Fjorida Llaha,
Idlir Licaj,
Ekaterina Sharashova,
Kristin Benjaminsen Borch,
Marko Lukic
Alcohol consumption trajectories and associated factors in adult women: the Norwegian Women and Cancer study
Alcohol and Alcoholism 2025
Paul Lesueur,
Benedicte Clarisse,
Justine Lequesne,
Idlir Licaj,
Loic Feuvret,
Dinu Stefan
Proton therapy versus conventional radiotherapy for the treatment of cavernous sinus benign meningioma, a randomized controlled phase III study protocol (COG-PROTON-01)
Marie Lange,
Idlir Licaj,
Rhéda Stroiazzo,
Andry Rabiaza,
Jeanne Le Bas,
François Le Bas
COVID-19 psychological impact in general practitioners: A longitudinal study
Kathleen Weyts,
Elske Quak,
Idlir Licaj,
Renaud Ciappuccini,
Charline Lasnon,
Aurélien Corroyer-Dulmont
Deep Learning Denoising Improves and Homogenizes Patient [18F]FDG PET Image Quality in Digital PET/CT
Idlir Licaj,
Elodie Coquan,
Tienhan Sandrine Dabakuyo-Yonli,
Sarah Dauchy,
Ines Vaz Luis,
Cecile Charles
Baseline quality of life and chemotherapy toxicities in patients with early breast cancer
M. Humbert,
J. Lequesne,
Idlir Licaj,
N. Bon-Mardion,
A.D. Bouhnik,
E. Huyghe
Sexual health at 5 years after diagnosis of head and neck cancer
Supportive Care in Cancer 2023
Marie Lange,
Idlir Licaj,
Michel Boulouard,
David Garon,
Estelle Richard,
Jeanne Le Bas
Psychological impact of the COVID-19 outbreak in community
pharmacists: A longitudinal study
Journal of the American Pharmacists Association (JAPhA) 2022
Marko Lukic,
Idlir Licaj,
Maarit A. Laaksonen,
Elisabete Weiderpass,
Kristin Benjaminsen Borch,
Charlotta Rylander
The burden of colon cancer attributable to modifiable factors—The Norwegian Women and Cancer Study
International Journal of Cancer 2022
Xavier Humbert,
Idlir Licaj,
Sophie Fedrizzi,
Joachim Alexandre,
Alessandro Menotti,
Alain Manrique
Relationship between lifestyle factors and hypertension: a cross-sectional analysis from the Gubbio study
Acta Cardiologica 2022
Justin Dugué,
Maxime Humbert,
Marc Karim Bendiane,
Anne-Déborah Bouhnik,
Emmanuel Babin,
Idlir Licaj
Head and neck cancer survivors’ pain in France: the VICAN study
Journal of cancer survivorship 2021
Gwenaelle Creff,
Franck Jegoux,
Marc Karim Bendiane,
Emmanuel Babin,
Idlir Licaj
Returning to work by thyroid cancer survivors 5 years after diagnosis: the VICAN survey
Journal of cancer survivorship 2021
F. Gernier,
Anne Gompel,
C. Rousset-Jablonski,
Elsa Kalbacher,
A. Floquet,
D. Berton-Rigaud
Menopausal symptoms in epithelial ovarian cancer survivors: a GINECO VIVROVAIRE2 study
Mélanie Dos Santos,
Idlir Licaj,
Carine Bellera,
Laurent Cany,
Giulia Binarelli,
Pierre Soubeyran
Cognitive impairment in older cancer patients treated with first-line chemotherapy
Gwenaelle Creff,
Franck Jegoux,
Marc Karim Bendiane,
Emmanuel Babin,
Idlir Licaj
Social and sexual health of thyroid cancer survivors 2 and 5 years after diagnosis: the VICAN survey
Supportive Care in Cancer 2021
Renaud Ciappuccini,
Virginie Saguet-Rysanek,
Florence Giffard,
Idlir Licaj,
Marine Dorbeau,
Bénédicte Clarisse
PSMA Expression in Differentiated Thyroid Cancer: Association with Radioiodine, 18FDG Uptake, and Patient Outcome
Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism (JCEM) 2021
Inger Torhild Gram,
Arne Bastian Wiik,
Eiliv Lund,
Idlir Licaj,
Tonje Bjørndal Braaten
Never-smokers and the fraction of breast cancer attributable to second-hand smoke from parents during childhood: the Norwegian Women and Cancer Study 1991–2018
International Journal of Epidemiology 2021
Isabelle Hardy-Leger,
Cècile Charles,
Marie Lange,
Florence Joly,
Pauline Roux,
Aurelie Capel
Differentiation of groups of patients with cognitive complaints at breast cancer diagnosis: Results from a sub‐study of the French CANTO cohort
