C, Thomson W, Tonkin H. (2021). What women want: Women’s health in rural and regional Australia – Insights from an interprofessional research collaboration between academic researchers, nursing clinicians, and industry professionals. Health and Social Care in the Community.

    Parry Y, Ankers M, Sivertsen N, Willis E. (2021). Where is community during COVID-19? The experiences of families living in housing insecurity. Health and Social Care in the Community.

    Engnes, J. I., Sivertsen, N., Bongo, B. A., & Mehus, G. (2021). Sámi and Norwegian nurses’ perspectives on nursing care of Sámi patients: a focus group study on culturally safe nursing. International Journal of Circumpolar Health, 80(1), 1948246.

    Grant, J., Sivertsen, N., Deverix, J. & Steeb, A. (2021). “It looks like a breadbox”: a pilot study investigating implementation of the Pepi-Pod® program with Aboriginal families in metropolitan South Australia. Journal of Primary Health Care Research and Development. 22(e29): 1–8. doi: 10.1017/S1463423621000293

    Timpani, S., Sweet, L., & Sivertsen, N. (2021). Storytelling: One arts-based learning strategy to reflect on clinical placement. An integrative review. Nurse Education in Practice, 103005.

    Sivertsen, N, Anikeeva, O, Deverix, J, Grant, J. (2020). Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander family access to continuity of health care services in the first 1000 days of life: a systematic review of the literature. BMC Health Services Research 20, 829 (2020).

    Parry, YK., Willis, E., Kendall, S., Marriott, R., Sivertsen, N., and Bell, A., (2020) Addressing the gaps in health for children, Innovative Health Service delivery: Enhancing lifelong development and the health and wellbeing of marginalised children 0 to 18 years. Caring Futures Institute, Flinders University. ISBN: 978-1-925562-40-8

    Sivertsen, N., Harrington, A., & Hamiduzzaman, M. (2020). ‘Two-eyed seeing’: the integration of spiritual care in Aboriginal residential aged care in South Australia. Journal of Religion, Spirituality & Aging, 1-23. Online:

    Abigail, W., Sivertsen, N., McCloud, C., Eastman, M., & Tonkin, H. (2020). Nursing Issues: Improving women's health in regional areas is vital. Australian Nursing and Midwifery Journal, 26(10), 50-50.

    Parry, Y., Willis, E., Kendall, S., Marriott, R., Sivertsen, N., & Bell, A. (2020). Primary healthcare: Meeting the needs of marginalised children: An innovative nurse practitioner led health care model at uniting care Wesley Bowden. Australian Nursing and Midwifery Journal, 26(10), 48.

    Sivertsen N, Harrington A & Hamiduzzaman M. 2019. Exploring Aboriginal aged care residents’ cultural and spiritual needs in South Australia. BMC Health Services Research. 19(1),477.

    Purfarzad, Z., Bahrami, M., Keshvari, M., Rafiei, M. and Sivertsen, N. 2019. Effective factors for development of gerontological nursing competence in hospitals: A qualitative study. The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing. 50 (3) pp. 127-133.

    Bahrami, M, Purfarzad, M, Keshvari, M, Rafiei, M and Sivertsen, N 2018. Emotional competency: a core competency in gerontological nursing in Iran. International Journal of Older People Nursing, (accepted and finalised, awaiting journal indexing). OPN-2017-0981.R3

    Sivertsen, N., Harrington, A.C. and Hamiduzzaman, M. (2018). The importance of integrating cultural and spiritual care into Aboriginal aged care. Australian Nursing and Midwifery Journal, 25(7) pp. 39-39.

    Grant, J.M., Deverix, J., Nottage, C., Sivertsen, N., Spurrier, N.J., Steeb, A., et al. (2017). Collaboration and Cultural Safety: Safe sleep space alternatives with Aboriginal families. Australian Nursing and Midwifery Journal, 24(9) pp. 40-40.

