Bilde av Licaj, Idlir
Bilde av Licaj, Idlir
Researcher Institutt for samfunnsmedisin +4777645467 +47 40578123 Tromsø Her finner du meg

Idlir Licaj

  • Fjorida Llaha, Idlir Licaj, Ekaterina Sharashova, Kristin Benjaminsen Borch, Marko Lukic :
    Alcohol consumption trajectories and associated factors in adult women: the Norwegian Women and Cancer study
    Alcohol and Alcoholism 2025 DOI
  • Paul Lesueur, Benedicte Clarisse, Justine Lequesne, Idlir Licaj, Loic Feuvret, Dinu Stefan m.fl.:
    Proton therapy versus conventional radiotherapy for the treatment of cavernous sinus benign meningioma, a randomized controlled phase III study protocol (COG-PROTON-01)
    BMC Cancer 2024 ARKIV / DOI
  • Marie Lange, Idlir Licaj, Rhéda Stroiazzo, Andry Rabiaza, Jeanne Le Bas, François Le Bas m.fl.:
    COVID-19 psychological impact in general practitioners: A longitudinal study
    L'Encephale 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Kathleen Weyts, Elske Quak, Idlir Licaj, Renaud Ciappuccini, Charline Lasnon, Aurélien Corroyer-Dulmont m.fl.:
    Deep Learning Denoising Improves and Homogenizes Patient [18F]FDG PET Image Quality in Digital PET/CT
    Diagnostics (Basel) 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Idlir Licaj, Elodie Coquan, Tienhan Sandrine Dabakuyo-Yonli, Sarah Dauchy, Ines Vaz Luis, Cecile Charles m.fl.:
    Baseline quality of life and chemotherapy toxicities in patients with early breast cancer
    Cancer 2023 DOI
  • M. Humbert, J. Lequesne, Idlir Licaj, N. Bon-Mardion, A.D. Bouhnik, E. Huyghe m.fl.:
    Sexual health at 5 years after diagnosis of head and neck cancer
    Supportive Care in Cancer 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Marie Lange, Idlir Licaj, Michel Boulouard, David Garon, Estelle Richard, Jeanne Le Bas m.fl.:
    Psychological impact of the COVID-19 outbreak in community pharmacists: A longitudinal study
    Journal of the American Pharmacists Association (JAPhA) 2022 DOI
  • Marko Lukic, Idlir Licaj, Maarit A. Laaksonen, Elisabete Weiderpass, Kristin Benjaminsen Borch, Charlotta Rylander :
    The burden of colon cancer attributable to modifiable factors—The Norwegian Women and Cancer Study
    International Journal of Cancer 2022 ARKIV / DOI
  • Xavier Humbert, Idlir Licaj, Sophie Fedrizzi, Joachim Alexandre, Alessandro Menotti, Alain Manrique m.fl.:
    Relationship between lifestyle factors and hypertension: a cross-sectional analysis from the Gubbio study
    Acta Cardiologica 2022 DOI
  • Justin Dugué, Maxime Humbert, Marc Karim Bendiane, Anne-Déborah Bouhnik, Emmanuel Babin, Idlir Licaj :
    Head and neck cancer survivors’ pain in France: the VICAN study
    Journal of cancer survivorship 2021 DOI
  • Gwenaelle Creff, Franck Jegoux, Marc Karim Bendiane, Emmanuel Babin, Idlir Licaj :
    Returning to work by thyroid cancer survivors 5 years after diagnosis: the VICAN survey
    Journal of cancer survivorship 2021 DOI
  • F. Gernier, Anne Gompel, C. Rousset-Jablonski, Elsa Kalbacher, A. Floquet, D. Berton-Rigaud m.fl.:
    Menopausal symptoms in epithelial ovarian cancer survivors: a GINECO VIVROVAIRE2 study
    Gynecologic Oncology 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • Mélanie Dos Santos, Idlir Licaj, Carine Bellera, Laurent Cany, Giulia Binarelli, Pierre Soubeyran m.fl.:
    Cognitive impairment in older cancer patients treated with first-line chemotherapy
    Cancers 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • Gwenaelle Creff, Franck Jegoux, Marc Karim Bendiane, Emmanuel Babin, Idlir Licaj :
    Social and sexual health of thyroid cancer survivors 2 and 5 years after diagnosis: the VICAN survey
    Supportive Care in Cancer 2021 DOI
  • Renaud Ciappuccini, Virginie Saguet-Rysanek, Florence Giffard, Idlir Licaj, Marine Dorbeau, Bénédicte Clarisse m.fl.:
    PSMA Expression in Differentiated Thyroid Cancer: Association with Radioiodine, 18FDG Uptake, and Patient Outcome
    Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism (JCEM) 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • Inger Torhild Gram, Arne Bastian Wiik, Eiliv Lund, Idlir Licaj, Tonje Bjørndal Braaten :
    Never-smokers and the fraction of breast cancer attributable to second-hand smoke from parents during childhood: the Norwegian Women and Cancer Study 1991–2018
