Bilde av Johnsen, Trygve
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Bilde av Johnsen, Trygve
Institutt for matematikk og statistikk +4777644031 92891013

Trygve Johnsen

Professor i rein matematikk


Professor i rein matematikk

  • Peter Beelen, Trygve Johnsen, Prasant Singh :
    Linear codes associated to symmetric determinantal varieties: Even rank case
    Finite Fields and Their Applications 01. oktober 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Trygve Johnsen, Rakhi Pratihar, Hugues Verdure :
    Weight spectra of Gabidulin rank-metric codes and Betti numbers
    São Paulo Journal of Mathematical Sciences 2022 ARKIV / DOI
  • Mrinmoy Datta, Trygve Johnsen :
    Codes from symmetric polynomials
    Designs, Codes and Cryptography 10. oktober 2022 ARKIV / DOI
  • Trygve Johnsen, Hugues Verdure :
    Möbius and coboundary polynomials for matroids
    Designs, Codes and Cryptography 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • Trygve Johnsen, Hugues Verdure :
    Greedy weights for matroids
    Designs, Codes and Cryptography 2020 ARKIV / DOI
  • Trygve Johnsen, Hugues Verdure :
    Higher Weight Spectra of Veronese Codes
    IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 01. juni 2020 ARKIV / DOI
  • Sudhir R Ghorpade, Trygve Johnsen :
    A polymatroid approach to generalized weights of rank metric codes
    Designs, Codes and Cryptography 15. september 2020 ARKIV / DOI
  • Trygve Johnsen, Hugues Verdure :
    Higher weight spectra of codes from Veronese threefolds
    Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 2020 ARKIV / DOI
  • Trygve Johnsen, Hugues Verdure :
    Relative profiles and extended weight polynomials of almost affine codes
    Cryptography and Communications 2019 ARKIV / DOI
  • Trygve Johnsen, Hugues Verdure :
    Relative generalized hamming weights and extended weight polynomials of almost affine codes
    Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) 2017 ARKIV / DOI
  • Trygve Johnsen, Hugues Verdure :
    Flags of almost affine codes and the two-party wire-tap channel of type II
    Designs, Codes and Cryptography 2017 ARKIV / DOI
  • Trygve Johnsen, Hugues Verdure :
    Generalized Hamming Weights for Almost Affine Codes
    IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 2017 ARKIV / DOI
  • Trygve Johnsen, Jan Nyquist Roksvold, Hugues Verdure :
    A generalization of weight polynomials to matroids
    Discrete Mathematics 2016 ARKIV / DOI
  • Trygve Johnsen, Jan Nyquist Roksvold, Hugues Verdure :
    Betti numbers associated to the facet ideal of a matroid
    Bulletin of the Brazilian Mathematical Society, New Series 2015 ARKIV / DOI
  • Trygve Johnsen, Keisuke Shiromoto, Hugues Verdure :
    A generalization of Kung’s theorem
    Designs, Codes and Cryptography 2015 ARKIV / DOI
  • Thomas Britz, Trygve Johnsen, James A. Martin :
    Chains, demi-matroids, and profiles
    IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 2014 DATA / DOI
  • Trygve Johnsen, Hugues Verdure :
    Stanley-Reisner resolution of constant weight linear codes
    Designs, Codes and Cryptography 2014 ARKIV / DOI
  • Trygve Johnsen, Hugues Verdure :
    Hamming weights and Betti numbers of Stanley-Reisner rings associated to matroids
    Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing 2013 ARKIV / DOI
  • Thomas Britz, Trygve Johnsen, Dillon Mayhew, Keisuke Shiromoto :
    Wei-type duality theorems for matroids
    Designs, Codes and Cryptography 30. mars 2012 ARKIV / DOI
  • Johan P. Hansen, Trygve Johnsen, Kristian Ranestad :
    Grassmann codes and Schubert unions
  • Andreas Leopold Knutsen, Trygve Johnsen, Gunnar Fløystad :
    Combinatorial aspects of commutative algebra and algebraic geometry. Proceedings of the Abel Symposium held in Voss, June 1–4, 2009
    Springer 2011
  • Gunnar Fløystad, Trygve Johnsen, Andreas Leopold Knutsen :
    Combinatorial Aspects of Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry: The Abel Symposium 2009
    Springer 2011
  • Trygve Johnsen :
    Finding properties of Reed-Muller codes
  • Trygve Johnsen, Mrinmoy Datta :
    Codes from symmetric polynomials (joint work with Mrinmoy Datta)
  • Trygve Johnsen :
    Algebraic methods for studying codes and matroids. 4 timer forelesninger + 2 timer øvelser
  • Trygve Johnsen :
    Topological and combinatorial properties of codes
  • Trygve Johnsen :
    Introduction to codes & matroids
  • Trygve Johnsen, Relinde Jurrius, Michela Ceria :
    q-Analogues of Applications of Matroids.
  • Trygve Johnsen :
    Matroids and error-correcting codes
  • Trygve Johnsen, Rakhi Pratihar, Hugues Verdure :
    Rank Metric Codes and q-Matroids
  • Trygve Johnsen :
    Generalized weights of rank metric codes, and q-analogues of matroids
  • Trygve Johnsen :
    An introduction to codes and matroids
  • Trygve Johnsen, Hugues Verdure :
    About greedy weights.
  • Trygve Johnsen :
    Generalized weight of rank metric codes, a combinatorial approach
  • Trygve Johnsen :
    Error-Correcting Codes and Stanley-Reisner Ideals of Matroids
  • Trygve Johnsen :
    Algebraic geometric codes
  • Trygve Johnsen :
    Coding theory and algebraic properties of matroids
  • Trygve Johnsen :
    Demi-matroids and chains of block codes
  • Hugues Verdure, Trygve Johnsen :
    Kung's bound for almost affine codes
  • Trygve Johnsen :
    Matroids and almost affine codes
  • Trygve Johnsen :
    Hamming weights of almost affine codes and matroids
  • Trygve Johnsen :
    Stanley-Reisner rings associated to matroids and codes
  • Trygve Johnsen :
    "Linear sections of Grassmannians, applications to coding theory."
  • Trygve Johnsen :
    About Hamming weights and Betti numbers of Stanley-Reisner rings associated to matroids
  • Trygve Johnsen :
    Linear codes and Stanley-Reisner rings associated to matroids
    2013 DATA
  • Trygve Johnsen :
    About chains of codes, demi-matroids and profiles
  • Trygve Johnsen :
    Om årets vinner av Abelprisen, Pierre Deligne, og hans arbeider
  • Trygve Johnsen :
    Codes and Matroid Structures
  • Trygve Johnsen :
    Algebraic-geometric codes, and matroid structures
  • Trygve Johnsen :
    Koder fra algebraisk geometri

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