Cecilie Aurvoll,
Hilde Larsen Damsgaard,
Cecilie Enqvist-Jensen,
Trine Medby Fossland
Meritteringsordningen og universitets- og høgskolepedagogikk - hybride virksomheter i arbeid med utdanningskvalitet
Cappelen Damm Akademisk 2024
Trine Medby Fossland
Becoming a professional supervisor: Doctoral supervisors’ development in a mandatory, large-scale development programme
Journal of Praxis in Higher Education (JPHE) 2023
Gina Wisker,
Trine Medby Fossland
Tackling Gender Inequality In Doctoral Supervision - An Intersectional Toolkit Involving Hearts, Minds, Policies, And Practices
Journal for New Generation Sciences (JNGS) 2023
Trine Fossland,
Driss Habti
University practices in an age of super complexity: Revisiting diversity, equality, and inclusion in higher education
Journal of Praxis in Higher Education (JPHE) 2022
Trine Fossland,
Ragnhild Sandvoll
Drivers for educational change?
Educational leaders’ perceptions of academic developers as change agents
International Journal for Academic Development 2021
Yngve Troye Nordkvelle,
Odd Rune Stalheim,
Trine Fossland,
Thomas de Lange,
Anne Line Wittek,
Monika Bærøe Nerland
Praksisnær undervisning med simulering og rollespill
Cappelen Damm Akademisk 2020
Thomas de Lange,
Anne Line Wittek,
Trine Fossland
Plenary Teaching: Examining Opportunities for Student Involvement and Knowledge Exploration in Large Classroom-Settings
Trine Fossland,
Cathrine Edelhard Tømte
Technology as Quality Work? Educational Leaders and Teachers’ Use of Digital Technology
Rachelle Esterhazy,
Trine Fossland,
Odd Rune Stalheim
What Counts as Quality Feedback? Disciplinary Differences in Students’ and Teachers’ Perceptions of Feedback
Kristin Ewins,
Ester Fremstad,
Trine Fossland,
Ragnhild Sandvoll
Deliberative leadership: Moving beyond dialogue
Trine Fossland,
Cathrine Edelhard Tømte
Deltaker eller tilskuer? En casestudie om vilkår for deltakelse og samarbeidslæring i et nettbasert
masterprogram i økonomi og ledelse (MBA)
Cathrine Edelhard Tømte,
Trine Fossland,
Per O Aamodt,
Lise Degn
Digitalisation in higher education: mapping institutional approaches for teaching and learning
Quality in Higher Education 06. mai 2019
Yngve Troye Nordkvelle,
Odd Rune Stalheim,
Trine Fossland,
Thomas de Lange,
Anne Line Wittek,
Monika Nerland
Simulating: Bridging the Gap Between Practice and Theory in Higher Professional Education
Palgrave Macmillan 2019
Ester Fremstad,
Andreas Bergh,
Tone Dyrdal Solbrekke,
Trine Fossland
Deliberative academic development: the potential and challenge of agency
International Journal for Academic Development 2019
Ciaran Sugrue,
Tone Dyrdal Solbrekke,
Andreas Bergh,
Molly Sutphen,
Trine Fossland
University leaders' talk about institutional missions and academic developers' contributions
European Educational Research Journal 2019
Trine Fossland,
Hanne C Gabrielsen
Lederes skjønnsmessige balansekunst - en studie av lederes skjønn i oversettingen av en ide om flercampusundervisning
Fagbokforlaget 2017
Ciaran Sugrue,
Tomas Englund,
Tone Dyrdal Solbrekke,
Trine Fossland
Trends in the practices of academic developers: trajectories of higher education?
Studies in Higher Education 2017
Trine Medby Fossland,
Ragnhild Sofie Sandvoll
“Drivers for educational change? Educational leaders’ perceptions of academic developers as change agents?
Trine Medby Fossland,
Rob Bongaardt
Institusjonelt Ansvar for veilederutdanning på ph.d.-nivå, Rapport fra arbeidsgruppe, UHR- Universitets- og høyskolerådet
Trine Medby Fossland
Institusjonelt ansvar for veilederopplæring på ph.d.-nivå.
Marion Heron,
Trine Medby Fossland
New literacies in doctoral education: What does this mean for postgraduate researchers and supervisors?
