Kue Young

Dr. Young has been Dean of the School of Public Health at the University of Alberta since August, 2013. 

He has previously been TransCanada Chair in Aboriginal Health at the University of Toronto, and Head of the Department of Community Health Sciences at the University of Manitoba. A public health physician (MD McGill, MSc Toronto) and biological anthropologist (DPhil Oxford), he has worked as a primary care physician, health administrator, and academic researcher in indigenous communities in northern Canada and other circumpolar regions. He played several important roles in circumpolar health organizations, including president of the International Union of Circumpolar Health (1993-1996), founding president of the International Network for Circumpolar Health Research (2005-2012), co-chair of the Arctic Council’s Arctic Human Health Expert Group (2009-11, 2013-15), and Editor of the International Journal of Circumpolar Health (since 2012).

Dr. Young's major research interests focus on the prevention of emerging chronic diseases, and more recently, health system improvement in the North. He has published seven books, including the textbook Population Health: Concepts and Methods (Oxford University Press 1998, 2005). His research has been recognized by the CIHR Senior Investigator award, induction as a Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences in 2009, and Member of the Order of Canada in 2010.