    Sivertsen, N., Lawrence, M. and McDermott, D.R. (2017). Challenges to Indigenous health curriculum design – Bringing the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Curriculum Framework to life. Australian Nursing and Midwifery Journal, 24(9) pp. 41-41.

    Sivertsen, N., McNeill, E.H. and Muller, C.A. 2016. A redo station after debrief improves learning in undergraduate nursing simulation. Clinical Simulation in Nursing, 12(11) pp. 469-472. [10.1016/j.ecns.2016.07.007]

    Sivertsen, N and Harrington, A 2016, Working with older Indigenous generations - aged care perspectives, Australian Nursing and Midwifery Journal, Vol. 23, No. 8, Mar 2016, p. 34. Online: <;dn=850804230570740;res=IELHEA> ISSN: 2202-7114. [cited 11 Mar 16].

    Sivertsen, N and McNeill, L 2016, Re-do stations after high-fidelity simulation debrief in nursing education, Australian Nursing and Midwifery Journal, October 2016, Vol. 24, No. 4. P. 34.

    Sivertsen, N. 2016. Safe Sleep Space Alternative for Aboriginal Families. Research Pulse. Vol. 1. No. 2. pp. 5-5.

    Sivertsen, N 2011, ‘Sessional Teaching and Peer Review – Oh-oh…I’m under review!!!’,  Journal of Practice Teaching & Learning – Social Work, Health, Nursing, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 75-79. DOI: 10.1921/ 175951511X651904


    Books/Book Chapters

    Sivertsen, N. (2022). Shared Histories a World Apart – Norwegian Sápmi and Indigenous Australia: Colonization, policies, and consequences. Chapter in International Policy Towards Indigenous People. H. Maruyama (ed). In press.

    Parry YK & Sivertsen, N (2021), Social Inclusion and the Role of the Health Care System. Chapter 80 in Handbook of Social Inclusion. Research and Practices in Health and Social Sciences, P. Liamputtong (ed.).

    Parry YK & Sivertsen, N (2021), Social Inclusion and the Role of the Nurse. Chapter 76 in Handbook of Social Inclusion. Research and Practices in Health and Social Sciences, P. Liamputtong (ed.).

    Sivertsen, N 2010, Circumpolar Nursing: The Sámi Experience, Lambert Academic Publishing, Munich, Germany.


    Conference Presentations

    Parry Y, Ullah S, Willis E, Sivertsen N, Kendall S, Marriott R, Ankers M. 2022. The invisible issue, Children, and families in substandard accommodation: How can Paediatric interdisciplinary teams help? Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health. Conference. Liverpool, UK. 28-30 June 2022.

    Sivertsen N. 2022. Invited plenary speaker at the 13th Women’s Leadership and Empowerment Conference, 1-3 March 2022

    Sivertsen N, Johnson T, Lieberwirth W, Dowling A, Watts S, Grant J. 2022. Community health knowledge sharing: Translating safe infant sleep education to Aboriginal families in South Australia – insights from an interprofessional collaboration. INTERNATIONAL COLLABORATION for COMMUNITY HEALTH NURSING RESEARCH with Linnaeus University. 21 June 2022. The 7th ICCHNR conference Linnéuniversitetet, Växjö, 21 - 22 June 2022.

    Ankers M, Parry Y, Willis E, Kendall S, Marriott R, Sivertsen N. 2022. Parents Experiences of a Nurse Practitioner led Community Intervention for Families Living in Housing Instability. INTERNATIONAL COLLABORATION for COMMUNITY HEALTH NURSING RESEARCH with Linnaeus University. 21 June 2022. The 7th ICCHNR conference Linnéuniversitetet, Växjö, 21 - 22 June 2022.

    Sivertsen N, Parry Y, Willis E, Kendall S, Marriott R, Bell A, Ankers M. 2022. First Nations children and homelessness: Insights from a Nurse Practitioner-led primary health care service in South Australia. 7th Asia Pacific Congress of Paediatric Nursing. 12-14 March 2022.

