Bilde av Al-Mahdi, Rania
Bilde av Al-Mahdi, Rania
Førsteamanuensis Institutt for klinisk odontologi +4777645147 Tromsø Her finner du meg

Rania Al-Mahdi


Koordinator for første og andre år på tannlegeutdanningen

  • Rania Ali Muhsen Al-Mahdi, Berit Tømmerås, Synnøve Bække :
    AMY1 gene copy number associated with xerostomia and Sjögren's syndrome: a cross-sectional study
    BMC Oral Health 2025 DOI
  • Rania Al-Mahdi, Hesham Al-Sharani, Mohammed Al-Haroni, Esam Halboub :
    Associations of the activity and concentration of carbonic anhydrase VI with susceptibility to dental caries: A systematic review and meta-analysis
    Clinical and Experimental Dental Research 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Rania Ali Muhsen Al-Mahdi, Lina Stangvaltaite-Mouhat, Jolanta Aleksejuniene, Indre Stankeviciene, Berit Tømmerås, Alina Puriene m.fl.:
    Association between Carbonic Anhydrase VI Gene Copy Number Variations and Dental Caries Experience
    Caries Research 2022 ARKIV / DOI
  • Sergei Nikolaevich Drachev, Alexandra S. Galieva, TN Yushmanova, Elena A. Polivanaya, Lina Stangvaltaite-Mouhat, Rania Al-Mahdi m.fl.:
    Restorative treatment decisions for carious lesions: Do Russian dentists and dental students apply minimal intervention dentistry?
    BMC Oral Health 15. desember 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • Andrew Smith, Rania Al-Mahdi, William Malcolm, Nikolaus Palmer, Gunnar Dahlen, Mohammed Al-Haroni :
    Comparison of antimicrobial prescribing for dental and oral infections in England and Scotland with Norway and Sweden and their relative contribution to national consumption 2010-2016
    BMC Oral Health 2020 ARKIV / DOI
  • Joseph Diab, Rania Al-Mahdi, Sandra Gouveia, Terkel Hansen, Einar Jensen, Rasmus Goll m.fl.:
    A Quantitative Analysis of Colonic Mucosal Oxylipins and Endocannabinoids in Treatment-Naïve and Deep Remission Ulcerative Colitis Patients and the Potential Link With Cytokine Gene Expression
    Inflammatory Bowel Diseases 2018 ARKIV / DOI
  • Maria Perander, Rania Al-Mahdi, Thomas Clemens Jensen, Jennifer Ann Lillebo Nunn, Hanne Kildalsen, Bjarne Herold Johansen m.fl.:
    Regulation of atypical MAP kinases ERK3 and ERK4 by the phosphatase DUSP2
    Scientific Reports 2017 ARKIV / DOI
  • Rania Al-Mahdi, Nouf Babteen, Kiruthikah Thillai, Mark Holt, Bjarne Herold Johansen, Hilde Ljones Wetting m.fl.:
    A novel role for atypical MAPK kinase ERK3 in regulating breast cancer cell morphology and migration
    Cell Adhesion & Migration 2015 DOI
  • Joseph Diab, Rania Al-Mahdi, Sandra Gouveia, Terkel Hansen, Einar Jensen, Rasmus Goll m.fl.:
    Analysis of Colonic Mucosal Oxylipins and Endocannabinoids in Inflammatory Bowel Disease
  • Joseph Diab, Rania Al-Mahdi, Sandra Gouveia, Terkel Hansen, Thomas Moritz, Einar Jensen m.fl.:
    A quantitative analysis of colonic mucosal oxylipins and endocannabinoids in Ulcerative Colitis patients and cytokines gene expression

  • De 50 siste resultatene fra Cristin vises på siden. Se alle arbeider i Cristin her →


    Dental Caries and Genetics

    Salivary Proteins


    Integrert master i odontologi:

    1- ODO-1004 Master i odontologi 1. studieår, Delemne 1.6. Introduksjon til oral helse og klinisk odontologi (Delemneleder)

    2- ODO-1004 Master i odontologi 1. studieår Delemne 1.6. Introduksjon til oral helse og klinisk odontologi (Introduksjon til eksperimentell odontologi og Case 1A &B)

    3- ODO-2010 Oral anatomi og fysiologi (Tannmorfologi, Mikroskoperingskurs og Slimhinneklinikken)

    4- ODO-3901 Masteroppgave

    5- ODO-3920 Prosjektoppgave (forskerlinje)

    6- MED-1501 Medisin 1.studieår (Delemne 1.2 (Case 1 ))

    Bachelor i tannpleie:

    1- TPL-1004 Biomedisinske basalfag (Emneleder)

    2- TPL-1010 Klinisk Tannpleie II (Farmakolgi)

    3- TPL-1014/HEL-1700 Klinisk Tannpleie III (Grunnleggende statistikk)

    Medlem i forskningsgruppe



    Pedagogical Basic Competence for Higher Education, UiT The Arctic University of Norway 2021

    Doctor of philosophy (PhD), UiT The Arctic University of Norway 2015

    Master in human cell biology (MSc), University of Bergen, Norway 2009

    College of Dentistry (BDS), University of Science and Technology, Yemen 2000



    Associated professor              Department of Clinical Dentistry, UiT The Arctic University of Norway  2022-

    Postdoctoral research fellow  Department of Clinical Dentistry, UiT The Arctic University of Norway 2019-2022

    Senior laboratory manager     Department of Clinical Medicine, research group of gastroenterology and nutrition, UiT The Arctic University of Norway 2016-2019

    Doctoral research fellow        Department of Pharmasy, UiT The Arctic University of Norway 2010-2015

    Doctoral research fellow        King ́s College London, United Kindom (Guest PhD student) 2012-2013

    Researcher                              GenØk-Center for Biosafety, Tromsø, Norway 2009-2010

    General Dental Practioner      Private clinic   2000-2007