Lin Ang,
Song Eunhye,
Miek C. Jong,
Terje Alræk,
Barbara Wider,
Tae-Young Choi
An evidence map on traditional medicine across health outcomes
Integrative Medicine Research (IMR) 2024
Boram Lee,
Chan-Young Kwon,
Hye Won Lee,
Arya Nielsen,
L. Susan Wieland,
Tae-Hun Kim
Does the outcome of acupuncture differ according to the location of sham needling points in acupuncture trials for migraine? A systematic review and network meta-analysis
Frontiers of Medicine 2024
Boram Lee,
Chan-Young Kwon,
Hye Won Lee,
Arya Nielsen,
L Susan Wieland,
Tae-Hun Kim
The effect of sham acupuncture can differ depending on the points needled in knee osteoarthritis: A systematic review and network meta-analysis
Merete Lindén Dahle,
Terje Alræk,
Frauke Musial
An Acupuncture Protocol for the Treatment of Erectile Dysfunction: A Delphi Process
Complementary Medicine Research 2024
Terje Alræk,
Hilde Skjerve,
Anette Sørensen,
Stein Atle Lie,
Hilde Presterud Ødegård,
Weidong Lu
Acupuncture for fatigue in breast cancer survivors: a study protocol for a pragmatic, mixed method, randomised controlled trial
Boram Lee,
Chan-Young Kwon,
Ye-Seul Lee,
Terje Alræk,
Stephen Birch,
Hye Won Lee
Global research trends of sham acupuncture: A bibliometric analysis
Complementary Therapies in Medicine 2023
Boram Lee,
Chan-Young Kwon,
Hye Won Lee,
Arya Nielsen,
L. Susan Wieland,
Tae-Hun Kim
Different Outcomes According to Needling Point Location Used in Sham Acupuncture for Cancer-Related Pain: A Systematic Review and Network Meta-Analysis
Lin Ang,
Eunhye Song,
Miek C. Jong,
Terje Alræk,
Barbara Wider Vellinga,
Tae-Young Choi
Mapping of systematic reviews on traditional medicine across health conditions: A protocol for a systematic map
Tae-Hun Kim,
Myeong Soo Lee,
Boram Lee,
Stephen Birch,
Terje Alræk
Methods matters: comments on the currently published article in Pain Medicine, "Effect of sham acupuncture on chronic pain: a Bayesian network meta-analysis"
Pain medicine (Malden, Mass.) 2023
Boram Lee,
Tae-Hun Kim,
Stephen Birch,
Terje Alræk,
Hye Won Lee,
Arya Nielsen
Comparative effectiveness of acupuncture in sham-controlled trials for knee osteoarthritis: A systematic review and network meta-analysis
Boram Lee,
Chan-Young Kwon,
Hye Won Lee,
Arya Nielsen,
L Susan Wieland,
Tae-Hun Kim
Needling Point Location Used in Sham Acupuncture for Chronic Nonspecific Low Back Pain: A Systematic Review and Network Meta-Analysis
Merete Lindén Dahle,
Terje Alræk
Implementing evidence into clinical practice. A survey amongst Norwegian acupuncturists
Tae-Hun Kim,
Myeong Soo Lee,
Stephen Birch,
Terje Alræk,
Arne Johan Norheim,
Jung Won Kang
Publication status and reporting quality of case reports on acupuncture-related adverse events: A systematic reviews of case studies
Tae-Hun Kim,
Terje Alræk,
Zhao-Xiang Bian,
Stephen Birch,
Mark Bovey,
Juah Lee
Corrigendum to “Clinical reasoning in traditional medicine exemplified by the clinical encounter of Korean medicine” [Integr Med Res 2021: 10; 100641]
Integrative Medicine Research (IMR) 2022
Tae-Hun Kim,
Myeong Soo Lee,
Stephen Birch,
Terje Alræk
Plausible Mechanism of Sham Acupuncture Based on Biomarkers: A Systematic Review of Randomized Controlled Trials
Frontiers in Neuroscience 2022
Lars Björkman,
Frauke Musial,
Terje Alræk,
Erik Lønnmark Werner,
Harald J. Hamre
Mercury, silver and selenium in serum before and after removal of amalgam restorations: results from a prospective cohort study in Norway
Acta Odontologica Scandinavica 16. november 2022
Tae-Young Choi,
Lin Ang,
Ji Hee Jun,
Terje Alræk,
Myeong Soo Lee
