Anne Kristin McLaren Berge
Stipendiat i tumorbiologisk forskningsgruppe med tilknyttning til autofagiforskninsgruppen.
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I am working on a project that is focused on TRIM proteins in relation to autophagy and cancer. Autophagy is the renovation system of the cell and is essential for keeping our cells healthy. In cancer, autophagy is a double-edged sword as it can either prevent or promote the disease. Several TRIM proteins are already known to be involved in autophagy, but it remains to fully understand the participation of these proteins in the cells renovation system. Through bioinformatical methods in combination with wet-lab experiments, our goal is to know more about how TRIM proteins might be involved in cancer, either through autophagy or through a non-autophagic pathway.
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Medlem i forskningsgruppe
Medlem i prosjekt
august.2015-juni.2018: UiO-Bachelor i moleklylærbiologi
august.2018-juni.2020: UiO-Master in science
januar.2021-april.2021: Korona teststasjon i Bærum
april.2021-DD : UiT stipendiat Autofagiforskningsgruppen/Tumorbiologisk forskningsgruppe