The future of supervision in epidemiology research

  • Learning from international best practices
  • Inventing together effective supervision
  • June 5 and 6 in Tromsø (lunch to lunch)

If you are preoccupied and do not have the possibility to participate at the Mini-Conference we would still appreciate your contribution by answering the questionnaire for EPINOR Supervisors(the survey closes midnight 19.May). With - results of a survey among both PhD students and (co)supervisors about the effectiveness of supervision in epidemiology sciences (the survey closes Midnight 19.May) - the latest outcomes of world wide scientific research about the relation supervisor-student in different cultures - discussing about the best way of supervison for PhD students in epidemiology sciences - output: a joint “Training and Supervision Plan” for supervisors of all universities and scientific institutes within the EPINOR consortium Your seminar chairman: Carel Jacobs, certification agent for the educational sector of The Hofstede Research & Development Centre


June 05 12.00 - 5.00 PM: Analysing the supervisor- student relation - Welcome - Presenting results of international scientific research about success and failure of PhD projects and the role of supervision - Presenting the results of the questionnaires among both PhD students and supervisors about the effectiveness of supervision in epidemiology research in Norway - Round table session 1: discussing, conclusions and questions for the future ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Cultural differences in teacher-students relations; result of world wide scientific research by professor Geert Hofstede - the truth of learning in the Norwegian scientific world : what works - implications for the supervisor - student relation in Norwegian universities and scientific institutes - contribution to the EPINOR goals about integration of epidemiology students nationally and internationally - Round table session 2: discussing, conclusions and questions for the future June 05 Evening: Meeting your students at the EPINOR Summer School at Villmarkssenteret. Buzz about what happens to be. See EPINOR Summer School for more details on the evening activity - during the dropping: informal discussion between supervisors and students about the future of supervision: come upon with a least one golden rule June 06 09.00 AM - 13.00 PM: Towards the future of effective training and supervision - recap of the results of day one and harvest of golden rules - Round table session 3: the future of effective supervison  how to increase the EPINOR goal: troughput and output of PhD students  implications for the supervisor - student ratio  what requirements we may expect from our students  what requirements we may ask of the supervisors  the intercultural aspects of supervision ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - Round table session 4: towards a joint Training and Supervision Plan TSP - Examples of universities in cultures comparable with Norway - Translating appointments of session 3 into actions - The most important components of a TSP - Agreement about the content of TSP’s Conclusions and evaluation of the mini-conference Your lecturer - Carel Jacobs: certification agent of The Hofstede Research and Development Centre, associate partner of the Institute for Training in Intercultural Management ITIM International