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Institutt for reiseliv og nordlige studier

Arne Nygaard


  • Arne Nygaard :
    Is sustainable certification's ability to combat greenwashing trustworthy?
    Frontiers in Sustainability 2023 DOI
  • Arne Nygaard, Ragnhild Silkoset :
    Sustainable development and greenwashing: How blockchain technology information can empower green consumers
    Business Strategy and the Environment (BSE) 2022 FULLTEKST / ARKIV / DOI
  • Arne Nygaard :
    The Geopolitical Risk and Strategic Uncertainty of Green Growth after the Ukraine Invasion: How the Circular Economy Can Decrease the Market Power of and Resource Dependency on Critical Minerals
    Circular Economy and Sustainability 02. juli 2022 ARKIV / DOI
  • Arne Nygaard :
    From Linear to Circular Economy: a Transaction Cost Approach to the Ecological Transformation of the Firm
    Circular Economy and Sustainability 2022 ARKIV / DOI
  • Arne Nygaard, Robert Dahlstrøm :
    Better together? How evolution of co-branding alliance affects performance
    The journal of business & industrial marketing 2022 ARKIV / DOI
  • Ragnhild Silkoset, Arne Nygaard :
    Smarte kontrakter kan hindre grønnvasking
    Magma forskning og viten 2021 ARKIV
  • Bente Merete Flygansvær, Robert Dahlstrøm, Arne Nygaard :
    Green innovation in recycling - A preliminary analysis of reversed logistics in Norway
    World Review of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development 2019 ARKIV / DOI
  • Nelson Oly Ndubisi, Arne Nygaard, Celine Capel :
    Mindfulness-based business strategies and the environment
    Business Strategy and the Environment (BSE) 2019 DOI
  • Arne Nygaard :
    From Linear to Circular Organization: The Political Economy of Sustainable Strategy.
    Fagbokforlaget 2019
  • Nelson Oly Ndubisi, Arne Nygaard, Gibson Chunwe :
    Managing Sustainability Tensions in Global Supply Chains: Specific Investments in Closed-Loop Technology vs ‘Blood Metals’
    Production planning & control (Print) 2019 DOI
  • Bente Merete Flygansvær, Robert Dahlstrøm, Arne Nygaard :
    Exploring the Pursuit of Sustainability in Reverse Supply Chains for Electronics
    Journal of Cleaner Production 2018 ARKIV / DOI
  • Nelson Oly Ndubisi, Arne Nygaard :
    The Ethics of Outsourcing: When Companies Fail at Responsibility
    Journal of Business Strategy (JBS) 2018 DOI
  • Ragnhild Silkoset, Arne Nygaard, Roland E. Kidwell :
    Differential effects of plural ownership and governance mechanisms in limiting shirkers and free riders
    Corporate Ownership and Control 2016 ARKIV / DOI
  • Robert Dahlstrøm, Arne Nygaard :
    The Psychology of Co-Branding Alliances: The Business-to-Business Relationship Outcomes of Role Stress
    Psychology & Marketing 2016 DOI
  • Arne Nygaard, Harald Biong, Ragnhild Silkoset, Roland E. Kidwell :
    Leading by example: values-based strategy to instill ethical conduct
    Journal of Business Ethics 2015 DOI
  • Jakob Utgård, Arne Nygaard, Robert Dahlstrøm :
    Franchising, local market characteristics and alcohol sales to minors
    Journal of Business Research 2015 DOI
  • Robert Dahlstrom, Arne Nygaard, Maria Kimasheva, Arne Morten Ulvnes :
    How to recover trust in the banking industry? A game theory approach to empirical analyses of bank and corporate customer relationships
    International Journal of Bank Marketing 2014 DOI
  • Robert Dahlstrøm, Arne Nygaard, Maria Kimasheva, Arne-Morten Ulvnes :
    How to Recover Trust in the Banking Industry? A Game Theory Approach to Empirical Analyses of Bank and Corporate Customer Relationships
    International Journal of Bank Marketing 2014 DOI
  • Harald Biong, Arne Nygaard, Ragnhild Silkoset :
    Ledelse, lønnsomhet og etikk gjennom eksemplets makt
    Magma forskning og viten 2013 FULLTEKST
  • Arne Nygaard, Jakob Utgård :
    En kunnskapsbasert varehandel
    Magma forskning og viten 2012 FULLTEKST
  • Robert Dahlstrom, Arne Nygaard, Emily Plant :
    Exploring the Role of Governance in Sustainable Franchised Distribution Channels
    Springer Publishing Company 2011 DOI
  • Roland E. Kidwell, Arne Nygaard :
