Vaccination, immunostimulation and regulation of T-cells

Vaccination, immunostimulation and regulation of T-cells

Successful vaccination in fish is featured by activation of innate and adaptive defense mechanisms. Innate defence involves recognition and response to a pathogen in a generic way. It is not long-lasting and gives not any memory against re-infection with the same pathogen. The innate system act in concert with the later-onseted adaptive immunity displayed by T-cell differentiation, antibody production and memory generation.

Central cells in the innate defense are different phagocytes, granulocytes, dendritic cells, natural killer cells and gamma delta T-cells. These cells are localised to many different tissues and organs, notably to mucous tissues. Central molecules in the innate defense are pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs), proinflammatory cytokines and a vast number of opsonic molecules that ease further immune responses.

The research group focus on both innate and adaptive mechanisms in both salmon and the cleanerfish, Atlantic lumpsucker. In particular, T-cell differentiation systems during vaccination, immunostimulation and infection are under study.

Contact persons: Drs. Roy A. Dalmo and Tore Seternes

Fish macrophage with attached and ingested nanoparticle vaccine. Salmon endothelial cells and macrophages loaded with ß-glucan. Simplified overview of T-cell activation and differentiation.

Ansvarlig for siden: Dalmo, Roy Ambli
Sist oppdatert: 01.08.2017 14:56