Acupuncture and Moxibustion for Cancer-Related Fatigue: An Overview of Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis
Admassu Nadew Lamu,
Lars Björkman,
Harald Johan Hamre,
Terje Alræk,
Frauke Musial,
Bjarne Robberstad
Is amalgam removal in patients with medically unexplained physical symptoms cost-effective? A prospective cohort and decision modelling study in Norway
Tae-Young Choi,
Lin Ang,
Ji Hee Jun,
Terje Alræk,
Stephen Birch,
Weidong Lu
Acupuncture for managing cancer-related fatigue in breast cancer patients: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Stephen Birch,
Terje Alræk,
Myeong Soo Lee,
Tae-Hun Kim
Descriptions of qi deficiency and qi stagnation in traditional East Asian medicine: A comparison of Asian and Western sources
European Journal of Integrative Medicine 2022
Admassu Nadew Lamu,
Bjarne Robberstad,
Harald Johan Hamre,
Terje Alræk,
Frauke Musial,
Lars Björkman
Validity and responsiveness of GHC-index in patients with amalgam-attributed health complaints
Acta Odontologica Scandinavica 2021
Hye Won Lee,
Myeong Soo Lee,
Tae-Hun Kim,
Terje Alræk,
Chris Zaslawski,
Jong Wook Kim
Ginseng for Erectile Dysfunction: A Cochrane Systematic Review
The World Journal of Men's Health (WJMH) 15. juni 2021
Stephen Birch,
Terje Alræk,
Myeong Soo Lee,
Ju Ah Lee,
Tae-Hun Kim
Understanding blood stasis in traditional East Asian medicine: a comparison of Asian and Western sources
European Journal of Integrative Medicine 2021
Stephen Birch,
Myeong Soo Lee,
Tae-Hun Kim,
Terje Alræk
Historical perspectives on using sham acupuncture in acupuncture clinical trials
Integrative Medicine Research (IMR) 02. april 2021
Admassu Nadew Lamu,
Lars Björkman,
Harald Johan Hamre,
Terje Alræk,
Frauke Musial,
Bjarne Robberstad
Validity and responsiveness of EQ-5D-5L and SF-6D in patients with health complaints attributed to their amalgam fillings: a prospective cohort study of patients undergoing amalgam removal
Health and Quality of Life Outcomes 2021
Tae-Hun Kim,
Terje Alræk,
Zhao-Xiang Bian,
Stephen Birch,
Mark Bovey,
Juah Lee
Clinical reasoning in traditional medicine exemplified by the clinical encounter of Korean medicine: a narrative review
Integrative Medicine Research (IMR) 2021
Stephen Birch,
Terje Alræk,
Mark Bovey,
Myeong Soo Lee,
Ju Ah Lee,
Chris Zaslawski
Overview on pattern identification - History, nature and strategies for treating patients: A narrative review
European Journal of Integrative Medicine 2020
Stephen Birch,
Mark Bovey,
Terje Alraek,
Nicola Robinson,
Tae-Hun Kim,
Myeong Soo Lee
Acupuncture as a Treatment Within Integrative Health for Palliative Care: A Brief Narrative Review of Evidence and Recommendations
Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine 2020
Lars Björkman,
Frauke Musial,
Terje Alræk,
Erik Lønnmark Werner,
Wolfgang Weidenhammer,
Harald Johan Hamre
Removal of dental amalgam restorations in patients with health complaints attributed to amalgam: A prospective cohort study
Journal of Oral Rehabilitation 18. august 2020
Terje Alræk
Re: Acupuncture for recurrent urinary tract infection in women: a systematic review and meta-analysis
BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 2020
Xuan Zhang,
Ran Tian,
Chen Zhao,
Stephen Birch,
Ju Ah Lee,
Terje Alræk
The use of pattern differentiation in WHO-registered traditional Chinese medicine trials ? A systematic review
European Journal of Integrative Medicine 2019
Nicola Robinson,
Mark Bovey,
Ju Ah Lee,
Christopher Zaslawski,
Phoebus Tian,
Tae-Hun Kim
How do acupuncture practitioners use pattern identification - An international web-based survey?
