CV - Therese

    CV    Dr Therese Haugdahl Nøst

Contact details; (+47) 77 64 64 34.





Work experience and Educational qualifications


UiT – the Arctic University of Norway, Department of Community Medicine, Tromsø.

Post doctoral fellow in molecular epidemiology, Systemsepidemiology. Research topic: Understanding and statistically evaluating multilevel Omics data and cancer risks.


NILU-Norwegian Institute for Air Research, Department for Environmental Chemistry, Tromsø

Post doctoral fellow. Research topic: International transport of hazardous waste and its relevance for exposure to contaminants in developing countries. (20% position from 01.2016).


UiT – the Arctic University of Norway, Department of Community Medicine, Tromsø
PhD in Health Sciences. Title: Understanding temporality in human concentrations of organic contaminants. Considering human concentrations over time and through life in perspective of historic production and use.


University of Tromsø (UiT), Department of Community Medicine, Tromsø
Senior researcher`s technician. 100% position. Preparation and analysis of human samples.


Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)
MSc in Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry                                           Title: Halogenated organic contaminants in two species of arctic seabirds: Levels and possible effects on thyroid hormones.

Selected peer reviewed publications

  • Rylander C, Sandanger TM, Nøst TH, Lund E. Combining plasma measurements and mechanistic modelling for exploring the effect of POPs on Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Norwegian Women. Environ Research 142:365-373. 2015.
  • Nøst TH, Breivik K, Wania F, Rylander C, Odland JØ, Sandanger TM. Person-Specific Predictions of PCBs in Norwegian Women: Valuable supplements to measurements for understanding time-variant exposures. Environ Health Perspect 2015.
  • Nøst TH, Vestergren R, Berg V, Nieboer E, Odland JØ, Sandanger TM. Repeated measurements of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) from 1979 to 2007 in males from Northern Norway: Assessing time trends, compound correlations and relations to age/birth cohort. Environ Int 67:43-53. 2014.
  • Nøst TH, Breivik K, Fuskevåg OM, Nieboer E, Odland JØ, Sandanger TM. Persistent organic pollutants in Norwegian men from 1979 to 2007: Intraindividual changes, age-period-cohort effects, and model predictions. Environ Health Perspect 121:1292-1298. 2013.

Research activities

My research interests are in the field of environmental epidemiology and in particular human exposure to contaminants. The focus of my Ph.D. research was to increase the understanding of time trends and life-course characteristics of human concentrations of organic contaminants. I have special interest in statistical methods and have attended courses in epidemiological methods using the statistical software R