Bilde av Prebensen, Nina Katrine
Foto: Rudi Jozef Maria Caeyers
Bilde av Prebensen, Nina Katrine
Handelshøgskolen ved UiT +4777646766 Tromsø

Nina Katrine Prebensen


  • Michael Burmester, Nina Katrine Prebensen :
    Using digital technology to expand and intensify tourism experiences
    Edward Elgar Publishing 2024
  • Nina Katrine Prebensen :
    Value creation, innovation, and quality of life in a cultural setting
    Edward Elgar Publishing 2024
  • Yaozhi Zhang, Nina Katrine Prebensen :
    Co-creating with ChatGPT for tourism marketing materials
    Annals of Tourism Research Empirical Insights 2024 DOI
  • Muzzaffer S Uysal, Nina Katrine Prebensen, Joseph S. Chen :
    Experience science: challenges and research directions
    Edward Elgar Publishing 2024
  • Joseph S. Chen, Nina Katrine Prebensen, Muzzaffer S Uysal :
    Introduction: Convergence of experience science in tourism, hospitality, and leisure
    Edward Elgar Publishing 2024
  • Elsa Kristiansen, Nina Katrine Prebensen, Joseph S. Chen :
    Benefits of Volunteerism and Quality of Life: A Norwegian Perspective
    Springer 2023
  • Nina Katrine Prebensen, Muzzaffer S Uysal :
    Value co-creation in tourism eco-systems
    Routledge 2021
  • Nina Katrine Prebensen, Michael Burmester, Preben Aspvik :
    Digital forretningsmodellinnovasjon: Filmfestival i endring
    Magma forskning og viten 2021 FULLTEKST / ARKIV
  • Ingvild Blomstervik, Nina Katrine Prebensen, Ana Claudia Campos, Patricia Pinto :
    Novelty in tourism experiences: the influence of physical staging and human interaction on behavioural intentions
    Current Issues in Tourism 2020 ARKIV / DOI
  • Peter Björk, Nina Katrine Prebensen, Julia Räikkönnen, Jon Sundbo :
    20 Years of Nordic tourism experience research: a review and future research agenda
    Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism 12. desember 2020 ARKIV / DOI
  • Jinghua Xie, Aaron Tkaczynski, Nina Katrine Prebensen :
    Human value co-creation behavior in tourism: Insight from an Australian whale watching experience
    Tourism Management Perspectives 2020 ARKIV / DOI
  • Nina Katrine Prebensen :
    Samskaping av verdier som fundament for eventers suksess
    Universitetsforlaget 2019 ARKIV / DOI
  • Wei Wang, Joseph S. Chen, Nina Katrine Prebensen :
    Market analysis of value-minded tourists: Nature-based tourism in the Arctic
    Journal of Destination Marketing & Management 2018 DOI
  • Young-Sook Lee, Seiichi Sakuno, Nina Katrine Prebensen, Kazuhiko KImura :
    Tracing Shintoism in Japanese nature-based domestic tourism experiences
    Cogent Social Sciences 2018 ARKIV / FULLTEKST / DOI
  • Young-Sook Lee, Nina Katrine Prebensen :
    Value creation and co-creation experiences: an East Asian cultural knowledge framework approach
    CABI Publishing 2018 ARKIV / DOI
  • Anniken Beckmann, Trine Bratland, Nina Katrine Prebensen :
    Medarbeiderdrevet innovasjon i en digital verden
    Magma forskning og viten 2018 FULLTEKST
  • Nina Katrine Prebensen, Young-Sook Lee, Hyelin Lina Kim :
    Japanese tourists’ relatedness and connectedness with nature
    Beta 2018 ARKIV / DOI
  • Joseph S. Chen, Nina Katrine Prebensen :
    Research Progress in Nature Tourism
    Routledge 2017
  • Nina Katrine Prebensen :
    Innovation potentials through value proposals: a case study of a museum in northern Norway
    Routledge 2017
  • Nina Katrine Prebensen, Joseph S. Chen, Muzzaffer S Uysal :
    Tourist Experience creation: an overview
    Routledge 2017 DOI
  • Nina Katrine Prebensen, Young-Sook Lee, Joseph S. Chen :
    Connectedness and Relatedness to Nature: A Case of Neo-Confucianism among Chinese, South Korean and Japanese Tourists
    Routledge 2017
  • Nina Katrine Prebensen :
    The mediating effect of real life encounters in co-writing tourism books
    Tourism Management 2017 DOI
  • Young-Sook Lee, David Weaver, Nina Katrine Prebensen :
    Arctic destinations and attractions as evolving peripheral settings for the production and consumption of peak tourism experiences
    CABI Publishing 2017 DOI
  • Joseph S. Chen, Muzzaffer S Uysal, Nina Katrine Prebensen :
    Challenges and research directions in co-creating tourism experience
    Routledge 2017 DOI
  • Nina Katrine Prebensen :
    Staging for value co-creation in nature-based experiences: the case of a surfing course at Surfers Paradise, Australia
    Routledge 2017
  • Nina Katrine Prebensen, Joseph S. Chen :
    Final Remarks: Challenges and Research Directions
    Routledge 2017
  • Young-Sook Lee, David Weaver, Nina Katrine Prebensen :
    Arctic Tourism Experiences: Opportunities, Challenges and Future Research Directions for a Changing Periphery
    CABI Publishing 2017 DOI
  • Nina Katrine Prebensen, Sølvi Lyngnes :
    Responsible Fishing Tourism in the Arctic
    CABI Publishing 2017 DOI
  • Joseph S. Chen, Nina Katrine Prebensen, Muzzaffer S Uysal :
    Handbook of experience science: tourism, hospitality, and leisure
    Edward Elgar Publishing 2024
  • Ingvild Blomstervik, Nina Katrine Prebensen :
    Communicating and interacting
  • Nina Katrine Prebensen, Joseph S. Chen, Muzzo S. Uysal :
    Creating Experience Value in Tourism
    CABI Publishing 2018
  • Young-Sook Lee, Nina Katrine Prebensen, David Weaver :
    Arctic Tourism Experiences. Production, Comsumption and Sustainability
    CABI Publishing 2017
  • Joseph S. Chen, Nina Katrine Prebensen :
    Nature Tourism
    Routledge 2017
  • Nina Katrine Prebensen, Joseph S. Chen, Muzaffer S Uysal :
    Co-Creation in Tourist Experiences
    Routledge 2017
  • Nina Katrine Prebensen :
    Co-creation in tourist experiences
  • Nina Katrine Prebensen :
    Key Note: Experience value in tourism
  • Nina Katrine Prebensen :
    Research Strategy for the School of Business, USN
  • Nina Katrine Prebensen, Sølvi Lyngnes :
    Sustainable business models in Arctic tourism
  • Sølvi Lyngnes, Nina Katrine Prebensen :
    Sustainable Mountain Tourism in Norway
  • Nina Katrine Prebensen :
    Sustainable tourism Marketing
  • Nina Katrine Prebensen :
    Næringslivssummit: Oversetterutfordringer møter bestillerutfordringer
  • Nina Katrine Prebensen :
    Merkevarebygging - UiT
  • Nina Katrine Prebensen :
    Næ En møteplass og en kick-off for et bredere og bedre samarbeid mellom næringslivet og Handelshøgskolen ved UiT Norges Arktiske Universitet
  • Joseph S. Chen, Nina Katrine Prebensen, Muzzo S. Uysal :
    Dynamic drivers of tourist experiences
    CABI Publishing 2018
  • Young-Sook Lee, Nina Katrine Prebensen :
    Value creation and co-creation in tourist experiences: an East-Asian Cultural knowledge framework approach
    CABI Publishing 2018
  • Nina Katrine Prebensen, Muzzo S. Uysal, Joseph S. Chen :
    Value creation: Challenges and future research directions
    CABI Publishing 2018
  • Nina Katrine Prebensen, Muzzo S. Uysal, Joseph S. Chen :
    perspectives on value creation: Resource configuration
    CABI Publishing 2018
  • Nina Katrine Prebensen :
    Verdidrivere i lokalsamfunnet
  • Nina Katrine Prebensen, Birgit Andrine Apenes Solem, Thomas Brekke :
    Service innovation in a technology based firm. Bottlenecks that prevent customer orientation
  • Nina Katrine Prebensen :
    Boklansering: Fra ide til suksess.

