To qualify for lunch you must have registered before: October 4th " /> To qualify for lunch you must have registered before: October 4th " />
South in the Arctic - Arctic in the South: Why and how to continue cooperation
Time: October 9 – 10, 2018
Place: October 9: TEO hus 1, Rom 1.343; October 10: TEO hus 1, Rom 1.313.
The conference is open for all.
To qualify for lunch you must have registered before: October 4th
The Center for Women's and Gender Research and many of UiT’s women and men’s, have had long term engagement with universities in the Global South. Throughout UiT’s history scholars and students have been involved through projects funded by the Research Council of Norway, NUFU, Norhed, Norad and other financing institutions.
In 2018, UiT The Arctic University of Norway is celebrating its 50th anniversary. As part of this celebration UiT’s Center for Women’s and Gender Research will invite to a conference where collaboration between scholars, students and universities in the Global South and North will be discussed
Day 1 - Historic backdrop
11.00-11.15 Welcome
Professor Emerita Siri Gerrard and Lise Nordbrønd, Kvinnforsk, UiT
11.15-11.30 Perspectives on collaborative research projects North in the South / South in the North. Added value.
Associate professor Deatra Walsh, Faculty of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education, UiT
11.30-11.50 Sector projects in university and colleges: NORAD, The Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation; NFR, The Research Council of Norway and other financing institutions operating before the establishment of NUFU, Norwegian Partnership in Research and Education. (NB: Lerheim & Mjøs)
Project Manager Jens Revold - Institute of Marine Research / UiT
11.50-12.10 Coffee break
12.10-12.30 The UiT-Portfolio of NUFU / NORHED / NordGlobal / Siu etc. This
represents institutionalization of research and development cooperation.
Senior Adviser Håkon Fottland, Dept. of Research and Development, UiT
12.30-13.00 The international project portfolio at Makerere University, Why and how cooperate with UiT - focus on knowledge production/knowledge exchange.
Professor Grace Bantebya Kyomuhendo, Center for Women and Gender Studies, Makerere University, Uganda
13.00-14.00 Lunch
14.00-14.30 When learning became mutual
ANTROPOS project - a watershed relative to the vision of knowledge in North-South collaboration
Professor emerita Lisbeth Holtedahl, Visual Cultural Studies, UiT
14.30-15.00 Is it enough to be an Arctic university?
Associate professor Ragnhild Dybdahl, Faculty of Social Sciences, OsloMet
15.00 -16.00 Discussion based on the contributions of Day 1.
1600 – 18.00 The day ends with a social gathering in Ardnà
Day 2 - What now?
Presentation of ongoing projects with focus on collaboration and knowledge production.
09.00-09.30 International program portfolio at Addis Ababa University. Why and how cooperation with UiT?
Professor Emebet Mulugeta, Center for Women and Gender Studies, Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia and Associate professor Sissel J Eriksen, ISV, UiT
09.30–10.00 NORPART project: Education of sustainable education programs in visual anthropology and student/teacher exchange with universities in Cameroon and Mali.
Associate professor Bjørn Arntsen and Associate professor Trond Waage, Visual Culture Studies, UiT
10.00-10.30 Coffee break
10.30-10.45 Why is it still important to focus on women in university collaboration?
Rachel Issa Djesa Dr. Philos., SESAM, UiT.
10.45-11.15 ERASMUS + project: Student- and teacher exchange and development of curricula in Malawi, Zambia and Tanzania.
Professor Nina Emaus and University lecturer Marianne Olsen, Department of Health and Care, Helsefak, UiT NORHED,
11.15-11.45 North - South, majorities - minorities: different types of partnerships. Collaboration with the University of Botswana and beyond.
Professor emerita Sidsel Saugestad, Anthropological Studies, UiT
11.45-12.45 LUNCH
12.45-13.15 NORHED: Fisheries Economics and Administration in Vietnam. Research and Teacher/Student Exchange.
Professor Claire Armstrong, The Norwegian College of Fishery Science,UiT
13.15-13.45 Are there benefits of research collaboration North/South, what are they and what should be done by both parties to secure continued involvement?
Researcher from Mali: Ibrahim ag Yusuf
13.45-14.15 Research perspectives on international cooperation
Professor Svein Jentoft, The Norwegian College of Fishery Science, UiT
14.15 -15.15 PANELDEBATE
How to reopen our Arctic university?
Panelists will include representatives from the rectorate, rector Anne Husebekk and faculty, Lars Åge Rotvold, at UiT and researchers in the field of research collaboration.
Professor emerita Randi Rønning Balsvik, UiT will chair this session.