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Fakultetsadministrasjonen ved Jurfak Tromsø

Catherine Banet

  • Michael Pollitt, Nils-Henrik M. von der Fehr, Bert Willems, Catherine Banet, Chloé Le Coq, Chi Kong Chyong :
    Recommendations for a future-proof electricity market design in Europe in light of the 2021-23 energy crisis
    Energy Policy 2024 ARKIV / FULLTEKST / DOI
  • Catherine Banet :
    Domestic Laws Governing Ocean Carbon Dioxide Removal - Norway
    Edward Elgar Publishing 2023 DATA
  • Julius Rumpf, Catherine Banet :
    Energy Law
    Edward Elgar Publishing 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Catherine Banet, Alberto Büll, Darryl Lew, Frédéric G. Sourgens :
    Electricity Market Design - Global Regulatory Approaches to Facing the Challenges of the Energy Transition
  • Catherine Banet :
    Legal framework for electricity market design offshore
  • Catherine Banet, Carmen Gimeno :
    Remuneration of Distribution System Operators: which framework for anticipatory investments
    23. januar 2024 DATA / FULLTEKST
  • Catherine Banet :
    Scaling up offshore wind energy in Europe
    2024 DATA
  • Catherine Banet :
    Drafting national hydrogen legislation for upcoming markets: a comparative analysis
    2024 DATA
  • Catherine Banet :
    Hva kan valgresultatene av EU-valg i Frankrike kan få bety for omstillingen både innenlands og i EU
    13. juni 2024
  • Catherine Banet :
    European regulation on CCS in a French and Norwegian context
    2024 DATA
  • Catherine Banet, Silke Goldberg :
    Mapping of regulatory barriers to hybrid offshore wind projects between Norway and Europe, Deliverable D1.6
  • Catherine Banet :
    Hvem skal eie havnettet og hvordan regulere havnettet?
  • Catherine Banet :
    Renewables & Electricity Market Design: Environmental, Security, and Affordability as Key Concerns
  • Catherine Banet :
    Det norske konsesjonsregimet for havvind sett fra et EU/EØS-perspektiv
  • Catherine Banet :
    Klimaseniorinnen: The European Court of Human Rights, Climate and Energy Regulation Webinar
    10. mai 2024 DATA
  • Catherine Banet :
    The upcoming EU legislative framework for hydrogen and gases markets
  • Catherine Banet, Sille Grjotheim, Ceciel Nieuwenhout :
    Compatibility and interoperability among offshore wind parks and grids: the role of certification and standardisation
    19. mars 2024 DATA / FULLTEKST
  • Catherine Banet :
    Applying dynamic regulation to the twin green and digital transition
  • Catherine Banet, Nuno Antunes :
    Hydrogen Sales and Purchase Agreement (H2 SPA): Challenges in Contract Standardization.
    16. april 2024 DATA / FULLTEKST
  • Catherine Banet :
    An offshore market design: How seaworthy are network codes and TCMs?
  • Catherine Banet :
    Legal framework for electricity market design with offshore wind.
  • Catherine Marie Nicole Banet :
    Building Europe's Hydrogen and Renewable Gas Markets.
  • Catherine Marie Nicole Banet :
    Do the EU network codes and guidelines provide sufficient flexibility to accomodate a changing electricity market?
  • Catherine Marie Nicole Banet :
    EU agenda for electricity market design reform: A law and economics perspective on the Commission’s public consultation of January 2023.
    2023 DATA
  • Catherine Banet :
    Knuser håp om egen strømpris for utenlandskabler: – Ikke veldig lovlig
    13. januar 2023 FULLTEKST
  • Catherine Banet, Fridrik M. Baldursson, Chi Kong Chyong :
    Building Resilience in Europe’s Energy System
    2023 FULLTEKST
  • Catherine Banet :
    Inflation Reduction Act og subsidiekappløpet mellom USA og EU
  • Catherine Banet :
    Does the EU network codes regulatory regime provide sufficient flexibility to accommodate a changing electricity market?
  • Catherine Banet :
    Offshore wind permitting regime in Norway and EU/EEA perspectives.
    2023 DATA
  • Catherine Banet :
    Regulation and Standards for a Resilient European Energy System
  • Catherine Banet, Romain Mauger :
    Recent changes to the energy storage regime in EU law
    05. desember 2023 DATA / FULLTEKST / PROSJEKT
  • Catherine Banet :
    Energy Transition, Resilience and International Solidarity
  • Catherine Banet :
    Touching Hydrogen Future: Norway, 2035
    2023 FULLTEKST
  • Catherine Banet :
    How could market rules for hydrogen interplay with market rules for electricity.
    2023 PROSJEKT / DATA
  • Nicola Ann Marsh, Ane Lothe, Catherine Banet :
    CO2 Storage Forum: Terminology around storage risk
  • Catherine Banet :
    EUs elmarkedsreform kan splitte nord og sør.
    15. februar 2023 FULLTEKST
  • Catherine Banet :
    Knuser håp om egen strømpris for utenlandskabler.
    13. januar 2023 FULLTEKST
  • Catherine Banet :
    Regulating low carbon and renewable sources in a changing energy system: legal perspectives.
  • Catherine Banet :
    The role of the Net Zero Industry Act in boosting CCS activities in Europe.
  • Catherine Banet :
    "Touching Hydrogen Future" Book Presentation: Norway.
  • Catherine Banet, Kia Marie Jerichau :
    The role and regulation of flexibility in balancing a 100% green electricity system.
    26. september 2023 FULLTEKST / DATA / PROSJEKT
  • Catherine Banet :
    The role of energy grid operators in building resilience: legal and regulatory incentives.
    2023 DATA / PROSJEKT
  • Catherine Banet :
    EUs 4. energimarkedspakke og implikasjoner for Norge
    22. november 2023 DATA / FULLTEKST
  • Catherine Banet :
    Ensuring good resource management when developing CO2 storage activities: an appraisal of available regulatory tools.
  • Catherine Banet :
    EU proposal for carbon removal certification: a first appraisal.
  • Catherine Banet :
    Energikrise og fortgang i energiomleggingen: når rettslig ramme for energisamarbeid med EU-land settes på spill
    2023 DATA
  • Catherine Banet :
    Vurderingsgrunnlag for valg av CCS som et alternativ til elektrifisering: hva kan vi lære fra Melkøya-saken?
  • Catherine Banet, Antoine Lochet, Anna Björg Guðjónsdóttir :
    Regulation of geothermal energy and EU/EEA law: overview and perspectives.
    21. november 2023 DATA / FULLTEKST / PROSJEKT
  • Catherine Banet, Bert Willems :
    Scaling up Offshore Wind Energy in Europe
  • Catherine Banet :
    Norwegian legal framework for ocean-based carbon dioxide removal technologies.

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