Marie Lange,
Isabelle Hardy-Leger,
Idlir Licaj,
Barbara Pistilli,
Olivier Rigal,
Johan Le Fel
Cognitive impairment in patients with breast cancer before surgery: results from a CANTO cohort subgroup
Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention 2020
Boscher Clémence,
Joly Florence,
Clarisse Bénédicte,
Humbert Xavier,
Grellard Jean-Michel,
Binarelli Giulia
Perceived Cognitive Impairment in Breast Cancer Survivors and Its Relationships with Psychological Factors
Bénédicte Clin,
Natacha Heutte,
Mathilde Boulanger,
Xavier Troussard,
Edouard Cornet,
Ghandi Laurent Damaj
Analysis of medico-social factors for return to work among patients presenting with haematological malignancy (adamantine): Results of a 'pilot study'
Merethe Selnes Hansen,
Idlir Licaj,
Tonje Braaten,
Eiliv Lund,
Inger Torhild Gram
The fraction of lung cancer attributable to smoking in the Norwegian Women and Cancer (NOWAC) Study
British Journal of Cancer 2020
Gernier François,
Joly Florence,
Klein Delphine,
Mercier Mariette,
Velten Michel,
Idlir Licaj
Cancer-related Fatigue Among Long-Term Survivors of Breast, Cervical, and Colorectal Cancer: A French Registry-Based Controlled Study
Supportive Care in Cancer 2020
Merethe Selnes Hansen,
Idlir Licaj,
Tonje Braaten,
Arnulf Langhammer,
Loic Le Marchand,
Inger Torhild Gram
Smoking related lung cancer mortality by education and sex in Norway
Sunday Oluwafemi Oyeyemi,
Tonje Braaten,
Idlir Licaj,
Eiliv Lund,
Kristin Benjaminsen Borch
Physical activity patterns and the risk of colorectal cancer in the Norwegian Women and Cancer study: A population-based prospective study
Marisa Eleonor da Silva,
Elisabete Weiderpass,
Idlir Licaj,
Charlotta Rylander
Factors Associated with High Weight Gain and Obesity Duration: The Norwegian Women and Cancer (NOWAC) Study
Marisa Eleonor da Silva,
Elisabete Weiderpass,
Idlir Licaj,
Lauren Lissner,
Charlotta Rylander
Excess body weight, weight gain and obesity-related cancer risk in women in Norway: the Norwegian Women and Cancer study
British Journal of Cancer 2018
Kristin Benjaminsen Borch,
Elisabete Weiderpass,
Tonje Braaten,
Merethe Selnes Hansen,
Idlir Licaj
Risk of lung cancer and physical activity by smoking status and body mass index, the Norwegian Women and Cancer Study
European Journal of Epidemiology (EJE) 2018
Merethe Selnes Hansen,
Idlir Licaj,
Tonje Braaten,
Arnulf Langhammer,
Loic Le Marchand,
Inger Torhild Gram
Sex Differences in Risk of Smoking-Associated Lung Cancer: Results from a Cohort of 600,000 Norwegians
American Journal of Epidemiology 26. oktober 2017
Oxana Gavrilyuk,
Tonje Braaten,
Elisabete Weiderpass,
Idlir Licaj,
Eiliv Lund
Lifetime number of years of menstruation as a risk index for postmenopausal endometrial cancer in the Norwegian Women and Cancer Study
Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica 2018
Marko Lukic,
Neela Guha,
Idlir Licaj,
Piet A. van den Brandt,
Leslie Thomas Stayner,
Alessandra Tavani
Coffee Drinking and the Risk of Endometrial Cancer: An Updated Meta-Analysis of Observational Studies
Nutrition and Cancer 2018
Idlir Licaj,
Bjarne K. Jacobsen,
Randi Selmer,
Gertraud Maskarinec,
Elisabete Weiderpass,
Inger Torhild Gram
Smoking and risk of ovarian cancer by histological subtypes: An analysis among 300 000 Norwegian women
Mie Jareid,
Idlir Licaj,
Karina Standahl Olsen,
Eiliv Lund,
Hege Bøvelstad
Does an epidemiological comparison support a common cellular lineage for similar subtypes of postmenopausal uterine and ovarian carcinoma? The Norwegian Women and Cancer Study
International Journal of Cancer 2017
Kristin Benjaminsen Borch,
Elisabete Weiderpass,
Tonje Braaten,
Mie Jareid,
Oxana Gavrilyuk,
