Sverre Ole Grepperud,
Pål Andreas Pedersen
Contracting with sequential care providers
Health Economics Review 19. desember 2024
June Borge Doornich,
Pål Andreas Pedersen
Exogenous Shocks and the Dynamics between Geopolitics and Global Trade
Sverre Ole Grepperud,
Pål Andreas Pedersen
Performance Pay and Multiple Tasks; Inner Motivations and Participation Constraints
Journal of Applied Business and Economics (JABE) 2022
Harald Bergland,
Purnedu Mishra,
Pål Andreas Pedersen,
Arkadi Ponossov,
John Andreas Wyller
Time delays and pollution in an open-access fishery
Sverre Ole Grepperud,
Pål Andreas Pedersen
First and second mover advantages and the degree of conflicting interests
Managerial and Decision Economics (MDE) 2021
Phebe Asantewaa Owusu,
Samuel Asumadu Sarkodie,
Pål Andreas Pedersen
Relationship between mortality and health care expenditure: Sustainable assessment of health care system
Gunhild Birgitte Sætren,
Jonas Rennemo Vaag,
Pål Andreas Pedersen,
Toril Fagerli Birkeland,
Thor Owe Holmquist,
Catharina Lindheim
Driving Simulators in Teaching and Learning: A Qualitative Study
Sverre Grepperud,
Pål Andreas Pedersen
Positioning and negotiations: The case of pharmaceutical pricing
European Journal of Political Economy 09. januar 2020
Gunhild Birgitte Sætren,
Toril Fagerli Birkeland,
Thor Owe Holmquist,
Pål Andreas Pedersen,
Martin Rasmussen Skogstad,
Catharina Lindheim
Accepting driving simulators as a tool in driver instructor training.
Research Publishing Services 2020
Harald Bergland,
Evgenii Burlakov,
Pål Andreas Pedersen,
John Andreas Wyller
Aquaculture, pollution and fishery - dynamics of marine industrial interactions
Ecological Complexity : An International Journal on Biocomplexity in the Environment and Theoretical Ecology 2020
Sverre Grepperud,
Pål Andreas Pedersen
Accreditation in regulated markets
Managerial and Decision Economics (MDE) 2020
Sverre Grepperud,
Pål Andreas Pedersen
Transportstandardbegrepet - noen refleksjoner
Fagbokforlaget 2020
Harald Bergland,
Pål Andreas Pedersen
Trafikksikkerhet og regulering av godstransport på veg
Fagbokforlaget 2020
Sverre Grepperud,
Terje Andreas Mathisen,
Pål Andreas Pedersen
Accreditation in a differentiated duopoly
Gunhild Birgitte Sætren,
Toril Fagerli Birkeland,
Pål Andreas Pedersen,
Catharina Lindheim,
Martin Rasmussen Skogstad
Opportunities and limitations in use of simulators in driver training in Norway. A qualitative study.
Harald Bergland,
Pål Andreas Pedersen
Efficiency and traffic safety with pay for performance in road transportation
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 2019
Gunhild Birgitte Sætren,
Catharina Lindheim,
Martin Rasmussen Skogstad,
Pål Andreas Pedersen,
Rolf Robertsen,
Ståle Lødemel
Simulator versus traditional training: A comparative study of night driving training
Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting. 2019
Harald Bergland,
Pål Andreas Pedersen,
John Andreas Wyller
Accumulated marine pollution and fishery dynamics
Ecological Complexity : An International Journal on Biocomplexity in the Environment and Theoretical Ecology 2019
Gunhild Birgitte Sætren,
Pål Andreas Pedersen,
Rolf Robertsen,
Per Johan Haukeberg,
Martin Rasmussen,
Catharina Lindheim
Simulator training in driver education - potential gains and challenges.
