Nina Katrine Prebensen
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Forskningsløft i Nord
Northern Insights - "Opplevelser i Nord" - Service Innovation and Tourist Experiences in the High North:The Co-creation of Value for Consumers, Firms and the Tourism Industry.
This research programme is managed by a consortium consisting of the following institutions: Tromsø University Business School, University of Tromsø, Bodø Graduate Business School, University of Bodø, Harstad University College, Nordland Research Institute, Norut Alta and Bioforsk. The programme is financed through the Norwegian Research Council.
The programme consists of 15 sub-projects. I am responsible for Work Package 2 “Value Creation in the Tourist Experience”, which includes 7 project. I am also responsible for one of the projects in this WP; WP 2.1. Dramaturgy and Experiencescape – Values for tourists and businesses. The research task is to study the nature and process (the dramaturgy and staging) of co-creation of tourist experiences and to identify “best practices” and success factors among different types of tourist experiences. The project is based on theoretical perspectives such as service-dominant logic, dramaturgy and servicescape.
Varm velkomst betyr mest. Bladet Nordlys, side 3. 15. september, 2011.
Aktive naturbaserte turister – et næringsmessig dilemma. Landsdelsutvalget, Juni, 2010.
Verdifullt Finnmarksløp. Bladet Nordlys, Mars, 2009.
Aktive turister gir verdi. Bladet Nordlys, 21. juni, 2013
Nord i Sør: Nordlysturisme: NRK Troms, radio, 9. januar, 2014
Kronikk i dagens perspektiv, august, 2015
Forbrukeradferd, bærekraft, samskaping av verdi, innovasjon, opplevelser, turisme
Kundebasert innovasjon