    A Strategic Deviance Perspective on the Franchise Form of Organizing
    Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice 2011 DOI
  • Arne Nygaard :
    Green Marketing and Entrepreneurship
    Springer 2024
  • Arne Nygaard :
    Grønn Markedsføringsledelse
    Fagbokforlaget 2019
  • Arne Nygaard, Geir Gripsrud, Eirill Bø :
    Ledelse av Forsyningskjeder
    Fagbokforlaget 2018
  • Arne Nygaard, Geir Gripsrud, Eirill Bø :
    Ledelse av Forsyningskjeder
    Fagbokforlaget 2013
  • Randi Lunnan, Arne Nygaard :
    Strategiske Allianser
    Fagbokforlaget 2011
  • Arne Nygaard :
    Kan det grønne skiftet redde oss fra energi­politisk usikkerhet? Kina dominerer forsyningskjedene for kritiske mineraler for det grønne skiftet. Avhengigheten til Kina krever en ny strategi for bærekraftig utvikling. 01. oktober 2022
  • Arne Nygaard, Kristen Albert Ellingsen, Per Kåre Jakobsen :
    Mulighetenes region for opplevelsesturisme, men forhvem?
    Nordnorsk Debatt 2022
  • Arne Nygaard :
    The Infection-Leakage Model: How Blockchain Technology Act as a Governance Institution To Combat Counterfeits in Markets
  • Arne Nygaard :
    Kinas dominans i forsyningskjedene for kritiske mineraler er en trussel mot det grønne skiftet. Framtid made in China.
    Klassekampen 2022
  • Ragnhild Silkoset, Arne Nygaard :
    «Smarte Kontrakter er Veien til Grønnere og mer Lønnsomme Forsyningskjeder,
    Dagens næringsliv 18. mars 2021
  • Ragnhild Silkoset, Arne Nygaard :
    «Hva kan Nortura lære av Walmart? Mer tilsyn er ikke veien til bedre dyrevelferd,»
    Nationen 24. september 2021
  • Arne Nygaard, Ragnhild Silkoset, Roland E. Kidwell :
    Government Coercion Backfires in FightingCOVID-19 Their draconian measures and hypocrisy in following them come ata cost.
    The American Spectator 14. desember 2020
  • Arne Nygaard, Ragnhild Silkoset :
    Korona-profitørene De samme kriminelle aktørene som produserer falske luksusvarer omstilte seg raskt til Covid-19 produksjon
    NRK Ytring 13. juni 2020
  • Arne Nygaard, Ragnhild Silkoset, Roland E. Kidwell :
    Government CoercionBackfires in FightingCOVID-19
    Kunnskapsmagasinet Kristiania 21. desember 2020
  • Arne Nygaard, Ragnhild Silkoset, Roland E. Kidwell :
    Covid-19: The Dysfunctional Effect of Coercive Power to Control the Pandemic.
    BI Business Review 18. desember 2020
  • Arne Nygaard, Ragnhild Silkoset :
    En perfekt storm: Pandemien og falske produkter
    BI Marketing Magazine 2020
  • Arne Nygaard, Ragnhild Silkoset :
    Gode eksempler og tillit til eksperter trumfer tvang og restriksjoner
    Dagens næringsliv 05. desember 2020
  • Arne Nygaard :
    Grønn markedsføringsledelse – om bærekraftig entreprenørskap, strategi og markedsføring
    Magma forskning og viten 2019 FULLTEKST
  • Ragnhild Silkoset, Robert Dahlstrøm, Arne Nygaard :
    The Blockchain Disruption: From Lemons to Peach Markets
  • Ragnhild Silkoset, Robert Dahlstrøm, Arne Nygaard :
    The End of Organizations? The Disruptive Impact of Blockchain Technology on Trust, Opportunism and Transactions
  • Arne Nygaard :
  • Arne Nygaard :
    From linear to circular organization: Towards an Ecological Theory of the Firm Sustainable business models? Historical and institutional dynamics of corporate (ir)responsibility
  • Jakob Utgård, Arne Nygaard :
    Organizational form, local market structure and corporate social performance in retail
    Handelshøyskolen BI 2015
  • Ragnhild Silkoset, Arne Nygaard, Roland E* Kidwell :
    Differential Effects of Governance Mechanisms on Franchisor-Franchisee Unit Opportunism
  • Arne Nygaard, Jakob Utgård :
    Talentjakt i varehandel
    BI Marketing Magazine 2012
  • Ragnhild Silkoset, Arne Nygaard, Harald Biong :
    Eksempelets makt
    29. april 2011
  • Arne Nygaard, Jakob Utgård :
    En kunnskapsbasert varehandel
    Handelshøyskolen BI 2011 SAMMENDRAG / FULLTEKST / OMTALE
  • Arne Nygaard, Roland E. Kidwell :
    The Dual-Agency Problem Reconsidered: A Strategic Deviance Perspective on the Franchise Form of Organizing
    Handelshøyskolen BI 2010

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