Yuvraj Maphrio Mao,
Khairunnisa Amreen,
Rajnish K Calay,
Aritro Banerjee,
Sanket Goel
Modification of glass screen printed electrodes with graphene quantum dots for enhanced power output in miniaturized microbial fuel cells
Aritro Banerjee,
Rajnish K Calay,
Subhashis Das
Effect of pH, COD, and HRT on the Performance of Microbial Fuel Cell Using Synthetic Dairy Wastewater
Aritro Banerjee,
Rajnish Kaur Calay,
Fasil Ejigu Eregno
Role and Important Properties of a Membrane with Its Recent Advancement in a Microbial Fuel Cell
Aritro Banerjee,
Rajnish K Calay,
Mohamad Mustafa
Review on material and design of anode for microbial fuel cell
Fatemeh Poureshghi,
Subhashis Das,
Aritro Banerjee,
Rajnish K Calay
Enhanced Performance of Microbial Fuel Cells Using Electrochemically Treated Carbon Felt Anode
SSRN Electronic Journal 2023
Aritro Banerjee,
Rajnish K Calay,
Arup Kumar Sengupta
Use of Hybrid Ion Exchange Resin For The Removal Of Fluoride From Groundwater