Beate Solberg,
Milada Hagen,
Rigmor Berg,
Kari Glavin,
Malene Brekke,
Kristin Marie Sæther
The Impact of the New Families Home Visiting Program on Depressive Symptoms Among Norwegian Fathers Postpartum: A Nonrandomized Controlled Study
American Journal of Men's Health 2024
Fiona Aanesen,
Rigmor Berg,
Ingrid Løken Jørgensen,
Benedicte Mohr,
Karin Proper,
Lars-Kristian Lunde
Employment and mental health in the working age population: a protocol for a systematic review of longitudinal studies
Rigmor Berg,
Vegard Skogen,
Axel J. Schmidt,
Roman Nesterov,
Andrey Beloglazov
HIV Testing and Treatment among HIV-Positive Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) Living in Russia: Data from Two Waves of the European MSM Internet Survey
Eirik Amundsen,
Ashley Muller,
Eirik Reierth,
Vegard Skogen,
Rigmor Berg
Chemsex Among Men Who Have Sex With Men: A Systematic Scoping Review of Research Methods
Journal of Homosexuality 2023
Ulrich Marcus,
Kai Jonas,
Rigmor Berg,
Maria Amelia Veras,
Carlos F. Caceres,
Jordi Casabona
Association of internalised homonegativity with partner notification after diagnosis of syphilis or gonorrhoea among men having sex with men in 49 countries across four continents
Eirik Amundsen,
Åse Haugstvedt,
Vegard Skogen,
Rigmor Berg
Health characteristics associated with chemsex among men who have sex with men: Results from a cross-sectional clinic survey in Norway
Alexander Tingulstad,
Jose Francisco Meneses Echavez,
Line Holtet Evensen,
Maria Bjerk,
Rigmor Berg
Effectiveness of work-related interventions for return to work in people on sick leave: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials
Henriette Tyse Nygård,
Hong Lien Nguyen,
Rigmor Berg
Effect of remote patient monitoring for patients with chronic kidney disease who perform dialysis at home: a systematic review
Beate Solberg,
Kari Glavin,
Rigmor Berg,
Nina Olsvold
“Opening up a well of emotions”: A qualitative study of men's emotional experiences in the transition to fatherhood
Rigmor Berg,
Beate Solberg,
Kari Glavin,
Nina Olsvold
Instruments to Identify Symptoms of Paternal Depression During Pregnancy and the First Postpartum Year: A Systematic Scoping Review
American Journal of Men's Health 2022
Heid Nøkleby,
Rigmor Berg,
Tiril Cecilie Borge,
Trine Bjerke Johansen
Implikasjoner av hjemmeskole under covid-19-pandemien: en systematisk hurtigoversikt over skandinaviske studier
Tidsskrift for velferdsforskning 2022
Anita Øgård-Repål,
Rigmor Berg,
Vegard Skogen,
Mariann Fossum
“They make a difference”: a qualitative
study of providers’ experiences of peer support
in outpatient clinics for people living with HIV
BMC Health Services Research 2022
Fiona Aanesen,
Margreth Grotle,
Tarjei Langseth Rysstad,
Anne Therese Tveter,
Alexander Tingulstad,
Ida Løchting
Effectiveness of adding motivational interviewing or a stratified vocational advice intervention to usual case management on return to work for people with musculoskeletal disorders: The MI-NAV randomised controlled trial
Bahar Kucuk,
Rigmor Berg
Alternate day fasting on subjective feelings of appetite and body weight for adults with overweight or obesity: a systematic review
Journal of Nutritional Science (JNS) 2022
Axel J. Schmidt,
Michael W. Ross,
Rigmor Berg,
Peyman Altan
Impact of Migration and Acculturation on Turkish Men Who Have Sex with Men in Germany: Results from the 2010 European MSM Internet Survey