    Parry Y, Willis E, Sivertsen N, Kendall S, Marriott R, Ankers M. 2022. Expanding community care for marginalised children: A model of research embedded care delivery. 7th Asia Pacific Congress of Paediatric Nursing. 12-14 March 2022.

    Parry Y, Willis E, Marriott R, Kendall S, Sivertsen N, Ankers M. 2022. Community embedded Paediatric Nurse Practitioners (NP) leading an innovative model of service delivery of interprofessional care for marginalised children. 6th International Conference of Global Network of Public Health Nursing (GNPHN). Osaka, Japan. 8-9 January 2022.

    Grant J, Sivertsen N, Dowling A. 2021. Safely sleeping Aboriginal babies in SA: is translation possible across context and culture? Evidence and Implementation Summit, Sydney, 30-31 March 2021.

    Harrington A, Sivertsen, N & Hamiduzzaman, K ‘Yarning’ - storytelling by Aboriginal People in residential care in rural South Australia of their spiritual and cultural needs. The 8th International Conference on Ageing and Spirituality. Old Parliament House, Canberra ACT. 27-30th October 2019.

    Sivertsen N. 2019. Indigenous Australians, human rights and residential aged care. ‘People Living with Dementia, Human Rights and Residential Aged Care’ University of Technology Sydney 9am-12.30pm on Friday 22 November 2019.

    Sivertsen N. 2019. Using Wikis to engage student nurses in Indigenous health curriculum. CATSINaM – LINMEN Conference 2019. September 23 2019. Sydney, Australia.

    Sivertsen N, Grant J & Deverix J. 2019. Continuity of Care for Aboriginal families and children accessing mainstream health services. CATSINaM Conference 2019 - Connecting Care through Culture. September 24 2019. Sydney, Australia.

    Sivertsen N, Grant J & Deverix J. 2019. Building Nursing and Midwifery capacity to maintain continuity of care for Aboriginal families and children accessing mainstream health services in the first 1000 days. ANMF Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation Conference 2019. Adelaide, Australia. July 31 2019.

    Grant J, Sivertsen N, Thornton C, Deverix J, Spurrier N, Steeb A, Williams M, Dyer S. 2019. Safely sleeping Aboriginal babies in SA: What you need to know. Paper presented at: South Australian Child and Family Health Nurses Association, Clinical practice update - Glenside Campus Hospital, Glenside, Australia. 14 September 2021.

    Mohamed J, Nuku K, Sivertsen N, Boyd J, Bourque Bearskin L & Kennedy A 2019. International Alliance of Indigenous Nurses. ICN Conference 2019. International Council of Nurses. 27 June 2019 Singapore.

    Sivertsen N, Lawrence M & McDermott D. 2019. Maintaining pedagogical effectiveness - In the face of constraints on Indigenous health curriculum. Lowitja Institute Conference 2019. International Indigenous health and wellbeing conference – Thinking, speaking, being. First Nations solutions for global change. 18-20 June 2019. Darwin Australia.

    McNeill L, Pront L, Sivertsen N, Parker S, Shifaza F, 2019. Walking in someone else’s shoes – a 3D cultural empathy experience. Clinical Skills Conference. May 22 2019. Prato, Italy.

    Sivertsen N 2018. ‘They like to make us invisible’… Growing up Sámi. From assimilation to ethno-political movement - A story about Indigenous denial and finding one’s voice. Healing our spirit worldwide – Our knowledge, our wisdom, our promise. November 26-29 2018. Sydney, Australia.

    Sivertsen N, Grant J and Deverix J. 2018. Building nursing and midwifery capacity to maintain continuity of care for Aboriginal families and children accessing mainstream health services in the first 1,000 days. Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (SA Branch) Annual Professional Conference 2018 Sharing the Limelight – Valuing Nursing and Midwifery. August 2 2018. Adelaide, Australia.