    International Journal of Epidemiology 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • Isabelle Hardy-Leger, Cècile Charles, Marie Lange, Florence Joly, Pauline Roux, Aurelie Capel m.fl.:
    Differentiation of groups of patients with cognitive complaints at breast cancer diagnosis: Results from a sub‐study of the French CANTO cohort
    Psycho-Oncology 2020 DOI
  • Marie Lange, Isabelle Hardy-Leger, Idlir Licaj, Barbara Pistilli, Olivier Rigal, Johan Le Fel m.fl.:
    Cognitive impairment in patients with breast cancer before surgery: results from a CANTO cohort subgroup
    Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention 2020 DOI
  • Boscher Clémence, Joly Florence, Clarisse Bénédicte, Humbert Xavier, Grellard Jean-Michel, Binarelli Giulia m.fl.:
    Perceived Cognitive Impairment in Breast Cancer Survivors and Its Relationships with Psychological Factors
    Cancers 2020 ARKIV / DOI
  • Bénédicte Clin, Natacha Heutte, Mathilde Boulanger, Xavier Troussard, Edouard Cornet, Ghandi Laurent Damaj m.fl.:
    Analysis of medico-social factors for return to work among patients presenting with haematological malignancy (adamantine): Results of a 'pilot study'
    BMC Research Notes 2020 ARKIV / DOI
  • Merethe Selnes Hansen, Idlir Licaj, Tonje Braaten, Eiliv Lund, Inger Torhild Gram :
    The fraction of lung cancer attributable to smoking in the Norwegian Women and Cancer (NOWAC) Study
    British Journal of Cancer 2020 ARKIV / DOI
  • Gernier François, Joly Florence, Klein Delphine, Mercier Mariette, Velten Michel, Idlir Licaj :
    Cancer-related Fatigue Among Long-Term Survivors of Breast, Cervical, and Colorectal Cancer: A French Registry-Based Controlled Study
    Supportive Care in Cancer 2020 DOI
  • Merethe Selnes Hansen, Idlir Licaj, Tonje Braaten, Arnulf Langhammer, Loic Le Marchand, Inger Torhild Gram :
    Smoking related lung cancer mortality by education and sex in Norway
    BMC Cancer 2019 ARKIV / DOI
  • Sunday Oluwafemi Oyeyemi, Tonje Braaten, Idlir Licaj, Eiliv Lund, Kristin Benjaminsen Borch :
    Physical activity patterns and the risk of colorectal cancer in the Norwegian Women and Cancer study: A population-based prospective study
    BMC Cancer 2018 ARKIV / DOI
  • Marisa Eleonor da Silva, Elisabete Weiderpass, Idlir Licaj, Charlotta Rylander :
    Factors Associated with High Weight Gain and Obesity Duration: The Norwegian Women and Cancer (NOWAC) Study
    Obesity Facts 2018 ARKIV / DOI
  • Marisa Eleonor da Silva, Elisabete Weiderpass, Idlir Licaj, Lauren Lissner, Charlotta Rylander :
    Excess body weight, weight gain and obesity-related cancer risk in women in Norway: the Norwegian Women and Cancer study
    British Journal of Cancer 2018 ARKIV / DOI
  • Kristin Benjaminsen Borch, Elisabete Weiderpass, Tonje Braaten, Merethe Selnes Hansen, Idlir Licaj :
    Risk of lung cancer and physical activity by smoking status and body mass index, the Norwegian Women and Cancer Study
    European Journal of Epidemiology (EJE) 2018 ARKIV / DOI
  • Merethe Selnes Hansen, Idlir Licaj, Tonje Braaten, Arnulf Langhammer, Loic Le Marchand, Inger Torhild Gram :
    Sex Differences in Risk of Smoking-Associated Lung Cancer: Results from a Cohort of 600,000 Norwegians
    American Journal of Epidemiology 26. oktober 2017 ARKIV / DOI
  • Oxana Gavrilyuk, Tonje Braaten, Elisabete Weiderpass, Idlir Licaj, Eiliv Lund :
    Lifetime number of years of menstruation as a risk index for postmenopausal endometrial cancer in the Norwegian Women and Cancer Study
    Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica 2018 ARKIV / DOI
  • Marko Lukic, Neela Guha, Idlir Licaj, Piet A. van den Brandt, Leslie Thomas Stayner, Alessandra Tavani m.fl.:
    Coffee Drinking and the Risk of Endometrial Cancer: An Updated Meta-Analysis of Observational Studies
    Nutrition and Cancer 2018 DOI
  • Idlir Licaj, Bjarne K. Jacobsen, Randi Selmer, Gertraud Maskarinec, Elisabete Weiderpass, Inger Torhild Gram :
    Smoking and risk of ovarian cancer by histological subtypes: An analysis among 300 000 Norwegian women
    British Journal of Cancer 2017 FULLTEKST / ARKIV / DOI
  • Mie Jareid, Idlir Licaj, Karina Standahl Olsen, Eiliv Lund, Hege Bøvelstad :
    Does an epidemiological comparison support a common cellular lineage for similar subtypes of postmenopausal uterine and ovarian carcinoma? The Norwegian Women and Cancer Study