Idlir Licaj
Physical activity and risk of endometrial cancer in the Norwegian Women and Cancer (NOWAC) study
International Journal of Cancer 2017
Marc J. Gunter,
Neil Murphy,
Amanda J. Cross,
Laure Dossus,
Laureen Dartois,
Guy Fagherazzi
Coffee drinking and mortality in 10 European countries: A multinational cohort study
Annals of Internal Medicine 2017
Idlir Licaj,
S Sandin,
Guri Skeie,
Hans-Olov Adami,
Nina Roswall,
Elisabete Weiderpass
Alcohol consumption over time and mortality in the Swedish Women’s Lifestyle and Health cohort
Marko Lukic,
Idlir Licaj,
Eiliv Lund,
Guri Skeie,
Elisabete Weiderpass,
Tonje Braaten
Coffee consumption and the risk of cancer in the Norwegian Women and Cancer (NOWAC) study
European Journal of Epidemiology (EJE) 2016
Aurelie Moskal,
Heinz Freisling,
Graham Byrnes,
Nada Assi,
Michael T. Fahey,
Mazda Jenab
Main nutrient patterns and colorectal cancer risk in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition study
British Journal of Cancer 2016
Idlir Licaj,
Marko Lukic,
Mie Jareid,
Eiliv Lund,
Tonje Braaten,
Inger Torhild Gram
Epithelial ovarian cancer subtypes attributable to smoking in the Norwegian Women and Cancer Study, 2012
Marion Carayol,
Idlir Licaj,
David Achaintre,
Carlotta Sacerdote,
Paolo Vineis,
Timothy J. Key
Reliability of serum metabolites over a two-year period: A targeted metabolomic approach in fasting and non-fasting samples from EPIC
Fjorida Llaha,
Idlir Licaj,
Marko Lukic,
Kristin Benjaminsen Borch
Light to moderate alcohol consumption and risk of kidney and pancreatic cancer in the Norwegian Women and Cancer (NOWAC) Study
Fjorida Llaha,
Idlir Licaj,
Ekaterina Sharashova,
Kristin Benjaminsen Borch,
Marko Lukic
Long-term alcohol consumption trajectories and associated factors in adult women. A Comprehensive analysis of the Norwegian Women and Cancer Study 1991-2011
Inger Torhild Gram,
Arne Bastian Wiik,
Eiliv Lund,
Idlir Licaj,
Tonje Bjørndal Braaten
Never smokers and exposure to second hand smoke (SHS) from parents during childhood and risk of Breast Cancer. The Norwegian Women and Cancer study 1991-2018
Inger Torhild Gram,
Tonje Braaten,
Eiliv Lund,
Idlir Licaj
Environmental tobacco smoke exposure and breast cancer risk in the Norwegian women and cancer study cohort
Inger Torhild Gram,
Tonje Braaten,
Eiliv Lund,
Idlir Licaj
Environmental tobacco smoke exposure and breast cancer risk in the Norwegian women and cancer study cohort
Kristin Benjaminsen Borch,
Elisabete Weiderpass,
Tonje Braaten,
Mie Jareid,
Oxana Gavrilyuk,
Idlir Licaj
Physical activity and Risk of endometrial cancer in the Norwegian Women and Cancer (NOWAC) study
Idlir Licaj,
Bjarne K. Jacobsen,
Randi Selmer,
Gertraud Maskarinec,
Elisabete Weiderpass,
Inger Torhild Gram
Smoking and risk of mucinous epithelial ovarian cancer among 300,000 women
Idlir Licaj, Bjarne Koster Jacobsen, Randi Marie Selmer, Gertraud Maskarinec, Elisabete Weiderpass and Inger Torhild Gram
Cancer Research 2016
Merethe Selnes Hansen,
Idlir Licaj,
Inger Torhild Gram,
Tonje Braaten,
Arnulf Langhammer,
Loic Le Marchand
Smoking and risk of lung cancer, according to cell type by gender in a Norwegian cohort of 600,000 participants
Idlir Licaj,
Bjarne K. Jacobsen,
Randi Selmer,
Gertraud Maskarinec,
Elisabete Weiderpass,
Inger Torhild Gram
Smoking and risk of mucinous epithelial ovarian cancer among 300,000 women
Idlir Licaj,
Bjarne K. Jacobsen,
Randi Selmer,
Gertraud Maskarinec,
Elisabete Weiderpass,
Inger Torhild Gram
Smoking and risk of epithelial ovarian cancer subtypes among 300 000 Norwegian women
Kristin Benjaminsen Borch,
Guri Skeie,
Karina Standahl Olsen,
Lene Angell Åsli,
Torill Enget,
Idlir Licaj
Forskningsdagene 2015 - Forskningstorget