    Sivertsen N, Harrington A, Hamiduzzaman M. 2018. Integration of cultural care to reduce health disparities for Aboriginal residents in aged care in SA. National Council of Women SA. 12 July 2018. Adelaide, Australia.

    Sivertsen N 2018 Indigenous Women. 2018 Indigenous Women’s Wellbeing Conference on the 13th- 15th June 2018 Cairns, Australia (Keynote speaker).

    Grant J and Sivertsen N 2018. The ethics of photovoice in an online digital world. Qualitative Methodology (IIQM) in Banff, Canada for the 17th Annual Qualitative Methods Conference, May 1-3 2018. 

    Sivertsen N, Harrington A, Hamiduzzaman M 2018. Cultural and spiritual care – An overlooked aspect of Aboriginal Aged Care in South Australia. 2018 Women's Leadership and Empowerment Conference Bangkok Thailand 1-3 March.

    Sivertsen, N 2017. A world apart with shared history – Norwegian Sápmi and Indigenous Australia: Colonisation, consequences, and empowerment. International Conference on Policy towards Indigenous Peoples: Lessons to be learned! University of Hokkaido Centre for Environmental and Minority Policy Studies (CEMiPoS). Sapporo, Japan. 2-4 December 2017.

    Sivertsen N. and McNeill E.H. 2017. Enhancing students’ learning through successful management of large cohort high-fidelity simulation team assessments. Higher Education Research Group Adelaide (HERGA) Conference 2017 - Bend or Break: flexible institutions, teachers and students. Adelaide, Australia. 22 Sep 2017.

    Sivertsen N 2017 The Sámi – Indigenous but not black, Race, Whiteness and Indigeneity: An international conference. NIRAKN (National Indigenous Research and Knowledges Network), Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia. June 6-8 2017.

    Grant, J.M., Deverix, J., Nottage, C., Sivertsen, N., Spurrier, N.J., Steeb, A., et al. 2017. Culturally safe sleep spaces for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families. Maternal Child and Family Health Nurses Australia (MCaFHNA) The Journey. Melbourne. Jun 2017.

    McNeill L, Sivertsen N, Pront L and Rance S 2017, …and the coloured sash goes to…, Australasian Simulation Congress, Sydney, Australia. 28-31 August 2017.

    Sivertsen N, Grant J, Spurrier N, Nottage C, Steeb A, Deverix J, Stuart-Butler D, Brodie T  2017, Safe sleep space alternative for Aboriginal families in Australia – A strengths based community approach to research, 8th annual Women's Leadership and Empowerment Conference 2017  on the 1-3 March 2017, Bangkok, Thailand.

    McNeill L and Sivertsen N, 2017, Can we have another go after the debrief please? The genesis of the redo station, 7th International Clinical Skills Conference, May 21-24 May 2017, Monash University, Prato, Italy.

    Sivertsen, N 2016, Sámi History & the Sámi Nursing and Midwifery Story, CATSINaM International Indigenous Health Workforce Meeting, 6th-7th November 2016, Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre, Victoria, Australia.

    Sivertsen, N 2016, The ‘other’ other – Indigenous and Woman, World Indigenous Women’s Conference, 12th-14th September 2016, Stamford Grand Hotel Adelaide, South Australia, Australia. (Invited Keynote speaker)

    Sivertsen, N and McNeill, L 2016, A staffed high-technology/fidelity simulation re-do station – does it increase nursing students’ learning? - A topic review, Australasian Simulation Congress, Monday 26 September – Thursday 29 September 2016 Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre, Victoria, Australia.

    Sivertsen, N and McNeill, L 2016, High volume nursing assessments with high-fidelity team simulation: A topic review, Australasian Simulation Congress, Monday 26 September – Thursday 29 September 2016 Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre, Victoria, Australia.