Archives of Sexual Behavior 2022
Kristin Marie Sæther,
Rigmor Berg,
Bettina Holmberg Fagerlund,
Kari Glavin,
Nina Jøranson
First‐time parents' experiences related to parental self‐efficacy: A scoping review
Research in Nursing and Health 2022
İbrahim Sönmez,
Rigmor Berg,
Sami Sarper Yazıcılaroğlu,
Natalie Thurlby,
Axel J. Schmidt
Comparison of the Influence of Internalized Homonegativity on Sexual Risk Behavior of Men Who Have Sex with Men in Spain and Turkey
International Journal of Sexual Health 2022
Anita Øgård-Repål,
Rigmor Berg,
Vegard Skogen,
Mariann Fossum
Peer support in an outpatient clinic for people living with human immunodeficiency virus: a qualitative study of service users’ experiences
BMC Health Services Research 2022
Eirunn W. Kristoffersen,
Anne Opsal,
Tor Oddbjørn Tveit,
Rigmor Berg,
Mariann Fossum
Effectiveness of pre-anaesthetic assessment clinic: a systematic review of randomised and non-randomised prospective controlled studies
Anne-Martha Utne Øygarden,
Rigmor Berg,
Abdallah Abudayya,
Kari Glavin,
Benedicte Sørensen Strøm
Measurement instruments for parental stress in the postpartum period: A scoping review
Malene Brekke,
Rigmor Berg,
Amin Abdul-Galeel Amro,
Kari Glavin,
Trude Haugland
Quality of Life instruments and their psychometric properties for use in parents during pregnancy and the postpartum period: a systematic scoping review
Health and Quality of Life Outcomes 2022
Ranveig Langseth,
Rigmor C. Berg,
Ole Rysstad,
Tore Sørlie,
Birgit Lie,
Vegard Skogen
Prevalence and predictors of fatigue among people living with HIV in Norway
B. Nussbaumer-Streit,
M. Ellen,
I. Klerings,
Raluca Sfetcu,
N. Riva,
M. Mahmić-Kaknjo
Resource use during systematic review production varies widely: a scoping review
Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 2021
Rigmor Berg,
Samantha Page,
Anita Øgård-Repål
The effectiveness of peer-support for people living with HIV: A systematic review and meta-analysis
John E. Pachankis,
Mark L. Hatzenbuehler,
Richard Branstrom,
Axel J. Schmidt,
Rigmor C. Berg,
Kai Jonas
Structural Stigma and Sexual Minority Men’s Depression and Suicidality:A Multilevel Examination of Mechanisms and Mobility Across 48 Countries
Journal of Abnormal Psychology 2021
Beate Solberg,
Kari Glavin,
Rigmor C. Berg,
Nina Olsvold
Norwegian fathers’ experiences with a home visiting program
Anita Øgård-Repål,
Rigmor Berg,
Mariann Fossum
Peer Support for People Living With HIV: A Scoping Review
Health Promotion Practice 2021
Anita Øgård-Repål,
Rigmor Berg,
Mariann Fossum
A Scoping Review of the Empirical Literature on Peer Support for People Living with HIV
Journal of the International Association of Providers of AIDS Care 2021
İbrahim Sönmez,
Cinta Folch,
Nicolas Lorente,
Rigmor Berg,
Natalie Thurlby,
Axel J. Schmidt
Influence of Internalised Homonegativity on Sexual Risk Behaviour of Men Who Have Sex with Men in Spain
Ashley Elizabeth Muller,
Rigmor Berg,
Patricia Sofia Jacobsen Jardim,
Trine Bjerke Johansen,
Sari Susanna Ormstad
Can Remote Patient Monitoring Be the New Standard in Primary Care of Chronic Diseases, Post-COVID-19?
Telemedicine journal and e-health 2021
Anita Øgård-Repål,
Mariann Fossum,
Vegard Skogen,
Rigmor Berg
Kan livskvaliteten til de som lever med hiv påvirkes av å treffe andre som lever med hiv?
