Student representatives

Atle Austnes Kongsvold (NTNU)
I have a bachelor’s and a master’s degree in human movement science from NTNU in Trondheim. For my master’s, I conducted a validation study of objective measurements of physical activity. Since I completed my master’s in 2016, I have continued working with this topic, and from August 2017 to February 2019 I was co-responsible for the data collection of objective physical activity measurements in The Trøndelag Health Study, where we collected data of approximately 38,000 individuals. I will be analysing these data during my PhD, that I started in September this year, at the Department of Public Health and Nursing at NTNU. The main goal is to identify determinants of physical activity – why are some people active, while others are not? I feel a lot of ownership to the data material and I look forward to work with it. In my spare time, I like to go for a run, and I’m also a fan of climbing.

Dagrun Slettebø Daltveit (UiB)
I am a statistician and a PhD candidate at UiB. In my project «Cancer risk in families with children with birth defects», I am studying associations between congenital birth defects and risk of cancer in children, as well as their siblings and parents. The project involves register data from four Nordic countries: Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden. The project is part of a larger Nordic collaboration project: “Nordic Countries Linked Birth and Cancer Registries Cohort Project”. The first paper has recently been published: Cancer risk in individuals with major birth defects: large Nordic population based case-control study among children, adolescents, and adults.
Scientific Leader: Torkjel M. Sandanger (UiT – The Arctic University of Norway) |
Tom Ivar Lund Nilsen (NTNU) |
Trond Riise (The University of Bergen) |
Per Nafstad (The University of Oslo) |
Magne Thoresen |
Karl-Christian Nordby (National Institute of Occupational Health, Oslo) |
Magne Nylenna (Norwegian Institute of Public Health, Oslo) |
Trude Robsahm (The Cancer Registry of Norway) |
Former EPINOR International Advisory Board
Professor Paolo Vineis Faculty of Medicine, School of Public Health |
Professor David Leon London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine |
Professor Marie Reilly Karolinska Institutet |
Professor Elsebeth Lynge University of Copenhagen |
Professor Henrik Toft Sørensen Aarhus University |
Professor Anne Tjønneland University of Copenhagen |
The EPINOR consortium
UiT – Norges Arktiske UniversitetDet helsevitenskapelige fakultet
Institutt for samfunnsmedisin v/Bente Evjen Schøning
Breivika, 9019 Tromsø