    Sivertsen, N 2015, Casual academic teaching staff teaching cultural safety in an integrated curriculum. How ready are they?, ICES 2015 Indigenous Content in Education Symposium, 21 September 2015, Adelaide, Australia.

    Sivertsen, N and McNeill, L 2015, A preliminary look: Scaffolding simulation through the BN curriculum – 3rd year perspectives of a reflective re-do station, Sim Health Conference 2015, 17-21 August 2015, Adelaide Australia.

    McNeill, L, Sivertsen, N and Pront, L 2015, Scaffolding the integration of simulation through the BN curriculum – educational development work in progress, Sim Health Conference 2015, 17-21 August 2015, Adelaide Australia.

    Sivertsen, N 2015, Unpacking Constitutional Recognition of Indigenous Peoples in a Global Context. National Council of Women SA 'Unfinished Business...' - Recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples in the Australian Constitution. Adelaide, Australia. 23 May 2015.

    Sivertsen, N 2014, Assimilation and trans-generational identity crisis!, 2014 World Indigenous Health Conference, 15-17 December 2014, Cairns, Australia.

    Sivertsen, N 2014, Sessional university teaching and peer review, Global Nursing Symposium, 11-12 July 2014, Los Angeles, USA. (Unable to attend, presented via Skype)

    Sivertsen, N 2014, Unfolding the unopened: A woman’s courage, 13th Indigenous Women’s Symposium Canada Gchi-twaawendimong Ezhi-wiijikiiwendimong Gchi-twaa-nibi - Celebrating our Relationships With Water, 20-23 March 2014, Ontario, Canada.

    Sivertsen, N 2014, Women’s courage and biography, 5th Annual Women’s Leadership Conference, 1-3 March 2014, Bangkok, Thailand.

    Sivertsen, N 2012, Biographical research to tell a story, SA Nurses and Midwives Research Symposium, 8 May 2012, Adelaide, Australia.

    Sivertsen, N 2011, Biographical Research to tell a story” From Circumpolar Nursing: The Sámi Experience – “If God is willing and the weather permits” – A personal Biography of Arctic Wilderness Midwife Elise Myreng 1891-1984, ICM International Confederation of Midwives 29th Triennial Congress Midwives Tackling the ‘Big 5’ Globally, 18-23 June 2011, Durban, South Africa. (Accepted, but unable to attend)

    Sivertsen, N 2010 “The story is told…”, 11th Biennial National Conference New Zealand College of Midwives Conference 2010 Strengthening Midwifery…Strengthening Families He Rata kit e Köhanga. He Kura Tangata ki te Ao, 3 – 5 September 2010, Rotorua, New Zealand.

    Sivertsen, N 2010, Women and Work in the North From Circumpolar Nursing: The Sámi Experience – “If God is willing and the weather permits” – A personal Biography of Arctic Wilderness Midwife Elise Myreng 1891-1984, 6th Australian Women’s Health Conference, 18 – 21 May 2010, Hobart, Australia. (Accepted for poster presentation, but unable to attend)

    Sivertsen, N 2009, Circumpolar Nursing: The Sami Experience, Annual Canadian Conference on International health Equity: Our Global Responsibility, 25-28 October 2009, Ottawa, Canada.

    Sivertsen, N 2009, Circumpolar Nursing: The Sámi Experience – “If God is willing and the weather permits” – A personal Biography of Arctic Wilderness Midwife Elise Myreng 1891-1984, 27th Annual National Conference CRANA plus Remote Health: Unveiling the Mystery, 14 – 17 October 2009, Alice Springs, Australia.

    Sivertsen, N 2009, Circumpolar Nursing: The Sámi Experience – “If God is willing and the weather permits” – A personal Biography of Arctic Wilderness Midwife Elise Myreng 1891-1984, National Leadership and Learning in Nursing and Midwifery Conference, , 10-11 September 2009, Brisbane, Australia. (Accepted, but unable to attend)

    Sivertsen, N 2009, Circumpolar Nursing: The Sámi Experience – “If God is willing and the weather permits” – A personal Biography of Arctic Wilderness Midwife Elise Myreng 1891-1984, ASMR – Australian Society for Medical Research Medical Research Week SA Scientific Meeting, 2 June 2009, Adelaide, Australia.


