Elise Klouman
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Publikasjoner utenom Cristin
Blystad H. Klouman E. Recommendation for annual HIV and STI testing in MSM introduced in Norway. Euro Surveillance: Bulletin Europeen sur les Maladies Transmissibles = European Communicable Disease Bulletin. 2005:10(7):E050707.
Mbanga EJ, Hussain A, Leyna GH, Klouman E, Masenga E, Sam N, Mnyikia KS, Klepp KI. Incidence of HIV-1 infection and changes in prevalence of reproductive tract infections and sexual risk behaviours: a population-based longitudinal study in rural Tanzania. African J AIDS Res 2006; 5: 281-8.
Mnyika KS, Klouman E, Klepp KI. Cigarette smoking and use of smokeless tobacco in Moshi rural district in Northern Tanzania. East Afric J Public Heath. 2006; 3(1) April 2006
Boonstra E. Lindbaek M. Klouman E. Ngome E. Ngome E. Romoren M. Sundby J. Syndromic management of sexually transmitted diseases in Botswana's primary health care: quality of care aspects. Tropical Medicine & International Health. 8(7):604-14, 2003
Klouman E, Masenga EJ, Sam NE, Klepp KI. Asymptomatic chlamydial infection in males and consequences for their female sexual partners, an example from rural Kilimanjaro, Tanzania. International Journal of STDs and AIDS 2002; 13: 234-37.
Klouman E, Masenga EJ, Sam NE, Klepp KI. Asymptomatic chlamydial infection in males and consequences for their female sexual partners, an example from rural Kilimanjaro, Tanzania. International Journal of STDs and AIDS 2002; 13: 234-237.
Klouman E, Masenga EJ, Sam NE. Serological markers for treponemal infection in children in rural Kilimanjaro: Evidence of syphilis or non venereal treponematoses? Genitourinary Medicine 1997; 73(6): 522-7.
Klouman E, Masenga EJ, Klepp KI, Sam NE, Nkya W, Nkya C. HIV and reproductive tract infections in a total village population in rural Kilimanjaro, Tanzania: Women at increased risk. Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes and Human Retrovirology 1997; 14(2):163-68.
PhD dissertation
Elise Klouman. Women at risk. Population-based research on HIV, sexually transmitted infections and female genital cutting in Northern Tanzania. Doctoral thesis. Series of dissertations submitted to the Faculty of Medicine, University of Oslo. No 167. Unipub AS, Oslo 2004. ISBN 82-8080-072-7.
Published project programme
Aasland A, Grønningssæter AB, Mylakhs P, Klouman E, Balaeva TV, Blystad H, Grjibovski AM. The governance of HIV/AIDS prevention in Northwest Russia: a description of the Norwegian-Russian project. Human Ecology 2011; 17(12): 49-54. In Russian.
Conference abstracts
23. Bhatta et al. Survival among adult HIV-infected patients on antiretroviral treatment in Far-western Development Region, Nepal: a retrospective cohort study, 2006-2011. The 4th National AIDS Conference, Pokhara, Nepal, 1-4 December 2012. (Oral presentation)
22. Aasland A, Klouman E, Meylakhs P, Balaeva TV, Grønningsæter AB, Grjibovski AM. Attitudes towards HIV prevention in two Russian cities: a cross-sectional population based survey. Eur J Public Health 2011; 21: Suppl.1: 82.
21. Aasland A, Grjibovski AM, Grønningsæter AB, Meylakhs P, Klouman E. Use of and trust in information sources on HIV: a cross-sectional population based survey in two Russian cities. Eur J Public Health 2011; 21: Suppl.1: 81-82.
1-20.Approximately 20 published abstracts, mostly in the field of HIV/STI research related to my PhD
4. Klouman E, Berstad AKH, Feiring B, Iversen O-E, Kostova VD, Lie AK, Moi H, Møllebakken K, Nilsen E, Steen R, Steenberg D, Vainio K. Vaksine mot humant papillomavirus (HPV). Oslo: Nasjonalt folkehelseinstitutt, Rapport 2007:9. ISBN: 978-82-8082-222-2. (http://www.fhi.no/dav/110ae9b557.pdf)
3. Klouman E, Heidi Lyshol. The Norwegian Institute of Public Health’s Engagement in Global Health. A report on behalf of the Director of the Institute. March 2006.