Irina Engeness,
Magnus Nohr,
Trine Medby Fossland
Enhancing Educational Experiences: The Impact of AI Chatbots on Student Learning in Online Courses
Trine Medby Fossland,
Laura Louise Sarauw,
Emily Denver
Critiquing the sacred and the profane in higher education Journal of Praxis in Higher Education
Journal of Praxis in Higher Education (JPHE) 2024
Emily Denver,
Trine Medby Fossland
Why critique the sacred and the profane in higher education: In conversation with Professor Bruce Macfarlane
Journal of Praxis in Higher Education (JPHE) 2024
Elin Kubberød,
Edvin Østergaard,
Arild Berg,
Morten Sørlie,
Rune Hjelsvold,
Elisabeth Ersvær
Akademisk staffasje eller pådrivere for pedagogisk utvikling?
Trine Fossland,
Rob Bongaardt
Institusjonelt ansvar for veilederopplæring på ph.d.-nivå
Trine Medby Fossland,
Anne Haugen Gausdal
Nasjonale anbefalinger om veiledning er på vei
Johan Kristian Andreasen,
Unni Soltun Andreassen,
Trine Fossland,
Sofie Alexandra Engli Høgestøl,
Ingrid Lund,
Guro Elisabeth Lind
Mangelfulle systemer for konfliktutsatte stipendiater
Gina Wisker,
Trine Fossland
Tackling gender inequality in doctoral supervision – an intersectional toolkit involving hearts, minds, policies and practices.
Kjetil A. van der Wel,
Anne Britt Djuve,
Terje Andreas Eikemo,
Trine Fossland,
Amy Østertun Geirdal,
Vera Skalicka
Koronautbruddet førte til økt stress for studentene og lite studentaktiv læring
Khrono.no 2020
Trine Fossland,
Hilde Grimstad,
Daniel Schofield
Digitalisering av utdanning ved NTNU - med hovedfokus på prosjektet Drive
Kristine Helen Korsnes,
Bjørn-Petter Finstad,
Trine Fossland
Timeregnskapet og studentaktive læringsformer – i spennet mellom forventning, ledelse og samarbeidskultur. Rapport fra arbeidsgruppe for gjennomgang av registrering og fordeling av undervisning med studentaktive læringsformer, nedsatt av Strategisk utdanningsutvalg høsten 2019, avgitt desember 2020
UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2020
Rachelle Esterhazy,
Trine Fossland,
Odd Rune Stalheim
What counts as quality feedback? Examining student and teacher perceptions
Trine Fossland,
Cathrine Edelhard Tømte
Online teaching and learning in an experience-based MBA programme
Rune Johan Krumsvik,
Trine Fossland
Veiledningskurs 2: Hvordan veilede om utfroming av "kappen" i en doktorgradsavhandling?
Veilderkurs for doktorgradsveiledere.
Rune Johan Krumsvik,
Trine Fossland
Veiledningskurs for doktorgradsveiledere: Transparente krav, retningslinjer og vurderingskriterier for Phd-studenter
Trine Fossland
Strategic plans for teaching and learning: towards a learning culture or leader’s rhetoric’?
Trine Fossland
Developing experienced teachers professional responsibility?
Ciaran Sugrue,
Tone Dyrdal Solbrekke,
Molly Sutphen,
Andreas Bergh,
Trine Fossland
Senior University Leaders’ Perspectives on the Contributions of Academic Developers
Trine Fossland,
Thomas de Lange
Bringing work-related elements into teaching and learning of legal education
Trine Fossland,
Cathrine Edelhard Tømte
Participant or observer in an online MBA?
Rune Johan Krumsvik,
Trine Fossland
Veiledningskurs 3: Hvordan bli fotrolig med kunnskapbasen i eget felt - skriving av litteraturreview
Veiledningskurs for doktorgradsveiledere
Rune Johan Krumsvik,
Trine Fossland
Intervju med Rune J. krumsvik om doktorgradsutdanning
Ciaran Sugrue,
Tone Dyrdal Solbrekke,
Trine Fossland,
Andreas Bergh,
Molly Sutphen
Institutional Leaders’ Perspectives on the Contribution of Academic Developers to Institutional and Academic Formation
Cathrine Edelhard Tømte,
Trine Fossland,
Per Olaf Aamodt,
Lise Degn
Educational leadership and Technology. Findings from surveys from Norway and Denmark
Trine Fossland
“Crossing boarders in Online research supervision: how can Technology improve research supervision?
Ester Fremstad,
Andreas Bergh,
Trine Fossland
Development toward what? The aims and values guiding academic developers practice
Yngve Troye Nordkvelle,
Trine Fossland,
Kirsti Rye Ramberg,
Grete Netteland
Kvalitetskjeden i høyere utdanning
Trine Fossland,
Ragnhild Sandvoll
The different layers of academic development: approaching leaders perceptions of educational change