    • First Nations health
    • Cultural safety
    • Restorative health policy
    • Culturally responsive curriculum design
    • First Nations women's and children's health
    • Health experiences within the health systems
    • Nursing research
    • Aboriginal Australian cultures
    • Sámi nursing and midwifery


    SYP1191 Vitenskapsteori og forskningsmetode

    SYP2140 Vitenskapsteori og forskningsmetode


    Dr Nina Sivertsen is an Indigenous Sámi woman living and working on Kaurna Lands in Australia. She holds a position as Associate Professor, with the Arctic University of Norway, and with Nursing at Flinders University in Adelaide. Her academic work encompasses curriculum design and implementation, with cultural responsiveness in the centre to positively engage students in learning about First Nations health.

    In her research, she focuses on community and health systems research in partnership with First Peoples and contributes to restorative policy and practice, especially around women’s health in a socio-political context of assimilation and colonisation. She works in inter-Indigenous settings together with First Nations health professionals from around the world to improve healthcare and health outcomes for all First Nations people.

    Nina’s work at the nexus of Indigenous women’s identities, culture, health, and education has led to international recognition as evidenced by her partnerships in Norway, Canada and Australia. She is the recipient of numerous awards; amongst them the 2021 Women in Innovation Award, the 2020 Vice-Chancellor’s Award for Innovation in Teaching, as well as being a finalist of the 2021 AFR National Teaching Excellence Awards.

    Dr Sivertsen is an active member of many community organisations and academic committees providing space for Indigenous voices within strategic planning, governance, and curriculum. She works with research higher degree students to create new knowledge and build capacity enabling students to fulfil their potential as independent academics and researchers of the future.


    RN, BNg (Hons First Class), Grad Cert Ed (Higher Ed), PhD Flin


    2021 Women in Innovation SA Award
    2021 National Finalist AFR Teaching Excellence Award
    2021 Vice-Chancellor’s Award for Innovation in Teaching
    2020 CNHS Excellence in Teaching Award
    2019 International Women's Day Irene Bell Award
    2018 Roger Wurm Award
    2016 Turnitin Global Innovations Award - Finalist
    2015 Asia-Pacific Outstanding Service Award
    2015 Ruth Gibson Memorial Award
    2009 Asia-Pacific Achievement in Health Sciences Award
    2007 Flinders University Medal
    2005 Chancellor's Letter of Commendation, Flinders University

    Research Grants

    2022 Flinders Foundation: The needs of Early Menarche in South Australian Primary Schools
    2022 Hospital Research Foundation: Health access for women and children leaving DV
    2021 Arts in Health: Innovative ways to teach nursing students about First Nations health
    2021 Nexus Arts Cultivator Residency
    2021 Channel 7 Research Foundation Grant
    2020 CFI COViD-19 Collaboration Grant
    2020 Community Partnership Grant
    2020 CFI Enhancing wellbeing for disadvantaged children
    2019 MRFF Rapid Applied Research Translation for Health Impact Grant
    2018 Canadian Institute of Health Research CIHR. Network Environments for Indigenous Health Research (NEIHR)
    2018 Rosemary Bryant Foundation Seeding Grant
    2017 NSW Women's Health Needs Analysis Grant
    2017 CIHR Ombaashi - International Indigenous Mentorship Network Program Grant
    2016 School of Nursing and Midwifery Start-Up Grant
    2016 Department of Social Services DSS Strengthening Communities Grant
    2015 Flinders Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences Seeding Grant
    2015 Flinders Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences Establishment Grant
    2015 Flinders School of Nursing and Midwifery Start-Up Grant