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Institutt for samfunnsmedisin

Knut A. Holtedahl

  • Knut Arne Holtedahl, Lars Borgquist, Gé A. Donker, Frank Buntinx, David Weller, Christine Campbell m.fl.:
    Symptoms and signs of urogenital cancer in primary care
    BMC Primary Care 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Knut Arne Holtedahl, Lars Borgquist, Gé A. Donker, Frank Buntinx, David Weller, Christine Campbell m.fl.:
    Symptoms and signs of colorectal cancer, with differences between proximal and distal colon cancer: a prospective cohort study of diagnostic accuracy in primary care
    BMC Family Practice 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • Knut Arne Holtedahl :
    Forty Years of Arctic Primary Care Research on the Early Diagnosis of Cancer
    IntechOpen 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • Knut Arne Holtedahl, Benedicte Scheel, May-Lill Johansen :
    General practitioners' participation in cancer treatment in Norway
    Rural and remote health 2018 ARKIV / DOI
  • Knut Arne Holtedahl, Peter Hjertholm, Lars Borgquist, Gé A. Donker, Frank Buntinx, David Weller m.fl.:
    Abdominal symptoms and cancer in the abdomen: prospective cohort study in European primary care
    British Journal of General Practice 2018 DOI
  • Knut Arne Holtedahl, Peter Vedsted, Lars Borgquist, Gé A. Donker, Frank Buntinx, David Weller m.fl.:
    Abdominal symptoms in general practice: Frequency, cancer suspicions raised, and actions taken by GPs in six European countries. Cohort study with prospective registration of cancer
    Heliyon 2017 ARKIV / DOI
  • Benedicte Scheel, Knut Arne Holtedahl :
    Symptoms, signs, and tests: The general practitioner's comprehensive approach towards a cancer diagnosis
    Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care 2015 ARKIV / DOI
  • Knut A. Holtedahl, Daniel Salpou, Tonje Braaten, Zogoi Berved :
    Optimal starting point for antiretroviral HIV treatment in a town in Cameroon: a randomised controlled study
    BMC Public Health 2014 ARKIV / DOI
  • Knut A. Holtedahl :
    Cohort study: Predictive values of GPs' suspicion of serious disease are high enough to warrant subsequent investigation
    Evidence-Based Medicine 2014 DOI
  • Susanne Ingebrigtsen, Benedicte Scheel, Børge Hart, Tommy Arild Garden Thorsen, Knut A. Holtedahl :
    Frequency of warning signs of cancer in Norwegian general practice, with prospective recording of subsequent cancer
    Family Practice 24. oktober 2012 DOI
  • Knut A. Holtedahl :
    Kreftdiagnostikk i allmennpraksis
    Gyldendal Akademisk 2013
  • Knut A. Holtedahl :
    Gyldendal Akademisk 2013
  • Knut A. Holtedahl :
    Tretthet og slapphet
    Gyldendal Akademisk 2013
  • Benedicte Scheel, Susanne Ingebrigtsen, Tommy Arild Garden Thorsen, Knut A. Holtedahl :
    Cancer suspicion in general practice: the role of symptoms and patient characteristics, and their association with subsequent cancer
    British Journal of General Practice 2013 DOI
  • May-Lill Johansen, Knut A. Holtedahl, Carl Edvard Rudebeck :
    How does the thought of cancer arise in a general practice consultation? Interviews with GPs
    Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care 2012 DOI
  • May-Lill Johansen, Knut A. Holtedahl, Anette Sofie Davidsen, Carl Edvard Rudebeck :
    'I deal with the small things': The doctor-patient relationship and professional identity in GPs' stories of cancer care
    Health 2012 DOI
  • Steinar Hunskaar, Mette Brekke, Per Hjortdahl, Knut Arne Holtedahl, Hogne Sandvik, Tone Smith-Sivertsen :
  • Steinar Hunskaar, Knut A. Holtedahl, Per Hjortdahl, Tone Smith-Sivertsen, Mette Brekke, Hogne Sandvik :
    Allmennmedisin, 3. utgave
    Gyldendal Akademisk 2013
  • Håvard Kjesbu Skjellegrind, Knut Arne Holtedahl :
    Gyldendal Norsk Forlag A/S 2023
  • Knut Arne Holtedahl :
    Challenges in early diagnosis of cancer: the fast track
    Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care 2020 DOI
  • Knut Arne Holtedahl :