    International Journal of Cancer 2017 DOI
  • Kristin Benjaminsen Borch, Elisabete Weiderpass, Tonje Braaten, Mie Jareid, Oxana Gavrilyuk, Idlir Licaj :
    Physical activity and risk of endometrial cancer in the Norwegian Women and Cancer (NOWAC) study
    International Journal of Cancer 2017 ARKIV / DOI
  • Marc J. Gunter, Neil Murphy, Amanda J. Cross, Laure Dossus, Laureen Dartois, Guy Fagherazzi m.fl.:
    Coffee drinking and mortality in 10 European countries: A multinational cohort study
    Annals of Internal Medicine 2017 DOI
  • Idlir Licaj, S Sandin, Guri Skeie, Hans-Olov Adami, Nina Roswall, Elisabete Weiderpass :
    Alcohol consumption over time and mortality in the Swedish Women’s Lifestyle and Health cohort
    BMJ Open 2016 ARKIV / DOI
  • Marko Lukic, Idlir Licaj, Eiliv Lund, Guri Skeie, Elisabete Weiderpass, Tonje Braaten :
    Coffee consumption and the risk of cancer in the Norwegian Women and Cancer (NOWAC) study
    European Journal of Epidemiology (EJE) 2016 ARKIV / DOI
  • Aurelie Moskal, Heinz Freisling, Graham Byrnes, Nada Assi, Michael T. Fahey, Mazda Jenab m.fl.:
    Main nutrient patterns and colorectal cancer risk in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition study
    British Journal of Cancer 2016 ARKIV / DOI
  • Idlir Licaj, Marko Lukic, Mie Jareid, Eiliv Lund, Tonje Braaten, Inger Torhild Gram :
    Epithelial ovarian cancer subtypes attributable to smoking in the Norwegian Women and Cancer Study, 2012
    Cancer Medicine 2016 ARKIV / DOI
  • Marion Carayol, Idlir Licaj, David Achaintre, Carlotta Sacerdote, Paolo Vineis, Timothy J. Key m.fl.:
    Reliability of serum metabolites over a two-year period: A targeted metabolomic approach in fasting and non-fasting samples from EPIC
  • Fjorida Llaha, Idlir Licaj, Marko Lukic, Kristin Benjaminsen Borch :
    Light to moderate alcohol consumption and risk of kidney and pancreatic cancer in the Norwegian Women and Cancer (NOWAC) Study
  • Fjorida Llaha, Idlir Licaj, Ekaterina Sharashova, Kristin Benjaminsen Borch, Marko Lukic :
    Long-term alcohol consumption trajectories and associated factors in adult women. A Comprehensive analysis of the Norwegian Women and Cancer Study 1991-2011
  • Inger Torhild Gram, Arne Bastian Wiik, Eiliv Lund, Idlir Licaj, Tonje Bjørndal Braaten :
    Never smokers and exposure to second hand smoke (SHS) from parents during childhood and risk of Breast Cancer. The Norwegian Women and Cancer study 1991-2018
  • Inger Torhild Gram, Tonje Braaten, Eiliv Lund, Idlir Licaj :
    Environmental tobacco smoke exposure and breast cancer risk in the Norwegian women and cancer study cohort
    Cancer Research 2017 DOI
  • Inger Torhild Gram, Tonje Braaten, Eiliv Lund, Idlir Licaj :
    Environmental tobacco smoke exposure and breast cancer risk in the Norwegian women and cancer study cohort
  • Kristin Benjaminsen Borch, Elisabete Weiderpass, Tonje Braaten, Mie Jareid, Oxana Gavrilyuk, Idlir Licaj :
    Physical activity and Risk of endometrial cancer in the Norwegian Women and Cancer (NOWAC) study
  • Idlir Licaj, Bjarne K. Jacobsen, Randi Selmer, Gertraud Maskarinec, Elisabete Weiderpass, Inger Torhild Gram :
    Smoking and risk of mucinous epithelial ovarian cancer among 300,000 women Idlir Licaj, Bjarne Koster Jacobsen, Randi Marie Selmer, Gertraud Maskarinec, Elisabete Weiderpass and Inger Torhild Gram
    Cancer Research 2016
  • Merethe Selnes Hansen, Idlir Licaj, Inger Torhild Gram, Tonje Braaten, Arnulf Langhammer, Loic Le Marchand :
    Smoking and risk of lung cancer, according to cell type by gender in a Norwegian cohort of 600,000 participants
  • Idlir Licaj, Bjarne K. Jacobsen, Randi Selmer, Gertraud Maskarinec, Elisabete Weiderpass, Inger Torhild Gram :
    Smoking and risk of mucinous epithelial ovarian cancer among 300,000 women
  • Idlir Licaj, Bjarne K. Jacobsen, Randi Selmer, Gertraud Maskarinec, Elisabete Weiderpass, Inger Torhild Gram :
    Smoking and risk of epithelial ovarian cancer subtypes among 300 000 Norwegian women
  • Kristin Benjaminsen Borch, Guri Skeie, Karina Standahl Olsen, Lene Angell Åsli, Torill Enget, Idlir Licaj m.fl.:
    Forskningsdagene 2015 - Forskningstorget

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