European Journal of Integrative Medicine 2019
Tae-Hun Kim,
Myeong Soo Lee,
Terje Alræk,
Stephen Birch
Acupuncture in sham device controlled trials may not be as effective as acupuncture in the real world: a preliminary network meta-analysis of studies of acupuncture for hot flashes in menopausal women
Stephen Birch,
Myeong Soo Lee,
Terje Alræk,
Tae-Hun Kim
Evidence, safety and recommendations for when to use acupuncture for treating cancer related symptoms: a narrative review
Integrative Medicine Research (IMR) 2019
Stephen Birch,
Terje Alræk,
Tae-Hun Kim,
Myeong Soo Lee
Comment on Takakura et al. Acupuncture for Japanese Katakori (Chronic Neck Pain): A Randomized Placebo-Controlled Double-Blind Study. Medicina 2023, 59, 2141
Terje Alræk,
Stephen Birch
Acupuncture and the Problem of Placebo
Terje Alræk,
Stephen Birch,
Tae-Young Choi,
Lin Ang,
Ji Hee Jun,
Weidong Lu
Using Acupuncture for Adjunct Treatment for Cancer-Related Fatigue in Breast Cancer Patients Is Practicable. Reply to Hu et al. Is Acupuncture an Ideal Adjunctive Treatment for Cancer-Related Fatigue? Comment on “Choi et al. Acupuncture for Managing Cancer-Related Fatigue in Breast Cancer Patients: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Cancers 2022, 14, 4419”
Hilde Skjerve,
Anette Sørensen,
Terje Alræk
Acupuncture for fatigue in breast cancer survivors (AcuBreast) – a pilot study
Terje Alræk,
Merete Lindén Dahle
Akupunktører mangler tid til etterutdanning
Tae-Hun Kim,
Stephen Birch,
Terje Alræk,
Myeong Soo Lee
Three aspects of acupuncture-related adverse events: Issues around the reporting of acupuncture-related adverse events
Integrative Medicine Research (IMR) 2023
Lars Björkman,
Frauke Musial,
Terje Alræk,
Erik Lønnmark Werner,
Harald Johan Hamre
Utprøvende behandling ved helseplager attribuert til amalgamfyllinger. En prospektiv kohortstudie
Tae-Hun Kim,
Myeong Soo Lee,
Stephen Birch,
Terje Alræk
Different effects might be introduced by blinding in acupuncture: Comments on Wang et al's “Placebo response varies between different types of sham acupuncture: A randomized double-blind trial in neck pain patients”
European Journal of Pain 2022
Terje Alræk
Pain and acupuncture: What is it in me that hurts?
Integrative Medicine Research (IMR) 2021
Merete Lindén Dahle,
Terje Alræk
AcuBreast-studien. Nettside/Informasjonsside om studien.
Lars Björkman,
Frauke Musial,
Terje Alræk,
Harald Hamre
Mercury in serum in relation to removal of amalgam restorations
Stephen Birch,
Terje Alræk
Novel statistical approach offers new way to investigate the uses of acupuncture points
Integrative Medicine Research (IMR) 2020
Terje Alræk
Pain and acupuncture: what is it in me that hurts?
Integrative Medicine Research (IMR) 2020
Terje Alræk
Re: Acupuncture for recurrent urinary tract infection in women: a systematic review and meta-analysis. (Comment on article by Coyle et al.)
BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 2020
Xue-Han Liu,
Chun-Li Lu,
Li-qiong Wang,
Ya-xi Shang,
Trine Stub,
Agnete Egilsdatter Kristoffersen
Beneficial Effect and safety of homeopathic therapy for upper respiratory tract infection in children: a systematic review
Chun-Li Lu,
Xue-Han Liu,
Trine Stub,
Agnete Egilsdatter Kristoffersen,
Shi-Bing Liang,
Xiao Wang
Correction: Complementary and alternative medicine for treatment of atopic eczema in children under 14 years old: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials (BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine (2018) 18 (260) DOI: 10.1186/s12906-018-2306-6)
BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2019