    Positive predictive value and sensitivity of selected abdominal symptoms in relation to some major abdominal forms of cancer with a discussion of the data basis for calculations. Examples from bladder, kidney and colorectal cancer in a cohort study with prospective registration of cancer.
  • Knut Arne Holtedahl :
    Relationship between abdominal symptoms and cancer in the abdomen: cohort study in primary care with prospective registration of cancer, in six European countries
  • Knut Arne Holtedahl, Ranjan Parajuli :
    Abdominal symptoms: Frequency, cancer suspicions raised and actions taken in general practice, with differences in six European countries
  • Knut Arne Holtedahl, Ranjan Parajuli :
    Abdominal symptoms in general practice: Validity in relation to new abdominal cancer
  • Knut Arne Holtedahl :
    Kan vi få et fredsdepartement?
    Nordlys 25. januar 2016
  • Knut Arne Holtedahl, Ranjan Parajuli, Tonje Braaten :
    Cancer suspicion starting with abdominal symptoms in general practice
  • Ranjan Parajuli, Tonje Braaten, Knut Arne Holtedahl :
    Abdominal symptoms and cancer: multinational retrospective coh ort study with prospective recording of cancer
  • Knut Arne Holtedahl, Benedicte Scheel :
    Symptoms, signs and tests: The general practitioner's comprehensive approach towards a cancer diagnosis. Retrospective cohort study with prospective registration of cancer in general practice
  • Knut Arne Holtedahl :
    Hva skal leger si nei til?
    Utposten 2015
  • Knut A. Holtedahl :
    Hva skal leger si nei til?
    Nordlys 16. februar 2015
  • Knut A. Holtedahl :
    Tidlig kreftdiagnostikk, hvordan?
  • Børge Hart, Knut A. Holtedahl :
    The role of abdominal symptoms in early diagnosis of cancer in general practice - a cohort study
  • Knut A. Holtedahl :
    Predictive values of GPs’ suspicion of serious disease are high enough to warrant subsequent investigation
    BMJ Evidence Based Medicine 2014 FULLTEKST
  • Knut A. Holtedahl, Benedicte Scheel :
    Sensitivity of symptoms and signs in different types of cancer
  • Ingjerd Sørlie Yri, Knut A. Holtedahl :
    Sjekk krefttegnene
    06. november 2013
  • May-Lill Johansen, Knut A. Holtedahl, Anette Sofie Davidsen, Carl Edvard Rudebeck :
    A narrative analysis of GPs’ stories of caring for people with cancer
  • May-Lill Johansen, Knut A. Holtedahl, Carl Edvard Rudebeck :
    How does the thought of cancer arise during a GP-consultation?
  • May-Lill Johansen, Knut A. Holtedahl, Carl Edvard Rudebeck :
    How does the thought of cancer arise in a general practice consultation?
  • May-Lill Johansen, Knut A. Holtedahl, Anette Sofie Davidsen, Carl Edvard Rudebeck :
    The doctor-patient relationship and professional identity in GPs' stories of cancer care
  • Benedicte Scheel, Knut A. Holtedahl :
    Cancer suspicion in general practice: The role of symptoms and patient characteristics, and association with subsequent cancer
  • Lisbeth Nilsen, Knut A. Holtedahl :
    Fastleger fanger opp krefttilfeller
    12. september 2013
  • Benedicte Iversen Scheel, Knut A. Holtedahl :
    Diagnostic value of 'warning signs of cancer' in Norwegian general practice
  • Børge Hart, Lisbeth Ellegaard, Knut A. Holtedahl :
    The role of abdominal symptoms in early diagnosis of cancer in general practice - a cohort study
  • Knut A. Holtedahl, Børge Hart :
    Diagnostikk av abdominalkreft i allmennpraksis
  • Knut A. Holtedahl :
    Kreftdiagnostikk i allmennpraksis
  • Knut A. Holtedahl :
    Clinical competence and childhood cancer - a view from primary care
    Acta Paediatrica 2012 DOI
  • Knut A. Holtedahl :
    Hver åttende har mulige tegn på kreft
    01. november 2012
  • Knut A. Holtedahl :
    Når bør kreftalarmen ringe?
    10. desember 2012
  • Knut A. Holtedahl :
    Ny studie:Én av åtte pasienter har mulige tegn på kreft
    02. november 2012
  • Knut A. Holtedahl :
    Varmt og klokt om legegjerningen
    Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening 2012

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