Harald Bergland,
Pål Andreas Pedersen
The design and implementation of driving time regulation
European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research 21. september 2018
Harald Bergland,
Pål Andreas Pedersen,
John Andreas Wyller
Stable and unstable equilibrium states in a fishery-aquaculture model
Natural Resource Modeling 2018
Terje Andreas Mathisen,
Finn Jørgensen,
Pål Andreas Pedersen,
Georgina Santos
Airport Charges ‐ Interactions between airlines and airports
Pål Andreas Pedersen
Vitenskap og klokskap i nord
Derek J. Clark,
Finn Jørgensen,
Pål Andreas Pedersen
Strategic Interactions between Transport Operators with Several Goals
Journal of Transport Economics and Policy 2009
Tor Korneliussen,
Tor Korneliussen,
Pål Andreas Pedersen,
Pål Andreas Pedersen,
Kjell Grønhaug
Quality assessment in a turbulent environment: The case of the stockfish industry
Industrial Marketing Management 2007
Pål Andreas Pedersen,
Sverre Grepperud
Crowding effects and work ethics
Labour 2006
Harald Bergland,
Pål Andreas Pedersen
Risk attitudes and individual transferable quotas
Marine Resource Economics 2006
Pål Andreas Pedersen,
Derek J. Clark,
Harald Bergland
History-dependent quantity regulation
Journal of Economics 2004
Finn Jørgensen,
Pål Andreas Pedersen
Travel distance and optimal transport policy
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 2004
Pål Andreas Pedersen,
Sverre Grepperud
Negotiated agreements and the demand for political legitimacy
Edward Elgar Publishing 2004
Finn Jørgensen,
Pål Andreas Pedersen
Travel distance and optimal transport policy
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 2004
Pål Andreas Pedersen
On the optimal fare politics in urban tarnsportation
? 2003
Pål Andreas Pedersen
Moral hazard in traffic games
Journal of Transport Economics and Policy 2003
Sverre Grepperud,
Pål Andreas Pedersen
Voluntary environmental agreements: Taking up positions and meeting pressure
? 2003
Finn Jørgensen,
Pål Andreas Pedersen
Drivers response to the installation of road lightening. An economic interpretation
Accident Analysis and Prevention 2002
Pål Andreas Pedersen
Rent seeking and the regulation of a national resource
? 2002
Harald Bergland,
Derek John Clark,
Pål Andreas Pedersen
Rent-seeking and quota regulation of a renewable resource
Resource and Energy Economics 2002
Harald Bergland,
Derek J. Clark,
Pål Pedersen
Rent Seeking and the Regulation of a Natural Resource
Marine Resource Economics 2001
Pål Andreas Pedersen
Editorial. A Special Issue in the honour of Professor Finn Jørgensen.
Research in Transportation Economics 2020
Pål Andreas Pedersen
Professor Finn Jørgensen - en samfunns- og transportøkonom med base i Nordland
Fagbokforlaget 2020
Kjersti Granås Bardal,
Pål Andreas Pedersen,
Gisle Solvoll
Ringvirkninger av byutviklingstiltak
Gunhild Birgitte Sætren,
Catharina Lindheim,
Martin Rasmussen Skogstad,
Pål Andreas Pedersen,
Rolf Robertsen,
Ståle Lødemel
Simulator versus traditional training: A comparative study of night driving training
Pål Andreas Pedersen
Ingenting er så praktisk som en god teori - gjelder det også spillteori?
Magma forskning og viten 2018
Gunhild Birgitte Sætren,
Catharina Lindheim,
Martin Rasmussen,
Torgeir Kolstø Haavik,
Pål Andreas Pedersen,
Rolf Robertsen
Simulatortrening i trafikkopplæring
Pål Pedersen
Studiekvalitet, dannelsesfag og interfakultært samarbeid
Tor Korneliussen,
Tor Korneliussen,
Pål Andreas Pedersen,
Pål Andreas Pedersen,
Kjell Grønhaug
Quality assessment in a turbulent environment : the case of the stockfish industry
Nord universitet 2005
Tor Korneliussen,
Tor Korneliussen,
Pål Andreas Pedersen,
Pål Andreas Pedersen,
Kjell Grønhaug
The dynamics of quality assessment: The case of a marketing institution
Harald Bergland,
Pål Andreas Pedersen,
Pål Andreas Pedersen
Different attitudes towards risk and individual traserable qoutas
Finn Jørgensen,
Pål Andreas Pedersen
The influence of travel distance and transport operators' objectives on fares, transport quality and generalised transport costs