Kristin Hamre,
Marit Bjørnevik,
Marit Espe,
Luis E. C. Conceição,
Johan Johansen,
Joana Silva
Dietary micronutrient composition affects fillet texture and muscle cell size in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)
Eric Schmitt,
Ikram Belghit,
Johan Johansen,
Raymond Leushuis,
Erik-Jan Lock,
Diede Melsen
Growth and safety assessment of feed streams for black soldier fly larvae: A case study with aquaculture sludge
Marc Berntssen,
Robin Ørnsrud,
Josef Daniel Rasinger,
Liv Ingeborg Rosvoll Søfteland,
Erik-Jan Lock,
Kjersti Kolås
Dietary vitamin A supplementation ameliorates the effects of poly-aromatic hydrocarbons in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)
Aquatic Toxicology 2016
Karen A. Alexander,
Tavis Potts,
Shirra Freeman,
Dafna Israel,
Johan Johansen,
Demetris Kletou
The implications of aquaculture policy and regulation for the development of integrated multi-trophic aquaculture in Europe