Bilde av Mathisen, Line
Bilde av Mathisen, Line
Handelshøgskolen ved UiT i Alta +4778450475

Line Mathisen

Førsteamanuensis prosjektledelse

  • Young-Sook Lee, Line Mathisen, Siri Ulfsdatter Søreng :
    Cross-cultural co-creation of a tourist site: the emic and etic makings
    Edward Elgar Publishing 2023 ARKIV
  • Eva Jenny B. Jørgensen, Line Mathisen :
    The nature of entrepreneurs’ engagement with a layered rural context
    International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Line Mathisen, Siri Ulfsdatter Søreng :
    Emotional capital and entrepreneurship: female tourism entrepreneurs in Arctic Norway
    Edward Elgar Publishing 2023 DOI
  • Line Mathisen, Siri Ulfsdatter Søreng :
    Governing co-creative behaviour: the salience of a destination community’s well-being for nudging a sustainable tourism future
    Edward Elgar Publishing 2023 DOI
  • Brynhild Granås, Line Mathisen :
    Unfinished indigenous geographies: The endurances and becomings of a Sámi tourism venture
    Polar Record 2022 ARKIV / DOI
  • Line Mathisen, Siri Ulfsdatter Søreng, Trine Kristiansen Lyrek :
    The reciprocity of soil, soul and society: the heart of developing regenerative tourism activities
    Journal of Tourism Futures 2022 ARKIV / DOI
  • Line Mathisen, Eva Jenny Benedikte Jørgensen :
    The significance of knowledge readiness for co-creation in university industry collaborations
    Innovation: Organization and Management 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • Line Mathisen, Siri Ulfsdatter Søreng :
    Thai mobility and consumerism at North Cape, Norway: Zooming in on a stone at a tourist Site
    Routledge 2021
  • Line Mathisen :
    Storytelling: a way for winter adventure guides to manage emotional labour
    Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism 2018 DOI
  • Eva Jenny Benedikte Jørgensen, Line Mathisen :
    Speed of innovation and proximity in a rural context: the case of a manufacturing SME.
    Edward Elgar Publishing 2018 DOI
  • Arild Røkenes, Line Mathisen :
    Roles of Adventure Guides in Balancing Perceptions of Risk and Safety
    CABI Publishing 2017 DOI
  • Line Mathisen, Espen Carlsson, Niels Arvid Sletterød :
    Sámi Identity and Visions of Preferred Futures: Experiences among Youth in Finnmark and Trøndelag, Norway
    Northern Review 2017 ARKIV / DOI
  • Kari Jæger, Line Mathisen :
    Co-creation in events: Values of volunteers and olunteer tourists at Iditarod in Alaska and the Finnmark Race in Norway
    Routledge 2017
  • Mary Genevieve Billington, James Tommy Karlsen, Line Mathisen, Inger Beate Pettersen :
    Unfolding the relationship between resilient firms and the region
    European Planning Studies 2017 DOI
  • Line Mathisen :
    Storytelling in a co-creation perspective
    CABI Publishing 2014 DOI
  • Line Mathisen, Nina Katrine Prebensen :
    Dramatizing an event through a promotional film: Testing image effects
    Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing 2013 DOI
  • Line Mathisen :
    Staging natural environments: A performance perspective
    Advances in Hospitality And Leisure 2013 DOI
  • Line Mathisen :
    The exploration of the memorable tourist experience
    Advances in Hospitality And Leisure 2012 DOI
  • Line Mathisen, Brynhild Granås :
    Drahjelp til samisk reiselivsutvikling på små steder – hvordan kan samforskning bidra?
  • Vigdis Nygaard, Trine Kvidal-Røvik, Brynhild Granås, Line Mathisen, Kjell Olsen, Albina Pashkevich :
    Drahjelp til samisk reiselivsutvikling på små steder - hvordan kan samforskning bidra?
  • Eva Jenny Benedikte Jørgensen, Line Mathisen :
    Developing-research-entrepreneurship linkages in Northern Norway
  • Eva Jenny Benedikte Jørgensen, Line Mathisen, Siri Ulfsdatter Søreng :
    Strategi, styring og ledelse i små og mellomstore bedrifter, Alta
    UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2019
  • Brynhild Granås, Line Mathisen :
    Performative handlingsrom: entreprenørskap i samisk reiseliv
  • Brynhild Granås, Line Mathisen :
    Performing spaces for creativity and innovation: Entrepreneurship in Sami Tourism
  • Vigdis Nygaard, Line Mathisen :
    Supporting entrepreneurship in Sami areas - between State policy and local co-participation
  • Vigdis Nygaard, Ingvild Nylund, Line Mathisen :
    Muligheter og barrierer for entreprenørskap i samiske områder. (9/2017)
  • Line Mathisen, Eva Jenny Benedikte Jørgensen :
    Understanding more about speed of Innovation: the case of an SME in a rural context
  • Arild Røkenes, Line Mathisen :
    Are safe experiences boring? Four narratives, Four categories
  • Vigdis Nygaard, Line Mathisen :
    Dialogkonferanser som virkemiddel for samhandling - Erfaringer fra VRI Finnmark
  • Arild Røkenes, Line Mathisen :
    Client Importance versus guide performance in adventure nature based tourism

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