  • De 50 siste resultatene fra Cristin vises på siden. Se alle arbeider i Cristin her →

    Publikasjoner utenom Cristin

    Forskningsløft i Nord

    Northern Insights - "Opplevelser i Nord" - Service Innovation and Tourist Experiences in the High North:The Co-creation of Value for Consumers, Firms and the Tourism Industry.

    This research programme is managed by a consortium consisting of the following institutions: Tromsø University Business School, University of Tromsø, Bodø Graduate Business School, University of Bodø, Harstad University College, Nordland Research Institute, Norut Alta and Bioforsk. The programme is financed through the Norwegian Research Council.

    The programme consists of 15 sub-projects. I am responsible for Work Package 2 “Value Creation in the Tourist Experience”, which includes 7 project. I am also responsible for one of the projects in this WP; WP 2.1. Dramaturgy and Experiencescape – Values for tourists and businesses. The research task is to study the nature and process (the dramaturgy and staging) of co-creation of tourist experiences and to  identify “best practices” and success factors among different types of tourist experiences. The project is based on theoretical perspectives such as service-dominant logic, dramaturgy and servicescape.



    Varm velkomst betyr mest. Bladet Nordlys, side 3. 15. september, 2011. 

    Aktive naturbaserte turister – et næringsmessig dilemma. Landsdelsutvalget, Juni, 2010.

    Verdifullt Finnmarksløp. Bladet Nordlys, Mars, 2009.

    Aktive turister gir verdi. Bladet Nordlys, 21. juni, 2013


    Nord i Sør: Nordlysturisme: NRK Troms, radio, 9. januar, 2014


    Kronikk i dagens perspektiv, august, 2015




    Forbrukeradferd, bærekraft, samskaping av verdi, innovasjon, opplevelser, turisme 


    Kundebasert innovasjon