2. Klouman E, Moh P, RwabizambugaAS. Project evaluation report, Norwegian People’s Aid’s Primary Health Care Projects in Rwanda 1994-2000. October 2000, North-South Consultants LTD.
1. Rytter EC, Klouman Bekken E, Grønseth JE, Nesvold H, Nylenna M, Ruus G.
Observasjonsposten - Sykestue i storbyen.( Community hospital in a big city )
Project and evaluation report to Oslo City Council, January 1990.
2. Klouman E, Masenga EJ, Sam NE, Lauwo Z. Control of sexually transmitted diseases: Experiences from a Rural and an Urban Community. In Klepp K-I, Biswalo PM, Talle A, eds. Young people at risk. Fighting AIDS in Northern Tanzania . Oslo - Stockholm - Copenhagen - Boston: ScandinavianUniversity Press, 1995: 204-21.
1. Klouman Bekken E. Foreword to the Norwegian edition of: Richardson E, ed. AIDS. A handbook for women. Publisher LIV 1987: 7-8.
Medical articles
6. Klouman E, Feiring B, Nøkleby H. HPV-vaksine (HPV-vaccine). MSIS 2006;34:38.
5. Kløvstad H, Klouman E, Aavitsland P. Genitale klamydiainfekjsnoer i Norge i 2005. (Chlamydial infections in Norway 2005) MSIS 2006;34;12.
4. Blystad H, Klouman ,Nilsen Ø, Moi H, Thorvaldsen J, Angeltvedt R. Menn som har sex med menn bør undersøkes for seksuelt overførbare infeksjoner. (Recommendated HIV and STI testing in men who have sex with men in Norway). MSIS 2005;33:17.
3. Klouman E, Winje BA, Heldal E. Rutiner for å sikre at asylsøkere med tuberkulose kan bli i Norge under behandling. (Routins to secure asylum seekers with tuberculosis a stay in Norway while under ttreatment for tuberculosis) MSIS 2005:33::29.
2. Klouman E, Winje BA, Heldal E. Resultater av tuberkulosebehandling av pasienter meldt i 2003. (Result of Tuberculosis treatment of Tuberculosis cases notified in 2003) MSIS 2005:33:45.
1. Klouman E, Nøkleby H. HPV-infeksjon, screening og vaksine. (HPV-infection, screening and vaccine) MSIS 2005:33:47
Popular science and selected other articles
39. Klouman E. Omskjæring av menn redusere hivsmitte. (Circumcision of men reduces HIV-transmission) Aids-info 2002;nr3.
38. Klouman E. Øker smitterisikoen hvis man både har hivinfeksjon og en annen seksuelt overførbar sykdom? (Does co-infections with HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases increase HIV-transmission) Aids-info 2002;nr 3.
37. Klouman E. Hivepidemien – en statusrapport etter den 12. Verdenskonferansen om hiv og aids. (Report after the XII International Conference on HIV and AIDS). Aids-info 1998; nr 3: 6-7.
36. Klouman E. Hivsmitte fra mor til barn. (HIV transmission from mother to child). Aids-info 1998; 3:7. 35. Klouman E. If you have a dollar, ecucate a girl, and don’t give to a doctor! Report from the VIII International Conference of Public Health associations. Arusha 1997. NIHA- nytt 1997;4:21. 34.Klouman Bekken E. Abortdebatten, et kvinnesynspunkt og personlig tilbakeblikk. ( Induced abortion; a woman’s view and personal reflections) Tidsskrift for sjelesorg 1986;6:32-38.
2-32. Klouman Bekken E. Heath promotion and popular science articles on medical issues in a personal column in the week-end edition of the Norwegian newspaper “Vårt Land”, 31 articles i 1981
1.Klouman Bekken E. Kvinnearbeid (Women’s work) Special issue on women’s issues. Inter Medicos 1977:20;121-127.