Patricia Sofia Jacobsen Jardim,
Ingvild Kirkehei,
Tiril Cecilie Borge,
Ingeborg Beate Lidal,
Rigmor Berg
Verktøy for språkkartlegging av barn 0-5 år - Prosjektplan for systematisk kartleggingsoversikt
Folkehelseinstituttet 2023
Anita Øgård-Repål,
Mariann Fossum,
Rigmor Berg,
Vegard Skogen
Peer support in healthcare services for people living with HIV. Experiences of peer support in outpatient clinics from the perspective of service users, peer supporters, and healthcare
Ashley Muller,
Rigmor Berg,
Jose Francisco Meneses Echavez,
Heather Melanie R Ames,
Tiril Cecilie Borge,
Patricia Sofia Jacobsen Jardim
The effect of machine learning tools for evidence synthesis on resource use and time-to-completion: protocol for a retrospective pilot study
Geir Smedslund,
Vigdis Underland,
Rigmor Berg
Forskning om betydningen av universell utforming i fysisk miljø for personer med psykisk eller kognitiv funksjonsnedsettelse: systematisk litteratursøk med sortering
Ashley Elizabeth Muller,
Rigmor Berg,
Jose Francisco Meneses-Eschavez,
Heather Melanie R Ames,
Tiril Cecilie Borge,
Patricia Sofia Jacobsen Jardim
The effect of machine learning tools for evidence synthesis on resource use and time-to-completion: protocol for a retrospective pilot study
Annette Vogt Flatby,
Rigmor Berg
Intensive tiltak for å redusere skolefravær: systematisk litteratursøk med sortering
Anne-Martha Utne Øygarden,
Rigmor Berg,
Abdallah Abudayya,
Benedicte Sørensen Strøm
Measurement instruments for parental stress in the postpartum period: A scoping review
Beate Solberg,
Kari Glavin,
Rigmor Berg,
Nina Olsvold
"Når en dør av følelser åpner seg" - menns følelsesmessige erfaringer i overgangen til farsrollen.
Beate Solberg,
Kari Glavin,
Rigmor Berg,
Nina Olsvold
Fedres psykiske helse i overgangen til farsrollen
Britt Elin Øiestad,
Margreth Grotle,
Tarjei Langseth Rysstad,
Anne Therese Tveter,
Alexander Tingulstad,
Ida Løchting
Effekten av motiverende intervju og arbeidsrettet samtalebehandling på retur til arbeid hos personer sykemeldt som følge av muskel- og skjelettplager. En randomisert kontrollert studie.
Britt Elin Øiestad,
Margreth Grotle,
Tarjei Langseth Rysstad,
Anne Therese Tveter,
Alexander Tingulstad,
Ida Løchting
Effekten av motiverende intervju og arbeidsrettet samtalebasert intervensjon på retur til arbeid hos sykemeldte som følge av muskel- og skjelettdiagnoser. En randomisert kontrollert studie.
Kristin Marie Sæther,
Kari Glavin,
Bettina Holmberg Fagerlund,
Rigmor Berg,
Nina Jøranson
Mestringstro i foreldrerollen og profesjonell støtte – førstegangsforeldres erfaringer
Fiona Aanesen,
Margreth Grotle,
Tarjei Langseth Rysstad,
Anne Therese Tveter,
Alexander Tingulstad,
Ida Løchting
Helping people with musculoskeletal disorders return to work. Effectiveness of adding motivational interviewing or stratified vocational advice to usual case management - a randomised controlled trial
Rigmor Berg,
Patricia Sofia Jacobsen Jardim,
Hilde H Holte
Forskning om tiltak for å redusere langvarige og hyppige sykefravær i arbeidslivet: Et forskningskart
Gunn Eva Næss,
Rigmor Berg,
Heid Nøkleby
Skandinavisk forskning om konsekvenser av covid-19 på velferd, likestilling, livsvilkår og livskvalitet – andre oppdatering: et systematisk litteratursøk med sortering
Rigmor Berg,
Heid Nøkleby
Skandinavisk forskning om konsekvenser av covid-19 på velferd, likestilling, livsvilkår og livskvalitet – første oppdatering: et systematisk litteratursøk med sortering
Fiona Aanesen,
Rigmor Berg,
Ida Løchting,
Alexander Tingulstad,
Hedda Eik,
Kjersti Storheim
Systematic mapping review. Motivational interviewing and return to work for people with musculoskeletal disorders
Rigmor Berg,
Gunn Eva Næss,
Heid Nøkleby
Skandinavisk forskning om konsekvenser av covid-19 på velferd, likestilling, livsvilkår og livskvalitet: et systematisk litteratursøk med sortering.
Anita Øgård-Repål,
Mariann Fossum,
Rigmor Berg
‘How do I handle it all’: Systematic scoping review as a possibility to get an overview when the scope is broad