Bilde av Tran, Ngoc Nha Vi
Bilde av Tran, Ngoc Nha Vi
Førsteamanuensis i Informatikk Institutt for informatikk +4777646332 Tromsø Her finner du meg

Ngoc Nha Vi Tran


Dr. Vi Ngoc-Nha Tran er førsteamanuensis i informatikk ved UiT Norges arktiske universitet. Hun oppnådde sin doktorgrad i informatikk ved UiT Norges arktiske universitet og har vært gjesteforsker ved Institutt for informatikk ved Rutgers University, USA. Dr. Tran mottok Erasmus Mundus fullt stipend og fullførte en felles europeisk mastergrad i programvareutvikling ved Blekinge Tekniska Högskola i Sverige og Technische Universität Kaiserslautern i Tyskland. Hennes forskning fokuserer på høyytelses- og energieffektiv databehandling, maskinlæring og bioinformatikk.


  • Solveig Flatebø, Ngoc Nha Vi Tran, Catharina Elisabeth Arfwedson Wang, Lars Ailo Aslaksen Bongo :
    Social robots in research on social and cognitive development in infants and toddlers: A scoping review
    PLOS ONE 15. mai 2024 ARKIV / DOI
  • Jingyi Liang, Vi Ngoc-Nha Tran, Colin Hemez, Pia Abel zur Wiesch :
    Current Approaches of Building Mechanistic Pharmacodynamic Drug-Target Binding Models
    Springer 2022 DOI
  • Vi Ngoc-Nha Tran, Alireza Shams, Sinan Ascioglu, Antal Martinecz, Jingyi Liang, Fabrizio Clarelli m.fl.:
    vCOMBAT: a novel tool to create and visualize a computational model of bacterial antibiotic target-binding
    BMC Bioinformatics 2022 ARKIV / DOI
  • Vi Ngoc-Nha Tran, Tommy Skaue Øines, Alexander Horsch, Hoai Phuong Ha :
    REOH: Using Probabilistic Network for Runtime Energy Optimization of Heterogeneous Systems
    Proceedings of the International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems 2018 DOI
  • Ngoc Nha Vi Tran, Brendan Barry, Hoai Phuong Ha :
    RTHpower: Accurate Fine-grained Power Models for Predicting Race-to-halt Effect on Ultra-low Power Embedded Systems
    IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) 2016 DOI
  • Vi Ngoc-Nha Tran, Hoai Phuong Ha :
    ICE: A General and Validated Energy Complexity Model for Multithreaded Algorithms
    Proceedings of the International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems 2016 DOI
  • Vi Ngoc-Nha Tran, Brendan Barry, Hoai Phuong Ha :
    Power models supporting energy-efficient co-design on ultra-low power embedded systems
    IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) 2016 DOI
  • Hoang Loc La, Ngoc Nha Vi Tran, Hung Manh La, Hoai Phuong Ha :
    Interpretable Fuzzy Embedded Neural Network for Multivariate Time-Series Forecasting
    Springer 2024
  • Vi Ngoc-Nha Tran, Alireza Shams, Sinan Ascioglu, Antal Martinecz, Jingyi Liang, Fabrizio Clarelli m.fl.:
    vCOMBAT: a novel tool to create and visualize a computational model of bacterial antibiotic target-binding
    2020 FULLTEKST
  • Vi Ngoc-Nha Tran, Tommy Oines, Alexander Horsch, Hoai Phuong Ha :
    REOH: Using Probabilistic Network for Runtime Energy Optimization of Heterogeneous Systems
  • Vi Ngoc-Nha Tran, Tommy Oines, Alexander Horsch, Hoai Phuong Ha :
    REOH: Runtime Energy Optimization for Heterogeneous Systems
  • Hoai Phuong Ha, Vi Ngoc-Nha Tran, Ibrahim Umar, Aras Atalar, Anders Gidenstam, Paul Renaud-Goud m.fl.:
    Power models, energy models and libraries for energy-efficient concurrent data structures and algorithms, EXCESS deliverable D2.3
  • Vi Ngoc-Nha Tran, Hoai Phuong Ha :
    ICE: A General and Validated Energy Complexity Model for Multithreaded Algorithms
    2016 FULLTEKST
  • Vi Ngoc-Nha Tran, Hoai Phuong Ha :
    ICE: A General and Validated Energy Complexity Model for Multithreaded Algorithms
  • Vi Ngoc-Nha Tran, Hoai Phuong Ha :
    ICE: A General and Validated Energy Complexity Model for Multithreaded Algorithms
  • Hoai Phuong Ha, Vi Ngoc-Nha Tran, Ibrahim Umar, Aras Atalar, Anders Gidenstam, Paul Renaud-Goud m.fl.:
    Report on the final prototype of programming abstractions for energy-efficient inter-process communication, EXCESS deliverable D2.4
    2016 ARKIV
  • Ngoc Nha Vi Tran, Brendan Barry, Hoai Phuong Ha :
    Power Models Supporting Energy-efficient Co-design on Ultra-low Power Embedded Systems
  • Ngoc Nha Vi Tran, Brendan Barry, Hoai Phuong Ha :
    RTHpower: Accurate Fine-grained Power Models for Predicting Race-to-halt Effect on Ultra-low Power Embedded Systems
  • Yosandra Sandoval, Dennis Hoppe, Dmitry Khabi, Micheal Gienger, Christoph Kessler, Lu Li m.fl.:
    EXCESS: Execution Models for Energy-Efficient Computing Systems
  • Christoph Kessler, Lu Li, Usman Dastgeer, Rosandra Cuello, Oskar Sjöström, Hoai Phuong Ha m.fl.:
    Energy-Tuneable Domain-Specific Language/Library for Linear System Solving, EXCESS deliverable D1.3
  • Hoai Phuong Ha, Ngoc Nha Vi Tran, Ibrahim Umar, Aras Atalar, Anders Gidenstam, Paul Renaud-Goud m.fl.:
    White-box methodologies, programming abstractions and libraries for energy-efficient computing, EXCESS deliverable D2.2
  • Ibrahim Umar, Ngoc Nha Vi Tran, Saeed Shariati, Otto Anshus, Hoai Phuong Ha :
    The Arctic Green Computing Group
  • Dmitry Khabi, Ngoc Nha Vi Tran, Ivan Walulya :
    Report on the first evaluation results and discussion, EXCESS deliverable D5.4
  • Christoph Kessler, Lu Li, Usman Dastgeer, Philippas Tsigas, Anders Gidenstam, Paul Renaud-Goud m.fl.:
    Early validation of system-wide energy compositionality and affecting factors on the EXCESS platforms, EXCESS deliverable D1.1
  • Hoai Phuong Ha, Ngoc Nha Vi Tran, Ibrahim Umar, Philippas Tsigas, Anders Gidenstam, Paul Renaud-Goud m.fl.:
    Models for energy consumption of data structures and algorithms, EXCESS deliverable D2.1

  • De 50 siste resultatene fra Cristin vises på siden. Se alle arbeider i Cristin her →

    Publikasjoner utenom Cristin

    Her publication can be found here:


    • INF-2200 Computer Architecture and Organization, 2022-present
    • INF-2900 Software Engineerng, 2022-present
    • INF-2202 Concurrent and Data-Intensive Programming, 2019


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